
What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?

author:Everybody is a product manager
How can B-side product managers get out of the growth dilemma?
What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?

In recent years, the Internet has entered the second half, the C-end traffic dividend has faded, and enterprises have turned to B-end services.

This has been followed by the expansion of demand for B-end product positions, and more and more people choose to engage in the field of B-end products.

However, due to the particularity of B-end products themselves, heavy industry attributes, complex business logic, and scarcity of learning materials, many newcomers engaged in B-end products have grown barbarically on the workplace road and hit walls everywhere.

Xiaonan, small company, 2 years B-end products.

In a small company of less than 50 people, I have done B-end products for 2 years, mainly engaged in product design in medical and payment, all of which are built from 0 to 1, but basically there is no following to 1, and only two products can enter the promotion and iteration.

Because the company is small, responsible for many things, energy dispersion, not a variety of business trips with business or operation and maintenance, the real investment in product work energy is 1/3, in this area of growth is pitiful.

Recently, after careful consideration, I decided to leave my job to find new opportunities, hoping to jump to the head company in the medical industry, but I don't know what aspects I need to prepare, with my current work experience, and I don't know how to show my advantages when interviewing.

Ahai, a startup, UI to B-end products.

Graduated for 4 years, 2.5 years of B-side UI design, 1.5 years of B-side product experience. At present, he is responsible for reporting tools, low-code products, and SaaS services for government and enterprise customers in combination with project business.

From UI to product, in fact, for the information interaction process, experience sensitivity is relatively more advantageous, but in the B-side field of the product is more of a business system, to business or project needs to drive product development, so will feel that their own advantages of the development space is limited, or the product field is not suitable, do not know how to choose the field.

At present, we are a project-driven product, due to the lack of business accumulation, as well as the lack of a systematic thinking framework, resulting in product work to do more than a little unruly, consider the problem is not complete enough to be in-depth, do not know how to improve their own product thinking framework, become a thinking-driven program of qualified products.

The above are two typical "wild road" B-end product managers in my circle of friends:

  • One is because of the lack of experience in large project trading in a small company, which is a prototype diagram tool person, which is forced to fall behind.
  • Because of the lack of business knowledge, even if you know the theory, you don't know how to use it, and you are overwhelmed when you switch application scenarios slightly.

If they still stay where they are and do not make changes, on the one hand, they lack reliable guidance in their daily work, and on the other hand, there is no more opportunity for systematic learning, which will lead to several years in the industry, the work is disorderly, and it is difficult to even promote and raise salaries, let alone enter the big factory.

So, as a B-side product manager, how to grasp the direction and rhythm faster? Choose your career path more rationally?

Let yourself get rid of the state of miscellaneous and low-wage as soon as possible, and become a person with a "money path" and long-term career competitiveness, instead of eating youth and doing physical work?

My advice is: follow the big guy to learn how the B-side product works in the system.

  • On the one hand, the big guy has experienced various business projects, and the methods summarized from the practice will definitely make you take a lot of detours.
  • On the other hand, learning a set of systematic B-side product working methods will be of great help to future B-side product work. Because in the face of complex B-end product work, you can see the problem from a more holistic perspective, and better understand why you want to do it and how to do it.

For example, in professional companies, there will be a set of growth training programs for product managers, from P1 to Pn at different stages, the focus of learning work is completely different.

What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?

Start Classroom Product Community

"There are professional people to bring, the way of doing things is a spectrum"

It's like writing code, even if people who have studied in college have learned it poorly. He also knew what things were in this discipline, what he needed to learn in the future, where he could learn these things, and he had a spectrum of ways and methods of doing things in his heart.

If you haven't learned it systematically, it's a hammer in the east and a stick in the west. Not knowing what stage you are in, not knowing how to learn and grow, and not knowing exactly what you have to learn may lead to not having a clear career plan.

"Someone to take, in advance to understand what, why, how to do"

I've seen a lot of product managers in the market, and when they interview, they talk about the journal, and only talk about this matter.

Why can't I say why I did this? What is the value of the business itself? Are there any competitors in the market? What are some common functions on the market that can be used to learn from each other?

If you give him a new proposition and a new business, he can't quickly make some interpretations based on his original ability.

In this way, even if you work for 3-5 years, you are still in the same place, because you are taking the existing experience to directly reuse, rather than reusing the ability precipitated in the experience, which is actually a frame for yourself, but it is not necessarily that the B-end products you made yourself have no market.

"Where to find a senior who can take you by hand"

Understanding the importance of learning B-end products, there are two other problems that everyone is worried about under the condition of "having people to bring":

  • Where to find a mentor? Is the experience of the found mentor sufficient? Is the strength really too strong?
  • After learning from other people's systematic knowledge system, the thinking is relatively clear, but what should I do if I lack experience in specific work?

In order to help more students who want to systematically learn B-end product knowledge, the starting class and Tencent, Ali and other B-end product practice big coffee jointly launched the "90-day B-end product manager practical class".

What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?

We hope to help you:

  • Master a set of core working methods of B-end products that are used by senior product experts of first-line Internet manufacturers;
  • In-depth B-end product actual work scenarios, participate in the completion of 3 practical simulation projects, and produce high-quality interview works;
  • Link excellent B-end product people from fortune 500 companies, expand horizons and accumulate network resources.

Next, I will briefly introduce this course for you~

What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?
What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?
What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?
What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?
What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?

The above is this course taught online by a number of 10+ years of B-end product veteran drivers:

The learning content includes: 24 live lessons + 7 major content modules + 5 major industry case dismantling + 12 product business consulting meetings + 12 learning achievement exchange meetings to help you master a set of B-end product process working methods!

The course may not solve all of your problems, but we believe it will be a crucial step towards becoming a B-side product manager.

If you still want to have a better understanding of the course, you can scan the poster QR code below the code to get a free trial place, the latest "90 days B-side product manager practical class" open class will be broadcast live at 20:00 on March 9, the current No. 1 Internet product expert @ Wang Peng teacher will take CRM, HR software as an example, teach you four ways to solve business problems to achieve cost reduction and efficiency for enterprises B-side products, including the following:

  1. B-end products must know the common sense of enterprise operation and management;
  2. 2 case studies analyze how B-end products can empower enterprise operations;
  3. B-end products are commonly used technical means to achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

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What do those B-side product managers who get rid of the "wild way" do?