
Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

author:Qilu one point

Woman is a beautiful and timeless poem, a colorful painting, a wonderful and readable book, a gentle water, an amorous cloud, a pleasant wind, a landscape, a blue sky, air, a firmament, a string of wind chimes that clang... Every year on the eve of the March 8th Festival, such a warm WeChat will surround every woman, so that the world will pour out all the beautiful words and chapters to praise women.

If you look at women from a visual point of view, women are undoubtedly the embodiment of art and the place of beauty. No matter whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, she can render a realm, an atmosphere.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

see! The woman walking in the spring, wrapped in moisture, moist, lightly enveloped by the fog, so hazy that you can't think of a word of praise, saying that women and spring are synonymous, it is not too much.

In the summer, a floral cloth skirt, in the sound of fine footsteps, twists and turns, rhymes and ruts, drift away, let people reverie.

In autumn, irregular hairstyles, full of romantic moods, and the sound of ringing and tinkling, bring women's femininity to the extreme.

In winter, a casual tweed coat, standing quietly, will render a very beautiful and beautiful classic, that elegant and dusty beauty, let people reminisce endlessly.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

No matter what season of the woman, she is water, is a clear spring, is a beautiful waterfall, lively, vivid, clear, deep, she uses the movement of life to create human vitality, washing the dust of the world; she is the earth, gentle, affectionate, wet. She balances the cold and summer, the heat of the summer sun, the warmth of the winter, the constant temperature of the four seasons, and the unity of the world.

The woman comes to you, like a fresh cloud, which makes people bright, as if in the Guanghan Palace, fluttering and intoxicating; when the woman turns away, the back shadow will always make you read often, like a meaningful exclamation point, lingering in your eyes that cannot bear to be restrained; and like an eternal landscape, silently stopping at the highest place of your soul, so that you always need to look up to see it.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

The 20-year-old girl is a splendid flower, her plump and healthy skin depicts the beauty of life, and her intoxicated posture tells the happiness of loving and being loved. She experienced the joy of life to the fullest, squandered the smile of youth to the fullest, and declared to the world with affection and pride: the 20-year-old flower season is infinitely beautiful. Once the 20-year-old girl is involved in the love scene, she is intoxicated and does not know the way back. When I met a boy, I thought it was love, and I plunged into it, the world I can not want, I just want love. Therefore, the girl who dares to laugh at the reputation, the status, and the money, in the face of love, is respectful and obsessive, lest it slip away from her. As long as there is love, girls can have no regrets.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

The 30-year-old woman, like a ripe apple, hangs heavily on the branches, which is a mature and heavy season. Those girlish dreams are like soap bubbles flying in the sky, flying away one by one, and finally the woman has only a man and a family in her hands. A 30-year-old woman holds her husband in her left hand and a baby in her right hand, carrying her old ideals, entering life and transcending life. At this time, the woman really wants to be his right arm, to be his eyes and to be his ears. Deeply love his strengths, forgive him for his shortcomings, and are willing to share a fate with him.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

When a 30-year-old woman often looks at her 20 years old like looking out at the sea from the shore, the years bring her to 40 years old. The 40-year-old woman took a self-portrait and found that at some point the corners of her eyebrows had added a few lines of time grooves to her eyebrows, and her sideburns were also stained with a little white frost. The accumulation of life through wind and rain, sorrow and joy, thoughts and feelings, makes them deeply contain an inner temperament beauty from the inside out.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

A 50-year-old woman is like a rich book, with a simple cover and rich content. They have many thrilling and beautiful stories in their hearts. Only the shadow and no god of the woman is the most prone to withering, and the woman who has been cultivated by the vicissitudes of the sea and the mulberry field can reach the realm of beauty and wisdom. No matter what age a woman is, as long as your dreams are still blooming, it is the most brilliant and most attractive season of life.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

Beautiful women are pleasing to the eye, wise women are pleasing to the eye. Unforgettable woman is the West Lake in the rain, let you linger, unforgettable, is the touch of the deep memory, is the bright red seal on the ink painting, so that you can't help but want to write a retrospective when browsing, good time to taste her sweet fragrance. The simple woman is a cold water brewing tea slowly thickening, and the faint fragrance of each leaf vein fills your entire space.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

There is only one "March 8th" festival a year, but women can be like flowers for 365 days, full of beauty and red, and bloom to the fullest. When a woman has enough ability to feed back to society with her sincerity, knowledge and wisdom, she enters the flower season of life, and along the way, she condenses the dan and spits, and the fragrance of flowers fills the garden.

Woman, confident woman, strong woman, elegant woman, beautiful woman, raise your smiley face and live out the ultimate of a woman.

Warm as water bright eyebrows like happy flower goddess day

One point number Liu Zhaoyun