
Crack down the agent rights protection black and gray production! Verdict pronounced in the iconic case of credit card overdue

author:Investment tide

Source: Negotiate Jingwei

Recently, a landmark case involving "credit repair" black and gray production was officially pronounced, and the crimes of forging and buying and selling official documents of state organs and forging the seals of public institutions were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and fines, which aroused widespread concern in the financial industry. In the process of rectifying the chaos of "black and gray production" in the financial sector, this case is of great warning significance.

Here, I also advise the black intermediaries to stop the horse from the cliff, do not make a mistake again! It also reminds consumers not to believe in any "credit repair" and "agent rights protection" propaganda techniques, not only may lose both wealth and credit, but also may be suspected of violating laws and regulations!

"Malicious touch porcelain" bank?! The gang involved was sentenced

The above case is actually not complicated, Jinan Zhang Mou because of a number of credit card overdue and rushed to the hospital, credulously believed in the so-called "credit repair" advertisement on social platforms. Through advertising, Zhang quickly contacted the intermediary Zheng and paid a commission of 16,800 yuan. In order to make huge profits, the intermediary gang forged documents including the notice of filing a case by the Public Security Bureau and the notice of determination opinion, and sent the materials to the party Zhang Mou for use.

Accompanied by an intermediary, Zhang went to the bank with a forged document to ask for a credit report, and was recognized by the bank personnel and called the police. After many investigations, the police finally arrested Hu Mou, who forged official documents, in Hunan, and found more than 100 fake seals in his home.

Crack down the agent rights protection black and gray production! Verdict pronounced in the iconic case of credit card overdue

Recently, the Lixia District Court of Jinan City, Shandong Province, officially pronounced a verdict: Hu X, a person involved in the case, committed the crime of forging and buying and selling official documents of state organs and the crime of forging the seal of a public institution, and was sentenced to two years and two months imprisonment and fined 16,000 yuan; Zheng X was sentenced to one year and three months imprisonment and fined 8,000 yuan for the crime of buying and selling official documents of state organs.

Through this uncomplicated case, it seems that we can glimpse the corner of the hidden and profiteering black industry such as "credit repair" and "agent rights protection".

Behind the guise of "acting as an agent for rights protection" is a black "business" of Wanli

In fact, black and gray intermediaries have been keeping up with the "outlet of the times" and are quite active on traffic platforms such as short videos. They often claim to be so-called "experts", with "agent rights protection", "credit whitewashing", "credit repair" as gimmicks, accurately pinch the "pain points" of credit overdue people, and obtain personal privacy information and other information through false promises. While instigating and impersonating consumers to maliciously complain about financial institutions, they even take risks to forge official documents and so on, so as to make huge profits.

Crack down the agent rights protection black and gray production! Verdict pronounced in the iconic case of credit card overdue

They have their own set of "complaint rights protection" methodology, and present professional and large-scale operational characteristics. Some people are responsible for private domain drainage, some people are responsible for forging documents, some people are responsible for complaints, and some people are responsible for after-sales pockets, each service often quotes thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, but the "sales" are very good.

On some platforms, the author even directly searched for related products, with a monthly transaction volume of hundreds of pieces.

Crack down the agent rights protection black and gray production! Verdict pronounced in the iconic case of credit card overdue

Under the guise of "acting as an agent to safeguard rights," they are actually on the verge of violating laws and regulations. This "good business" in the eyes of black and gray intermediaries has actually seriously disrupted the normal social and economic order and brought a series of negative effects to the construction of consumers, financial institutions, and even the social credit system.

For banks and other financial institutions, the continuous influx of malicious complaints will not only interfere with the normal negotiation work of banks, significantly increase the cost of services, but also squeeze out the communication resources of customers with real reasonable needs, resulting in a lot of waste of resources.

For the majority of consumers, "seeking help" from black intermediaries is even more troublesome. On the one hand, whether it succeeds or fails, it will face huge legal risks, and the "service fee" paid by consumers may be adrift at any time; on the other hand, in the so-called "service" process, the user's personal privacy is also likely to be resold by people with ulterior motives, and then fall into the hands of various fraud gangs, causing a succession of adverse chain reactions.

Supervision in many places to curb "illegal agent complaints"

Scams such as "agent rights protection", "illegal agent complaints", and "credit repair" have attracted the attention of the government, regulatory departments and other parties.

Previously, the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission has made it clear that it will make every effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of lenders, resolutely crack down on malicious debt evasion, and strengthen the governance of illegal network groups such as "anti-collection". This is the first time that "anti-collection" is clearly defined as "illegal organization", which undoubtedly provides an important reference for relevant departments to handle relevant cases.

In September 2021, the China Banking Association issued the Announcement on Preventing the Risk of "Illegal Agent Complaints" in the Banking And Financial Sector, calling on the banking industry to resolutely resist "illegal agent complaints" and jointly maintain a good financial consumption environment.

Crack down the agent rights protection black and gray production! Verdict pronounced in the iconic case of credit card overdue

Beijing, Hainan, Liaoning, Guangdong, Shanxi and other local regulatory departments and judicial organs have successively issued notices to prevent the risk of agent complaints in the financial sector, and have joined hands with other law enforcement agencies to take special actions in this regard.

Recently, the Shanghai headquarters of the Chinese Minmin Bank issued a warning against the "credit repair" scam, emphasizing that "there is no such thing as 'repair' and 'whitewashing' in the credit reporting field, and all claims that legitimate and fee-based 'credit repair' are scams, and no one has the right to delete or modify credit records at will." Even if there is an overdue record, do not panic too much, because on the one hand, the overdue record on the personal credit report will be retained for 5 years after the arrears and interest arrears are paid off, and will not be accompanied by a lifetime; on the other hand, the bank will conduct a comprehensive judgment when making loan approvals, and will not use the credit report as the only reference basis. In addition, it is also possible to explain the overdue explanation and explanation by issuing a personal statement, and the personal credit report will be truthfully recorded. ”

Crack down the agent rights protection black and gray production! Verdict pronounced in the iconic case of credit card overdue

After the regulatory authorities in many places clearly curbed the "protection of rights by agents", through a set of data, it was seen that the number of complaints involving credit card business decreased to varying degrees year-on-year and month-on-month.

According to the CBIRC's Circular on Consumer Complaints in the Banking industry in the third quarter of 2021, in the third quarter of 2021, there were 44,374 consumer complaints involving credit card business in the banking industry, a year-on-year decrease of 8.3%, accounting for 50.8% of the total number of complaints. In the second quarter, there were 46,273 complaints involving credit card business, an increase of 37.2% year-on-year, accounting for 54.8% of the total number of complaints.

Cracking down on "agent rights protection" and "illegal agent complaints" has become a consensus of many parties

As the "broken window effect" in criminal psychology demonstrates, broken windows tend to attract more people to destroy more windows under exemplary indulgence. Black and gray production such as "illegal agent complaints" is like a virus, constantly eroding the foundation of the credit society, and it is urgent for all parties to play a "combination fist" and work together to give the "window breakers" a head-on blow.

From the perspective of consumers, establishing a correct concept of consumer rights protection and "resolutely saying no to illegal acts" should become a consensus. While correctly understanding financial knowledge through formal channels, consumers should establish a correct financial concept, be familiar with legitimate rights protection methods, and prefer official channels to reflect reasonable demands and protect the legitimate rights and interests of individuals.

A relevant person from the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China suggested, "After overdue, it is necessary to repay the loan in full and in a timely manner, terminate the bad behavior, and pay attention to living within the limits of the daily income, reasonable lending, repaying on time, avoiding overdue, and maintaining a good credit record." If it is found that there are errors or omissions in the personal information on the credit report, an objection may be raised to the financial institution or the Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China, and there is no charge for handling the objection. ”

From the perspective of financial institutions, it is also an important responsibility to actively assume social responsibility and increase the publicity of financial knowledge. On the one hand, financial institutions should consciously start the popularization of financial knowledge to help consumers establish a correct financial concept; on the other hand, financial institutions can also cooperate to curb the development of the black and ash industry through the establishment of mechanisms such as joint prevention and joint management and blacklist sharing.

The promotion of measures such as the strengthening of system construction, the smoothing of rights protection channels, and the coordination and linkage of centralized rectification by regulatory departments will also inject a "booster" into the prevention of financial black and gray production risks.

It is believed that with the continuous improvement of the regulatory system, the joint efforts of all walks of life to break the situation, and the continuous improvement of consumers' legal awareness, the living soil of black and ash production in the future will be eradicated little by little.