
The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

author:Interesting Literary History

In the Three Kingdoms era, many famous generals and strategists were produced, and when it comes to well-known figures in the Three Kingdoms era, many people may be able to blurt out: Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yunchang... As everyone knows, Guan Yunchang should be the first among the three kingdoms who are worshipped by the people.

Guan Yunchang was enshrined by people because people admired his chivalrous courage. However, there was another figure during the Three Kingdoms period who was also enshrined in the temple, and his reputation was not so good that many people had never even heard of his name.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised
He is The One who is known as the most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms period, but now he can be enshrined, why is this?

Ungrateful people

In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, after the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Xiao Rong defected to Tao Qian, who was then the Assassin of Xuzhou. Because In the eyes of the townspeople, Tao Qian also valued and trusted him more, and also named him minister of state of Xia Pi.

Subsequently, Tao Qian asked Zhi Rong to supervise and manage the grain transfer project in three counties, namely Xiapi County, Pengcheng County, and Guangling County, which are now Jiangdu and Tongshan in Jiangsu Province.

All the three counties need to be transferred are state tributes, and a large amount of grain needs to be transported to Tan County, Donghae County. However, Shi Rong's eyes were red, and he was not ready to do as required, but to take all the tributes into his own pocket and enjoy them privately.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

After receiving gold, silver and money, He began to build a temple in Xia Pi and let the local people recite Buddhist scriptures day and night. So much so that the Buddhist disciples in several counties around Xia Pi all ran to Xia Pi, and there were a total of more than 5,000 households before and after.

In the fourth year of Chuping, the Floating Tu Temple was built, and the temple was set up with pagodas, as well as gold plates and heavy buildings, etc. According to historians, the Zongshan Zen Temple in jiangsu Province is the Futu Temple at that time.

Every eighth day of the fourth lunar month, Xia Pi also holds a "Buddha Bathing Meeting", and it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to set up a feast on the side of the road to celebrate the Buddha's birthday.

In 193 AD, Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, and the people of Xuzhou could only escape, and Jing Rong did not bring his troops to meet the battle, but directly fled to Guangling with more than 10,000 of his men.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

After arriving in Guangling, the county magistrate Zhao Yu again treated him as a guest of honor, and also specially set up a banquet to entertain him and his soldiers. It is reasonable to say that ordinary people should also be grateful for receiving such courtesies, but Zhen Rong is not very human.

After he came to Guangling County, he found that the place was rich in materials, and he was very impressed, and then he once again did something unconscionable. At a banquet set up by Zhao Yu, Zhen Rong actually killed Zhao Yu in the name of toasting, and then asked the crowd to carry out the act of burning and plundering, and after leading the people to rob the money, he fled to Moling and turned to Xue Li.

Xue Li was originally under Tao Qian's command, but after being persecuted, he fled to Moling with his people, and when Xue Rong visited Xue Li, he was also treated with courtesy. However, he did not want to, Andi Rong was also seeking wealth and killing people, and after he killed Xue Li, he also attributed all his subordinates to his subordinates, and then fled to Liu Sui, who was then serving as the assassin of Yangzhou.

After killing two people who were benevolent to him in a row, Jing Rong still did not stop there, and when he fled to Liu Shu, Liu Shu was fighting yuan shu, and the target was Yuzhang County.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

In order to compete for Yuzhang County, the two sides each appointed a county chief, and Liu Xuan originally appointed Zhu Hao as the county chief, and after Zhu Rong surrendered, he asked Zhu Rong to attack Zhuge Xuan with Zhu Hao. Zhuge Xuan was equivalent to "Zhu Hao" appointed by Liu Biao, who was also the county chief.

At that time, after hearing Liu Xuan's instructions, his adviser Xu Yao began to speak, and Xu Li thought that the personalities of Xiao Rong and Zhu Hao were too different, and That Ji Rong had always cared about other people's opinions, and he decided that he would definitely do anything. Zhu Hao is different, Zhu Hao is an honest person, easy to be deceived, so Zhu Hao must be careful.

Although Xu Yao's words were earnest, Liu Xuan still did not believe his words, and the final result was said by Xu Jiao. After arriving in Yuzhang County, Jing Rong tirelessly used the same move, killed Zhu Hao, and also occupied the position of county chief.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

At this time, Liu Xuan knew that he was not repentant at the beginning, and if he listened to Xu Jiao's advice, he would not lose a loyal general. So with full of anger, he vowed to take revenge on Xuerong, and then he led his soldiers to fight against Jingrong, and most of the soldiers under Himon were scattered.

Ji Rong had to flee to the deep mountains and old forests, but the crimes he committed could not even be seen by the heavens, and finally he was killed by the local people and the Shanyue tribe in the deep mountains, and the people also sacrificed his head to Liu Xuan.

Buddhists support it

Even though he was full of evil, the people now built a temple for him and often worshipped him. In fact, this is mainly due to the fact that he built Buddhist temples at that time.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

Ancient religions were prevalent, and the people of that era strongly promoted Buddhism, and Jingrong spent a lot of money to build the Floating Tu Temple, which had to be praised by Buddhist believers.

According to records, the temple was built in 193 AD in the south of Xia Pi, which has a nine-mirror pagoda, which, as the name suggests, has nine mirrors on the tower. And there is a separate side at the top of the tower facing the sky.

It is said that at least three thousand people can sit in it and recite at the same time, and there is gold and robes on the outside of the Buddha statue. On the day of the Bathing Buddha, the banquet was crowded with people, and the degree of luxury at that time can also be seen, which is undoubtedly a great contribution to the cause of Buddhism.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

The various Buddhist-related temples or Buddhist affairs that have been integrated into Xia Pi have gradually become a meritorious achievement in the history of the development of medieval Buddhism.

The pagodas built at that time also became the basic pagoda shape of the early days, and continued until the early Tang Dynasty. The golden Buddha statue in the Buddhist shrine is also a pioneer in China about the casting of Buddha statues.

When accepting Buddhists, He ordered that taxes be waived, which also provided a way for the imperial court to support the development of Buddhism. In addition, because of the many Buddhist-related things that He did in Xia Pi City, the city also became a Buddhist town in China for a long time afterwards.

The most despicable general of the Three Kingdoms era, who saw that Li forgot righteousness and killed his savior, is now enshrined and praised

Although He rong has done a lot of unsightly bad things, he even bears the age-old infamy of ungratefulness. However, we cannot deny his great contribution to the cause of Buddhism in China, but his evil deeds are really despised by the world. Even if he has contributed to the cause of Buddhism, the world should not forget his despicable deeds because of his merits!