
In a frenzy! The Azov battalion wanted to detonate the nuclear reactor, and Kadyrov ordered the total annihilation of the Nazi forces

author:Long March defender Xue Boling

Now the Russo-Ukrainian war has entered a white-hot stage, the Ukrainian side began to do everything possible to delay time, while a steady stream of Russian troops into the territory of the Ukrainian side, today the two sides once again entered a brief "state of silence", and the Russian delegation has begun to go to Belarus, the two countries are about to carry out the third round of negotiations, but the Western countries have also begun to take action.

According to reports, on March 7, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a message to the outside world, saying that the Ukrainian Azov battalion planted a bomb on the nuclear reactor in Kharkiv, wanted to release radioactive nuclear contamination after the explosion, and finally blamed the Russian army; the purpose of them was to prevent the Russian army from attacking, if the Russian army launched a missile attack, it would detonate the bomb, and if the Russian army directly hit, it would also detonate the bomb, and the Russian army would die.

It can only be said that the Azov battalion is too mad, no wonder in recent days European and American countries have been constantly speculating about the safety of nuclear facilities in the United Nations, it seems that there is a reason, they have learned in advance that the Azov battalion wants to blow up nuclear reactors and create nuclear pollution, these Nazi armed forces are willing to treat the Ukrainian people as a "human shield", there is nothing that they dare not do, this bottomless behavior also reveals that now the Ukrainian side is already the end of the crossbow, forced to a dead end.

Now the exchange of fire in the Mariupol area is extremely fierce, because the "old nest" of the Azov battalion is here, and the current Chechen troops and the Russian army have surrounded this place, but there are still some Nazi militants who are resisting, and they have provoked the Chechen troops before, which directly angered Kadyrov, he let out harsh words, whether dead or alive, the head of a Commander of the Azov Battalion is worth 500,000 US dollars, and the killing of ordinary Nazi fighters is also rewarded with 5,000 US dollars, which shows how much Chechnya hates the Azov battalion.

It is only a matter of time before the Russian forces take over the area, and Kadyrov has issued an order to send a Chechen special police regiment to the territory of Ukraine, and to "declare war" on these Nazi militants, it must be completely annihilated, and these "demons" must not be allowed to leave Mariupol alive, let alone give them any chance to surrender.

The reason why the Russian army has stagnated in recent days has a lot to do with these militants; these Nazi armed forces have no humanity, and do not listen to the command of the Ukrainian army, directly killed a certain commander of the Eastern Front of the Ukrainian army, and was also bombarded by Ukrainian missiles, although there are humanitarian passages, but the Nazi armed forces have repeatedly prevented the withdrawal of the local people, because the Russian army has made it clear that it will not attack the Ukrainian civilians, so these people are used as "shields" to resist the Russian attack.

In a frenzy! The Azov battalion wanted to detonate the nuclear reactor, and Kadyrov ordered the total annihilation of the Nazi forces

What is even more inhuman is that in order to prevent the evacuation of local civilians, the Azov battalion placed 10,000 "petal" anti-infantry mines in the civilian area of the Mariupol area, which are small in appearance and low in cost, and the most important point is that the explosion range is not large, just the power that can blow up the lower body such as the legs and feet of people, so that the soldiers and people who are bombed are worse off than dead, so the mine is also called "broken leg mine".

The reason why the Azov battalion wanted to do this was to prevent the Russian army from advancing rapidly and slowing down the pace of the attack, and the location of these mines was very hidden, even if the Russian army occupied Mariupol, it would be re-injured in the process of searching; and the choice to install bombs in civilian areas was to point the spearhead at the Russian army, let the Russian side carry the black cauldron, and create an illusion that the Russian army caused the local people to be injured, so that the Russian side was condemned in public opinion.

In a frenzy! The Azov battalion wanted to detonate the nuclear reactor, and Kadyrov ordered the total annihilation of the Nazi forces

Therefore, if the Russian army wants to reduce losses, it should get in touch with the local pro-Russian forces, after familiarizing themselves with the local terrain, and then carry out military operations, and can use armored vehicles and helicopter gunships to transport troops, and this anti-infantry mine has a disadvantage, that is, its detonation time is only 40 hours, as long as it exceeds the time, it will be invalid, and then send demining soldiers can be more effective with half the effort.

This Azov battalion has been supported by Western countries, although it entered the Ukrainian organization, but did not do any good, and even wanted to detonate the nuclear reactor, according to relevant information, the Ukrainian side has been secretly developing nuclear weapons since the abandonment of nuclear weapons, and its United States has also provided help to it, including the transportation of raw materials, etc., and some media said that the Ukrainian side is making nuclear dirty bombs.

In a frenzy! The Azov battalion wanted to detonate the nuclear reactor, and Kadyrov ordered the total annihilation of the Nazi forces

The wicked must be punished as they deserve, and the inhuman and despicable means of the Azov battalion will inevitably be hit back by the Chechen forces, but no matter what the outcome of the war, it is only the innocent people on the Ukrainian side who are ultimately injured, so these Nazi forces should be annihilated as soon as possible and not let them continue to harm others.