
"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

author:Play with drawing


Detailed drawing steps

Original figure

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Complete the diagram

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

# Painting tools #

Pen: Charcoal - soft and hard three models of each a few

Paper: Kang Song 150g/160g

Others: tissues, pen and paper, cherry blossom eraser

Illustration steps explained

Step 1: Composition and starting

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Today, Mr. Renjie came to teach everyone to draw a beast, and students should be careful not to be bitten by it! First of all, let's analyze the effect of the black and white picture of the picture. Here we can see that part of the whole body is heavier than the background, so that it can be better set off. Then, the whole circle of hair around the lion is illuminated, and it can be considered that this picture is a backlit, and the light is shining from the other side of our lion, which is also what we need to notice the whole color change.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Second, we can look at a perspective relationship in the picture, although it is a full-sided angle, but it can not affect a basic situation of our entire observation of the picture, you can pay attention to the teacher's red lines are along a direction to disappear and extend to the distance, this is very critical, is to better reflect our a shape of the part. Next we start depicting.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness
"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

First we take out the soft carbon and show the whole tiger's head in a circle, and add a cross in the middle, which just divides the whole circle into four parts. This spherical shape does not need to be very precise, it is generally enough.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Then his mouth and ears, body and other parts, also in the most concise general square, such as the mouth is a rectangle, the ears are a small square, the neck part is similar to a trapezoid.

Step 2: Lay the background color

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness
"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Next, we further summarize it in a similar way, such as the eye is like a triangle, the part of the tooth is sunken inward, like a large trapezoid, and the teeth inside the mouth are similar to some small, pointed triangles. They are summarized in the simplest way of geometry, which is the most critical and important part of our entire emergence.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Our whole large draft part has been basically fixed, then go back, we will begin to further show this shape more clearly and clearly, and on the basis of the original, make some adjustments and processing to it, at this time our lines can be clearer and clearer, and the color can be heavier.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Then we can start to color the whole lion part, with our wood carbon strips, and the whole background is what we need to emphasize this time, lay a gray color, and then the whole body part is the same. In the process of laying, try to maintain a uniform effect, do not appear some excessive lines, uniform is the most comfortable, the most appropriate.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Then, we can take out a series of wiping tools such as sponge balls or tissue pens, and rub the whole picture as a whole, to this part, in fact, the color may not be so heavy, but there is no problem, we just give him a gray color, try to rub this color evenly in the early stage.

Drawing step three: Shaping

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Next we officially began to shape this facial part, now the overall color of the lion has a general effect, we start from the eyes, the eyes it is a key part of our entire picture, then when we draw the eyes, we must pay attention to its entire texture expression, and its shape changes in the triangle. To reflect its glass texture, we need to wipe it more. You can take a look at one of the teacher's picture effects.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Next we will continue to shape the other facial features, and then we will draw the whole nose and mouth part of it, we can first deepen its overall color, and draw some of its basic folds, including a fierce expression. A fold condition of the muscle is also to be expressed as a key part.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Then we can rub it as a whole and take out our pen and paper, because the front of the paper and pen is pointed, which is more suitable for wiping some smaller places. When we rub it, we try to wipe it more evenly, because we don't care too much about its hair texture in the early stage, but first establish this bulk relationship to it clearly.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

We further take out the soft carbon, to shape it, and to deepen the overall color of the mouth, the color of the mouth can be said to be the heaviest and largest place in the whole picture, because its inherent color is very dark, and it is an area that the sun cannot shine, here we need to pay attention to it.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

After painting the heavy color of the mouth, we go to outline its teeth, including its tongue part, compared to the color will be brighter, then we can have a very sharp contrast when we process. Here we have to remember to observe more and compare more colors.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Then for a part of our whole body, we use soft carbon to increase the color again, because the whole thing is a backlight effect, so our color needs to be unified to lay it again.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Then also take out our paper brush or sponge ball paper towel, rub it, according to the relationship of its entire lion structure, show its color change, do not draw the same, because every place it will have color changes. In this way, the whole object will appear more volumetric, and accurately explain his entire head, including a series of relationships such as neck, chin, throat knot, and so on.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

After wiping it, we are shaping some texture in the whole picture, the lion surface is rich in hair, then we can bring some small details between black and gray at some color junctions. When painting, we must go in its direction, to line up, including the inside of our entire ear, these relatively bright hairs, can be outlined by eraser, simple treatment.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Finally, we began to outline the brightly colored hair part of his entire outer edge, which can also be said to be the brightest area and place in the whole picture. If we are in a very relaxed state when painting hair, extending outward, heavier when the pen is dropped, lighter when closing the pen, and the eyebrows and beard parts of the painting will be relatively longer, then at this time, we can all be more refreshing and more relaxed with this eraser for a treatment, so that the painting can better reflect the texture effect of each bright color hair. The above is our whole lion, the last one processing effect situation, you can feel it.

"Painting Details" Teacher Renjie teaches you to draw a ferocious lioness

Scan the completion diagram

Above all, we lions have finished painting, have you learned?