
Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

author:Luwang Linyi Channel

Recently, Linyi Second Experimental Primary School held the Tenth Second Teaching Congress and Trade Union General Assembly. Li Gongde, deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Lanshan District Committee of Linyi City, member of the party group and deputy director of the bureau, and Zhang Yan, deputy chief of the party building work section, attended the conference. Also attending the meeting were members of the school's leadership team, representatives of faculty and staff, all trade union members, and members of the nanjing road campus and qiligou campus. The meeting opened with the solemn sound of the national anthem.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

Zhang Wenling, secretary of the general branch of the party, delivered an opening speech, hoping that all deputies would conscientiously participate in the agenda of the meeting with the attitude of being the masters, conscientiously perform the democratic duties of the deputies, pool their wisdom and wisdom for the development of the school, offer ideas and suggestions, and make their due contributions to the opening of this teaching congress and the implementation of the spirit of the good teaching congress.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

Liu Caiying, a representative of the faculty and staff, said that in the past year, all the faculty and staff have spent the past year in a struggle to enrichment. Under the leadership of the school leadership team, the school has continuously achieved excellent results in its work. Classroom reform has been steadily advanced, campus management has been finely standardized, teachers have grown and developed in an all-round way, and logistics and trade union work have warm and loving.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

The school work report was presented in an innovative form, and each department and branch campus reported in turn, with prominent focus and pictures and texts. All the teaching cadres and teachers use love and wisdom to cultivate in the most beautiful peach blossom source, and comprehensively build the most beautiful education brand of Linyi Second Primary School.

President Liu Zhonghua planned and looked forward to the work in 2021 and put forward higher requirements. 2021 is the first year of the national "14th Five-Year Plan", the school's actual work will be integrated into the "14th Five-Year Plan", vigorously promote the most beautiful classroom reform; accelerate the construction of the most beautiful curriculum system; consolidate the concept of "cultivating morality, each with its own beauty" moral education concept, promote the formation of students' behavior habits, promote students' personality, and cultivate the most beautiful students; consolidate traditional cultural education, inject spiritual strength into the most beautiful teachers and students; promote labor, art and science and technology education; accelerate the construction of smart campuses; and strengthen the research and cooperation of education groups. Liu Zhonghua asked teachers to uphold the educational concept of "self-confidence and beauty", cherish the dream of education, with a pragmatic attitude and forward-looking vision, creatively grasp all kinds of work, use wisdom and responsibility to cultivate the most beautiful education, and wait for Tao Li Fenfang.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

The "Report on the Work of the School Trade Union" by Liang Jiezuo, the director of the trade union, comprehensively and meticulously expounded the work and harvest of the school trade union in the past year, which was clear and warm to the heart.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

Vice Principal Ma Yanlei gave a reasonable answer to the proposal of the faculty representatives, which made the faculty and staff feel the concern and attention of the school leaders, and effectively encouraged all the teachers to achieve better results.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

Vice President Shen Rulei organized representatives of faculty and staff to conduct a democratic evaluation of the school's leadership team and all party members.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

After group discussion and deliberation, the representatives of the teaching staff adopted the "School Work Report", "School Trade Union Work Report", "School Financial Work Report", "School Canteen Accounting Report" and the answers to the proposals of the faculty and staff. The delegates attending the meeting conscientiously performed their duties as deputies and played the role of "democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision" in participating in and discussing state affairs, which fully embodied the spirit of ownership of the vast number of teachers and staff.

Zhang Yan spoke highly of the school's work in the past year. She said that in 2020, Linyi Second Primary School has achieved excellent results on the road of creating the most beautiful education, with distinctive school-running characteristics, improving the taste of running a school, forging the school brand, winning a high social reputation, and making positive contributions to the development of education in the whole district.

Linyi No. 2 Experimental Primary School held the 10th Second Faculty Congress and Trade Union Membership Conference

Liu Zhonghua said in his closing speech that the conference was well prepared, well organized and practical, highlighting the innovative development concept of school education. The delegates attending the meeting put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions, which are an important embodiment of the vast number of deputies conscientiously exercising their democratic rights and participating in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, and the school will accept them with an open mind.

The conference ended triumphantly in the Internationale.

In the new year and new hope, all the teachers and staff of Linyi Second Experimental Primary School will bear in mind the mission of the teacher, under the leadership of the school leadership team, ride on the east wind of this teaching congress, make greater breakthroughs and achieve greater leaps. (Correspondent Liang Jie Wei Youping)
