
Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

author:Nanning News Network

Nanning Yun - Nanning News Network News (reporter Li Qin) Women's beauty has never been only a definition, young and lively girls are pitiful, and women who have experienced the baptism of years are admirable. In the First People's Hospital of Nanning City, there is such a group of women, they are both feminine and persevering, they continue to climb to the peak of medicine, they have a unified identity - doctor. They are accompanied by life, walk with wisdom, and on the road of practicing medicine, their struggle process is full of upward strength.

The motivation to fight comes from strength and self-confidence

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

"Every experience in life is a valuable asset, and I am grateful for everything I have experienced in the past, they have made me more confident and calm." Dr. Zhong Juan, 40 years old, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of the First People's Hospital of Nanning, smiled when she mentioned her various experiences since practicing medicine.

In 2019, Zhong Juan went to Hungary to study, and she was very touched by the humanistic care of the local medical system, and she secretly resolved to bring the humanistic care methods from abroad back to the motherland and apply them to her work.

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.
Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

After returning from her study visit, she took the initiative to devote herself to the work of health poverty alleviation, and was appointed as the leader of the second batch of medical teams stationed in Mashan County in Nanning City and the poverty alleviation instructor of the Mashan County Health Bureau. From a clinical doctor of medicine to a poverty alleviation fighter, it is a difficult process for Zhong Juan, but as a party member with 20 years of party experience, she kept in mind the responsibility of her party members and resolutely threw herself into grassroots work.

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.
Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

The hardships of grassroots work are unimaginable to ordinary people, the washing water is yellow-green, the feet are covered with wet sores due to moisture, and when the epidemic is closed, you can only eat instant noodles to survive... While overcoming these difficulties, Zhong Juan and the team members did not forget to do their work well. Looking back on that time, Zhong Juan sighed a lot: "No matter what position I am in, my original intention is to protect the health of the people. ”

Whether it is a study visit in developed countries or a poverty alleviation work in poor and backward areas, she is facing it with a positive attitude. The years have not left any mark on her face, but they have added an elegant and calm to her, and she always laughs and says, "Age is never the only factor affecting appearance and image, and women at different stages have different beauty." ”

"In fact, my work is very ordinary, my original intention is also very simple, seeing the smiling faces of patients after recovering their health, hearing their 'thank you' from me, makes me feel that all the hard work is worth it." The medical industry is boundless. When she decided to study for a doctorate, Zhong Juan was already a deputy senior title, but she deeply understood that medical technology is constantly updated, and as a doctor, only by constantly learning can she better benefit patients, so she resolutely decided to return to school and continue her studies.

Many people asked her, after so many years as a doctor and so much experience, why did she still study for a doctorate? She said that the doctor's experience is of great help and improvement to scientific research, and scientific research can promote the development of clinical work and the improvement of technical capabilities, which is conducive to the development of new clinical technologies and new projects.

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

It is reported that Zhong Juan is responsible for the Nanning Youth Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Cultivation Project "Zhuang Medicinal Material Duck Foot Wood Anti-influenza Virus and Anti-inflammatory Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacological Mechanism and Application Research" is based on the external sensory No. 2 compound previously developed by the hospital, the compound has nearly forty years of clinical experience and good reputation, has a large number of patient demand, further explore the pharmacodynamic effect and pharmacological mechanism of the combination of Jun yao Ya Mu, and develop and prepare duck foot wood anti-flu particles, will contribute to the research and development of anti-influenza drugs, More convenient for clinical application and promotion.

Behind the effort, there is unswerving love

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

Liang Guo is a Ph.D. in anesthesiology. She is the deputy director and deputy chief physician of the Anesthesiology Department of a municipal hospital and has been engaged in clinical anesthesia for 18 years.

22 years ago, Guo Liang stepped into the door of the anesthesia major of Tianjin Medical University, and since then, the vow of "life is related to life, life is entrusted" has become the goal of his lifelong efforts and pursuits. After completing 5 years of undergraduate education in anesthesia, she came to work in the anesthesiology department of a city hospital.

When she was young, Guo Liang once thought that after completing her undergraduate education, she could start her practice career as an anesthesiologist, but the heavy clinical work and the situation of critically ill patients often made her gradually feel that she could not break through the "bottleneck". In her confusion, she urgently needs to break through the predicament and broaden her horizons. Therefore, in the second half of 2007, she began the arduous road of examination and research, and in 2008, Guo Liang obtained a publicly-funded graduate school place, and the pregnancy and childbirth during the graduate school, the heavy clinical work and the brain-burning scientific research exploration also made her bitter and happy.

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

After graduating and returning to work in Shiyi, after four years of clinical experience, Guo Liang realized that he needed new learning opportunities and breakthroughs, so through the selection of Guangxi Health Commission and Nanning Municipal Health Commission, he went to the Ruhr University Affiliated Hospital and the Affiliated Hospital of Göttingen University in Germany for exchange and study. In the hospital in Germany, she deeply appreciated the rigorous working attitude of the local doctors and learned the most meaningful phrase - TEAM (team), which became an important guiding light for her future work.

After returning from Germany, Guo Liang opened the road to Kaober again. Whenever she is exhausted, there is always a belief that supports her - that is, "persistence, persistence to the end to have a way out, to reach the peak, to have the opportunity to appreciate 'will be the top, a package of mountains and small'! ”

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

Today, after continuous hard work, hard work and enterprising, Guo Liangjing is fully confident to meet every opportunity and challenge, and calmly escorts the safety of every surgical patient.

"And I'm now a reserve party member!" Talking about the road of struggle, Guo Liang smiled happily, saying that she liked one of the famous sayings in "How Steel is Made": Steel is made in a fiery fire and highly cooled, so he is very strong. The road of continuous enrichment of her life has also strengthened her determination to join the Communist Party of China, she said, hoping that in the face of difficulties, she can also have the "iron will", demand herself by the standards of Communist Party members, and seriously meet every challenge.

The seeds planted in my heart when I was young are growing into towering trees

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

If many people are engaged in a certain job is an ignorant choice, then Qin Wei's dream of practicing medicine is a seed that has been planted since she was a teenager.

Qin Wei is the deputy chief physician of the First District of the Department of Pediatrics of the First Municipal Hospital, and is also a doctoral student. "Girls are hard to be doctors, and they have to give up a lot of beautiful clothes and time", often asked Qin Wei why she chose to be a doctor, in the face of these do not understand, do not recognize, she is a slight smile, tell others, this is the arrangement of heaven.

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

It turned out that Qin Wei's magical journey to explore the mysteries of life began with a biology class in high school. In the classroom, the teacher talked about Mendel's laws of inheritance with relish, and further from DNA to RNA and finally to proteins, genetic material is so amazing that Qin Wei unconsciously developed an interest in exploring. "Practicing medicine is the best option, and this profession is the closest place to life." Genetic material is passed from parent to offspring, from the moment a new life is born, his health is handed over to the pediatrician, and the vast majority of genetic metabolic diseases begin to show symptoms early in life, pediatrician is undoubtedly the most suitable profession for me, I want to guard these new lives, let them grow up healthy and strong. Step by step closer to his original dream, which made Qin Wei full of motivation in her work.

Looking back at the medical road of more than 18 years, what makes Qin Wei feel the most painful is that not all diseases can be cured, death is often faced, and because she has seen death, she understands the preciousness of life more, and is more willing to pay thousands of hardships in exchange for the smiling faces of children and parents.

"Exploring the mysteries of life can better protect life and treat patients." In order to become a doctor with high professional quality, in addition to treating diseases and saving people, it is also necessary to continuously explore and study diseases, and need to have good scientific research ability. Therefore, Qin Wei chose to study for a doctorate. She said: "Doctors are a noble cause that requires wisdom, technology and a lifelong love of life, and only by continuous efforts to learn and improve can we complete the mission."

Every step forward is a further understanding of the world of science

Like Qin Wei, Liang Zhijie, the deputy director of the wound repair department of the hospital and the attending physician, who volunteered to become a doctor when she was a teenager.

In the autumn of 2007, Liang Zhijie entered Tianjin Medical University with an excited and nervous mood. In her childhood, when other students said that their dream careers in the future were teachers, policemen, etc., Liang Zhijie had already made a wish to become a doctor, and she had been working hard for it. Stepping into the door of the university, the dream is no longer a light or shadow. After 5 years of diligent study, Liang Zhijie obtained the qualification to enter the birthplace of China's oncology discipline - Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital to pursue graduate studies. There, she was exposed to clinical work for the first time and saw the world of science for the first time in basic research.

In 2014, after graduating with a master's degree, Liang Zhijie returned to Nanning to join the work force, determined to make a contribution to the health of the people in his hometown. She cherished the opportunity to become a doctor and always threw herself into her work with enthusiasm. Heavy clinical work and difficult diseases make her clinical experience gradually enriched, but at the same time let her gradually realize that clinical work not only requires clinical theory and technology, but also needs in-depth scientific research, so she entered Guangxi Medical University to pursue doctoral studies and began deeper scientific exploration.

In 2019, in order to get in touch with more cutting-edge basic research, Liang Zhijie went to the University of Central Michigan in the United States alone, conducted a six-month visiting study in one of the few polysaccharide synthesis laboratories in the world, had the honor of academic exchanges with scholars from many countries, and had a deeper understanding of the scientific world, especially when he learned about the application prospects of glycochemical materials in drug carriers, medical devices, and the difficult problems that these technologies can solve. This gives her the direction and strong motivation to continue scientific research and exploration.

Today, Liang Zhijie has become the deputy director of the Wound Repair Department of a municipal hospital and the attending physician. She is mainly engaged in the clinical and basic research of wound repair and regenerative medicine, and has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of pressure sores, diabetic incurable wounds and other diseases, and is also engaged in the basic research of the functional optimization of adipose stem cells and the promotion of tissue regeneration, as well as the clinical application research in the reconstruction of human soft tissue defects, and has achieved good scientific research results.

The silent wish she made in her heart as a teenager has become a reality, and she is glad that she is still as energetic as when she was a teenager, with unlimited enthusiasm for work and endless curiosity for science.

Be humble and cautious, and vow to be the cornerstone of the development of the hospital

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

In 2015, Pang Xiaomin entered the First People's Hospital of Nanning City. Nearly 7 years later, she has always been full of love for this profession.

Beautiful resume, positive and optimistic... The female doctor in the hospital is more "handsome" than you think.

Doctor of Neurology, attending physician, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment and rehabilitation of neurological diseases. He is currently presiding over a Guangxi Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund project, participating in a number of national and municipal scientific research projects, and publishing 5 SCI papers and 2 core Chinese papers as the first author. Such a resume is the dream of many young health care workers.

"I've never regretted choosing to be a doctor." Behind Pang Xiaomin's resume is hard work and enthusiasm. At first, she chose to study medicine at the behest of her parents, but after becoming a doctor, she felt more and more the weight of this profession. Whenever she sees the figure of the patient recovering, she is very fortunate to be able to use her strengths to relieve the patient's pain and let the patient return to the family and society.

With the increase of working hours, Pang Xiaomin is more and more aware that the dysfunction caused by many diseases requires a long period of recovery, so Pang Xiaomin, who likes to study problems since childhood, chose to pursue a doctorate and do more scientific research to ensure that the quality of life of patients is further improved.

"Along the way, there are hardships of learning, there is the torment of work, and there is a sense of achievement in treating diseases and saving people." I love delving into problems and I feel like I'll do better in the future! "From graduating from undergraduate and joining the work, to continuing to become a master's and doctorate, her efforts are beyond imagination. Late at night, before dawn, the figure of her reading hard under the light is a true portrayal of excellent medical care constantly improving herself.

After practicing medicine for 7 years, Pang Xiaomin has become more and more aware of the responsibility of being a doctor and more and more passionate about the profession of doctor. Although her resume has been excellent, Pang Xiaomin, like the other 4 female doctors, is modest and cautious, and they are willing to be the cornerstone of promoting the scientific research progress of the hospital and promoting the high-quality development of Nanning's medical and health undertakings. "I will continue to consolidate my medical professional skills, broaden my knowledge space, and strive to become a good doctor who makes patients trust and reliable."

Editor: Qin Fengni

Duty Editor: Lu Chao

(Author: Li Qin)