
Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

author:History of war

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Author: Yi Pin Wen team Yi Uncle, welcome to forward!

When Russia entered Ukraine, as the Progress of the Russian Army did not seem to be satisfactory, Zelenskiy was touted by the West as a "big hero" for a while. It seems that under his leadership, Ukraine can fight a Jedi counteroffensive against Russia. But as the war progressed, the wind direction seemed to be slowly changing.

This time because of the media public opinion war that began because of the war, Russia can be said to be completely inferior, basically there is no good response. Western media on Russia to smear the ability to spread rumors, the major platforms have basically strangled the Russian side of the voice channels, in addition to one of the five permanent Members of the Internet Indian netizens can also actively speak for Russia, frenzied other Western countries, other pro-Russian voices are basically completely strangled, it can be said that the Russian side is basically unilaterally hanged by the West.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

Some friends may be more curious, why Indian netizens can support Russia on the Internet without restrictions, but they are not afraid of being banned, this is because there are many Indian executives in Western technology companies, and some parts of Western technology companies such as auditing and customer service are basically outsourced to India, so Indians can support Russia without scruples. In addition, India itself is an important part of the United States to win over China, there is a great use value, the West is difficult to completely turn the face with India for this kind of thing, completely push India into the arms of Russia, to know that India is now destined to surpass China's world's most populous country, this human resources alone make the West salivate.

The topic pulled back, although Russia fell into the inferior position in public opinion, but Uncle Yi's previous article "Russia gets the land, the United States gains profits, the EU gets the fart, Ukraine gets the sacrifice" said very clearly, this war is fought, don't look at the West is now crazy like Russia to carry out a variety of sanctions, but these sanctions are actually seven wounds fists, looking at russia is very cool, now start to vomit their own blood.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

Kicking Russia out of SWIFT has left Russia's foreign debt to the EU unpaid. Uncle Yi's previous "List of Sanctions against Russia" has taught China a lesson in the soul! It is written that after the First World War, Russia refused to repay foreign usury, which led to the downfall of France, a usury imperialist country. The countries that borrow the most from Russia today are Italy with $25.3 billion, France with $25.2 billion, Austria with $17.5 billion, the United States with $14.7 billion, Japan with $9.6 billion, Germany with $8.1 billion, the Netherlands with $6.6 billion and Switzerland with $3.7 billion. Russia has now made it clear that all countries that have been at odds with Russia will be repaid in Russian rubles. Hearing this news, bankers in these countries are expected to go crazy. If all of this debt is dumped by Russia, the financial crisis could be bigger and deeper than the 08 financial crisis.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

In addition to the financial crisis, Europe and the United States are also facing an epic inflation.

Energy: European gas prices soared to $3,700/1000 cubic metres, up more than 300% from before the Russo-Ukrainian war and more than a dozen times higher than a year ago. International oil prices have hit a high of $140 a barrel, and even analysts have seen $200 a barrel. The price of coal rose from $190 a tonne to $450.

In terms of grain: international wheat prices rose by 40.62%, corn by 14.72%, soybeans by 4.64%, and rice by 7.47%, reaching a 30-year high!

Minerals: copper, aluminum, nickel and other bulk metal commodities have also soared wildly.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

The European and American economies have been dragged down by the epidemic, and now energy, food, and minerals are soaring, and future expectations have to rise, and inflation in the West has been set to explode this year. To digress here, on the other hand, the mainland, according to JPMorgan Chase estimates, last year to now, China bought the world's newly produced 84% copper, 70% corn, 51% wheat, 40% soybeans, 26% crude oil, 22% aluminum, to be honest, can only admire the mainland leadership for its foresight!

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

In the face of such crazy inflation, the United States can also pick the EU to make a profit. For example, Russian banks or enterprises listed in Europe or the United Kingdom, investors who hold their shares are forced to sell their shares by official sanctions in Europe and the United States, suppressing the stock price to the point of almost becoming waste paper, and then a batch of Wall Street financial capital can be unrestricted, using the price of scrap to absorb the equity of all these Russian high-quality banking companies, and can make a lot of money immediately after the sanctions are lifted in the future, and its profitability can be described as cramping and peeling. But the relative loss is the European Union, the price of soaring, investment losses to Russia are heavy, but also rely on Russian gas and oil, and even Russia owns nearly a thousand passenger aircraft are leased from the European Union, not to mention rent, now after blocking each other's airspace, even the planes are not available. It can be said that if it continues like this, Russia will not know whether it will die or not, and the EU is really dying.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

The EU has done this, and even the most stupid politicians should react. Don't look at the anti-Russian propaganda and action in Europe is now vigorous, but in fact, when the inflation of commodities is transmitted to the user side, the people of European countries will boil up. You must know that everyone in the world is looking at people with no effort, and when it is my turn to really have a cow, then whoever harms my interests will be opposed to whom. These European politicians who are now on stage are now dancing with joy, frantically agitating for populism, waiting for a series of problems such as great inflation to surface, and their troubles will be great. Now that the owner of Belgium's most famous restaurant, Chez Léon, has committed suicide, how many people will follow in his footsteps in the future? How big a social problem will arise, it is chilling to think about.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

These high-level people in the West are actually human spirits, and they have also seen this situation. So French President Emmanuel Macron told French companies not to rush out of Russia. Lawmakers from Germany's far-right AfD have openly said that it is not Russia's fault that Russia attacked Ukraine, but that NATO has repeatedly been aggressive. Europe is also thinking about how to adjust the relationship between Ukraine and Russia, and the Western media is slowly adjusting. For example, the French media has made several negative reports on the Ukrainian government, and even the United States has revealed that Zelenskiy has a $35 million mansion in Miami and has more than $1.3 billion in bank accounts in the United States. Now NATO has begun to discuss the question of who would replace Zelenskiy if he was killed.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

So why is it that the West is now beginning to make preparations to abandon Zelenskiy, both in public opinion and in practice? In fact, Zelenskiy, a person, put a lot of pressure on the West through social media. He has publicly complained online more than once about NATO's abandonment of Ukraine, and has also used public opinion to pressure the EU to approve Ukraine's accession. All kinds of complaints that the West has paid lip service to Ukraine but are not true, these remarks can be described as nakedly tearing off the veil of Western hypocrisy. This person on the stage is no longer a help to the West, but a scourge. In particular, his current attitude towards Russia is still very tough, and his current desire to ease the situation and reduce economic pressure in Europe is not in line with expectations, so Zelenskiy is increasingly abandoned.

Don't doubt it, Zelenskiy is in danger now

In the future, if Zelenskiy suddenly reports the news of being assassinated by Russia (of course, it cannot be killed by Russia), Uncle Yi will not be surprised at all, go down to Zelenskiy, come up with a better controlled figure, and then burst out all kinds of negative news, forcing the Ukrainian side to reach an agreement with Russia as soon as possible to restore Russia's energy supply to Europe. The final bite eats up the millions of refugees from Ukraine into Western Europe to replenish the low-end European labor force that Western Europe, especially Germany has long desired, in the non-Middle East Africa.

When the Russo-Ukrainian War broke out, Germany finally suppressed the voice of the white leftists in the country, and soared a huge military expenditure of more than 2% of GDP. With this money, Germany and France could finally begin to form a European army that had been clamoring for decades. When the European army is formed, then NATO has no need to exist. The EU's departure from the United States makes it possible to dissolve NATO. But probably the last thing Zelenskiy wants to die today is Russia, and if he did, it would become a heroic totem for Ukraine, not a symbol of shame. But unfortunately, Zelenskiy's fate is not in Russia's hands... If you have any interesting insights, please feel free to leave a message below to discuss! References "Ukrainian Air Force" (this article is Uncle Yi said the world series, interested friends, please use WeChat to search for the public number: The Situation Emperor, watch all the original articles of the Yi Uncle Said World series)