
"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

author:The meaning of the road

In 1985, a black cloud suddenly pressed against this suffering island. The island suddenly fell into the abyss of the dark underworld!

On the lonely beach, overnight, the spiritual halls set up by the foil are lined up in rows and pieces.

Quiet fishing village, small households, the sound of axes chiseling coffins, crackling and banging, all night long.

Shuo Feng cried out in sorrow, and the waves whimpered.

The whole island was in utter grief. There were no more cries, only dry tears, a thousand howls that had muted their voices. It's sad and heartbreaking.

Quick, Dai Jia Shengjun A Niang cried and broke her breath!

Quick, the dealer Haibao sister-in-law passed out again!

Quick, Liu Jia's grandfather is crazy!

In the townships and townships, large and small health and medical departments have gone into action, and all the hypertonic glucose and all the drugs that can be used for rescue have been used up, and they are asking for help everywhere.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

What's going on here?

Witnesses think of wars, floods, winds and earthquakes. But no, neither! What happened here was a man-made disaster, a man-made disaster that endangered hundreds of thousands of islands, old and young, and hundreds of thousands of people, both young and old!

Who doesn't know that the Zhoushan Islands were the continent's premier fishing ground, providing tens of millions of tons of seafood and seafood for national and foreign markets every year. As soon as the fishing flood arrived, thousands of sails gathered on the sea, the harbor mast was like a forest, and the sound of the snail trumpet resounded for nine days. Boiling and boiling, stacked with gold and silver, overflowing with the exuberance of spring and the joy of harvest. But it was as if only overnight, an unexpected disaster had come at her viciously. Disasters, the fishing grounds are like a terrible plague cholera, one by one, a pair of good fishing boats, suddenly, like being hit by evil, enchanted, grunting into the water, sinking slowly, plugging leaks, and unable to rescue.

A pair of fishing boats in Dongjian Village, a long-distance island, went out to sea to catch up with the fish, and caught fifty or sixty cartons in the first net, and in the blink of an eye, the cabin was filled with more than 300 cartons of silver and shiny fresh fish. Just waiting to return to the sea, I suddenly saw the boat leaking, dragging not far, and sinking to the bottom of the sea.

A 40-ton large fishing boat in Zhongzhu Village, Daishan County, was on its way back from the fishing ground when it suddenly leaked from the walls of the ship on all sides, and the putty between the hatches fell off in its entirety, and the two pumps could not drain the water, and the two pumps sank on the ocean surface east of Langgang.

A large transport ship of Putuo County Liuheng Transport Society...

Large fishing boats, pairs of net fishing boats, transport boats, chilled boats, one by one, pairs, one after another, sank in the waves.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

At the beginning of the winter flood, nearly 20 fishing boats on the islands of Zhoushan were destroyed, and nearly 300 fishermen's brothers were thrown to the death line. The total area in front of you is only 0. On the same day on December 22, 1985, two fishing boats sank on the 5-square-kilometer hanging island, and 33 fishermen's brothers were killed. Such a tragic shipwreck is rare in history.

This small island in the hanging water that fell into the abyss of disaster contained extreme sorrow and indignation, crying out to the political and legal workers who landed on the island and to the righteous people of the 1 billion Shenzhou about her great pain.

Retired boss Liu Ah Yuan, two sons died tragically at sea, leaving behind a crippled daughter, a sick widow, and a young granddaughter who was just 6 months old. Boss Liu couldn't bear this heavy blow and went crazy.

The old fisherman Zhuang Kangning and his 4 young sons, none of whom survived, left behind 4 widows, young and old, crying and crying, and they did not want to die.

Dai Guoping, 23 years old, just got married on December 19, the day of the cave house until midnight, the early morning of the 20th out of the sea, never returned, even the bones do not know where they fell. Li Yaju, who only married Guoping in the middle of the night, tried to find short-sightedness several times, but was fortunately pulled back by her aunt and everyone.

Liu Guangwei, a 17-year-old doll, has read books and followed Grandpa to the sea for the first time, and has never returned...

On December 22, there were no storms in the East China Sea.

According to the documents of the Shenjiamen Fishery Supervision Of the People's Republic of China, the testimony of Pan Zhe'er, the boss of the No. 7 boat of the village chief of Zoumatang Village, in the early morning of December 22, 1985, eight fishing boats in Zoumatang, including two boats No. 5 and No. 6, all operated normally in the sea east of Tantou Mountain, about 45 nautical miles, and the fishing grounds were full of laughter of harvest.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

Before dawn, the fishing boats in Matang sailed back. Suddenly, a loud noise broke out on the walkie-talkie of the leading ship, and the noise did not fall, and the urgent cry of Dai Shiyun, the boss of the No. 6 ship, was heard: "My ship suddenly entered the water, and the situation is serious!" ”

The village chief of Pan Zhe'er was shocked: "Plug the leak, quickly plug the leak!" ”

"The water is too fast to plug the leak!"

At this time, the leader ship of the village chief of Pan Zhe'er and the No. 6 ship were more than a dozen nautical miles apart, and it took one or two hours to return to the rescue, and there was no hope. But he was decisive: "Ship 5! Did you hear that? Your snuggle boat into the water, the situation is serious! Get closer to the boat and take the personnel first! fast! ”

Ship No. 5 heard that his snuggle boat had an accident, and in response, he increased his horsepower and broke through the fog and waves to go straight to the snuggle boat. The snuggle boat is sinking sharply. In the pre-dawn darkness, there was a mournful cry for help.

"Boat 5! Ship 5! Where are you? Where are you? ......”

The night at sea is dim. The village chief Pan Zhe'er called out in a loud voice.

There is no echo, and it seems that there will never be any more echo.

On this day, the weather forecasts of the three radio stations in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Zhoushan were: northeast winds of 6 to 7 and gusts of 8.

The wind is within the cordon. There were no sudden storms at sea.

Where did the storm that overwhelmed the ship come from?

One day in mid-July 1985, it was probably a sunny day. Two small people from the Duntou Grain Management Institute in Putuo County coldly exposed the fact that their immediate boss, Dong Xinfa, the station chief, bought 20,000 or 30,000 catties of tung oil from foreigners and gained a lot of "benefits." Someone tricked a little, he did not know whether he was insensitive, or wanted to buy people's hearts, Lezizier invited everyone to eat a few packs of "happy smoke" and "happy sugar".

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

A young Dong Xinfa who has always spoken about Sven and does things in a disciplined manner will do such a thing? It sounds ridiculous and unbelievable. If someone exposes it, then check it out. Dong Xinfa is really a "rule" person, and when he checked it first, he panicked, tears welled up, and confessed his mistake very painfully: he accepted the "benefits" of 500 yuan that each person outside the family gave. There is also a double lion oriental watch and a four-horn recorder.

Tung oil, at that time in many places, especially in coastal fishing areas is a tight supply, a large batch of tung oil sent to the door, but also attached these many "benefits", is not absurd! The procuratorate filed a case to investigate, and sure enough, the color and refractive index of the tung oil it entered were far from pure tung oil, and it was sent to the technical department for testing, and the tung oil composition accounted for only 3%, and the remaining 97% were all inferior and cheap miscellaneous oils. Dong Xinfa accepted bribes not for a few hundred yuan, but for a few thousand yuan!

Money bought his conscience and personality, and money also supported his appetite and courage. When the long-haired ghostly foreigners came to him, he was not so generous or bold, but the miraculous power of the watches, the tape recorder and other gadgets made him obey. When the whole ship of "tung oil" arrived, with his many years of experience in operating tung oil, look at the color, try the viscosity, is true or false naturally counted. The foreigner was more well-behaved, taking advantage of the first day of the sampling inspection of the superior business department, and quietly stuffed him with a ticket of 2500 yuan. At that time, this "honest man" actually sneaked into the warehouse, poured the original stock of tung oil into the sample bottle, sent it to the test, and deceived the inspection.

A catastrophe that won over a hurricane was thus brewed. The shipwreck's door to death was opened under the domination of desperate and selfish desires to make money.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

It was from him that the foreigners opened the first gap and introduced a large amount of tung oil into the Zhoushan market. Although the person who caused the disaster may not have imagined it at the time, it was he who opened a dark curtain for this bloody crime that affected the entire archipelago.

It goes back to the early summer of 1984. It was hilarious enough. Government organs, organizations, and military schools hang up signboards to do business. One-man company, two-person joint venture, just like the small blast furnace of the big steel smelting in those days, blossomed everywhere. People who went out to do business broke the train and overturned the ship. For a time, the dust of the world cast a little fog over some people's eyes. It was at that time that a group of foreigners with long hair, with delusional golden dreams, rushed into Zhoushan, a virgin land that had not yet "awakened".

What happened on this large and small island after that was the naked performance of one evil ugly drama after another under the blood-dripping money, and the dirty transactions were carried out one after another.

In early summer, on a charming evening, two long-haired ghosts knocked on the door of a farmer in Dinghai Baiquan Village, and a sweet and intoxicating voice came into his ears: "Friend, can you help us sell some tung oil?" There are benefits. ”

Ghosts come to the door, and it is not a rush. They had made visits beforehand to understand the psychology and disposition of the owner. This should be a farmer, but from restless farming, do their best to do small business, fishing for extra money. The word "benefit" has its own magical charm for him. After some haggling and getting a satisfactory amount, money drove him to step on his feet, use his brain, and take a "smooth road".

In a shipyard on Daishan Island, a business was completed, and the inspector looked at the color of the tung oil and slightly locked his eyebrows. Ying mou turned around and stuffed 500 yuan, and immediately "cliff" became "through the way". The acceptor immediately changed his face and changed his tone: "This tung oil has a little moisture, good quality, can be used." ”

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

In a shipyard on Shengshan Island, another business was closed. Before acceptance, a preemptive strike should be made, and 200 yuan should be stuffed first. The acceptor was very stubborn, 200 yuan fell into the pocket, only to moan and not to speak. Ying Mou was panicked, thinking that this person might not be the number one. Which thought, after adding 300 yuan, this one said more generously: "The quality of tung oil is not said, pick cheap and more into it." ”

The road is not passable, money attacks. Ying Mou only relied on money to open the way, and almost did not spend a little gas to sell tens of thousands of pounds of "tung oil" and earn thousands of yuan of "benefits".

On another day in early summer, two other long-haired ghosts pushed open the door of the office of the Putuo County Grain Traceability Trading Company. Another set of seductive words is used: "Friend, do you want to put tung oil?" Our tung oil is of reliable quality, reasonably priced, and has a good business fee. ”

Called friends here, is the company's young and shrewd general manager Lin Mou, Shanghai Renshi, this person threshold fine, brain work, can blow can speak, can pull and shoot. He relied on blowing and patting these two killer skills to open the channel, and a small pipe manager of a certain grain management institute jumped to become the general manager of the grain and oil company, and also became an advanced worker at the county level. The dignified words do not leave the mouth: "Business can be discussed, tung oil can be entered, and the service fee is not wanted!" Allag place does not engage in this set! ”

A few generous remarks frightened the visitor into taking several steps back. When the business was finished and the guests were sent out of the gate, he suddenly became very polite, made a hospitable appearance, invited the guests to go back to his house for tea, and by the way, he reported the door number of the private residence. The visitor naturally understood, and delivered the 1,000 yuan ticket to his door that night. "Benefits" thousand yuan, into the oil ten thousand pounds, and then a polite greeting: "After the goods are available, come." Well said, well said. ”

The bullet of money is sharp.

By July 1985, nearly 1 million catties of fake tung oil had been purchased in Zhoushan, and 605728 catties had been purchased in Putuo County. The deal involved 141 bribe-takers, many of whom were powerful cadres and party members.

People living in the coastal areas understand that the purchase of tung oil here is not to paint doors and windows, not to paint furniture, but to repair ships, to bridge the gaps in the countless decks of wooden ships. And these boats need thousands of fishermen's brothers to drive them into the sea, dangerous winds and waves. Isn't that what this means for a long time?

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

The sea is telling!

The sea breeze did not increase significantly, but the current was urgent. Cascading waves in the distance blocked the bow of the ship. Ship 5 broke through the waves and approached its snuggle at dawn. The boss, Liu Caichang, was calm and calm, directing all the people on the boat to take over the ship first; then the cable was hung on the bow of the ship and began to tow with difficulty.

But in vain, because the boat was too fast to enter the water, most of the bow of the boat was buried in the water, and the horsepower was increased to the top, and it was dragged still. In desperation, he had to turn around and hang the cable on the stern of the ship and drag it upside down. The waves are pushing and surging, the vast expanse, a boat on the back of a boat, Mo said that the reverse drag, the towing is also very difficult, very dangerous...

The walkie-talkie, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst out the roar of Liu Caichang's boss, sad and painful: "The Ala 6 ship is finished!" Sink, Ara ship! ”

"Click, click!" Without waiting for the mayor of Pan Zhe'er to reply, an ominous noise was emitted from the walkie-talkie. Suddenly, it stopped abruptly, and there was no longer a trace of movement. Only unsettling silence remains...

Before dawn, the last section of ship 6's exposed mast tip to the water also sank. Ship 5 lost contact one after another.

Suddenly, accompanied by a harsh noise, the emergency call of Ship 5 burst out from the intercom: "My ship has suddenly entered the water again, and the situation is serious!" ”

"The water is so urgent, fast, fast..."

The village chief Pan Zhe'er asked urgently, "Where is your boat seat?"

"Yushan Southeast, four or five nautical miles."

At sea, the fog has cleared. It is a vast expanse of water and sky, an endless ocean. Ship No. 5 entered the water in its entire cabin and sank suddenly. The rushing waves, noisy, spread across the two sides, straight to the deck.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

33 fishermen brothers, 33 lives, at the beginning, leaning on each other and crowding on the deck, who knows, in an instant the waves spread over the front cabin and engulfed the bow of the ship. Finally, they all climbed to the top of the hull and hugged each other in fear on the precarious steering platform. Among them, there are four brothers of the Zhuang family, three fathers and sons of the Liu family, Dai Guoping, who was newly married for one night, and Liu Guangwei, a 17-year-old doll who has just embarked on the road of life...

Suddenly, a row of horizontal waves hit, and the hull tilted suddenly. There was a terrified shout from the driver's platform.

"Quick! Put the battery on the wheel and stay connected! ”

"Hold on a little longer, my ship is returning to rescue!" The village chief Pan Zhe'er shouted loudly in the dialogue machine.

But it was too late, his shouts had not yet stopped, and the cries for help from the walkie-talkie were already tinged with dull cries and tears.

In an instant, the cry for help was swallowed up by the turbid waves.

"Ship 5! Ship 5! ......”

The answer is only the whistling of the waves.

The heart of the village chief of Pan Zhe'er Village was sinking. He stared into the distance where the mirage fluctuated, as if he had a premonition of a disaster that was about to happen in the middle of the water...

In a vast ocean full of water and water, the hull of the ship is sinking, and the god of death is approaching. 33 dead lives, 33 pairs of terrified eyes, all poured into the last ray of hope: the village chief Pan Zhe'er arrived a second earlier.

But where do they know the situation of the village chief of Pan Zhe'er! His ship had also been grunting into the water, and the situation was equally critical. But Pan Zhe'er did not disclose this to them, and was still directing the snuggling boat to drain the water and plug the leak, while calmly calling out on the walkie-talkie: "Ship No. 5!" Please hold on a little longer, and I will move closer to you at the fastest speed. Hold on a little longer! ......”

"The water is too strong, it's too late!" Help! ......”

After a sudden burst of miserable crying, like a broken string, the walkie-talkie was silent, and the air became dead silent.

The village chief of Pan Zhe'er was fully aware of what was happening in the depths of the endless sea. He lowered his arms and closed his tearful eyes.

The whole ship whimpered. The sea whimpered.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

Zhoushan Fishery Administration 702 round out.

Putuo Fishery Administration 708 round out.

Observation posts and observation posts of the army and navy stationed in the Zhoushan Islands and even in the entire coastal area of Zhejiang were dispatched at the same time to search the sea. However, there was only a vast ocean in front of him.

The facts are beyond doubt, one after another good fishing boats, carrying the precious lives of countless fishermen's brothers, have sunk down one after another and destroyed the ocean.

Shengshan Liberation Fishery Team No. 04 fishing boat suddenly entered the water and sank!

Daishan Da'ao Fishing Team No. 097 fishing boat suddenly entered the water and sank!

The No. 12 fishing boat of Peach Blossom Partridge Gate Village suddenly sank into the water!


According to the Zhoushan Fishery Supervision Of the People's Republic of China, on the same day on December 22, 1985, as many as 11 ships suddenly entered the water and sank in the Zhoushan area! Tragic shipwreck! The shipwreck that shocked China!

Thousands of miles away on the banks of the Ao River.

Here, it seems to be another world that exists accordingly. Quietly a small gourd-shaped mountain pass, quietly a small village as large as a walking horse pond, quietly row after row of new buildings emitting the fragrance of paint. Outside the mouth of the gourd, a small seasonal river flows quietly. It's dry season, and the river is on the verge of drying up, adding a bit of emptiness to this small mountain village.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

This is a small mountain village in the Huling District of Ruian County, where the gushing out, continuous stream of "tung oil" is located. In the early summer of 1985, comrades from the political and legal organs of the Zhoushan area. With the mysterious and mission of an explorer, step into this quiet mountain village. They were greeted by silent streets and alleys, closed doors. It is like stepping into an uninhabited island, which makes people doubt the truth and feel lost.

This is where millions of pounds of "tung oil" are dumped in one fell swoop.

This is the source of the bloody shipwreck.

The comrades of the political and legal organs looked around, and there was only the small river that was on the verge of drying up in front of the village, and only a few sparse bamboo forests and a few miscellaneous trees that grew weakly behind the village. It was so easy to find a living creature that could be called a human being, and there was not much vitality on the face.

"May I ask, do you have a tung seed tree here?"

"Is there one?" I didn't hear of that tree. ”

"May I ask, do you have a tung oil workshop in your village?"

"I heard that there was one more than 30 years ago, and it was demolished early."

Wonderful! Fantastic! This small mountain village, which has never seen a tung seed tree and has not had a processing tung oil workshop, will have millions of pounds of tung oil imported thousands of miles away. Moreover, there are materials that show that the import of tung oil from here is by no means only one Zhoushan Islands, but 7 coastal cities.

It's like an absurd story. After research, a few years ago, this place was a poor mountain village with poor land and poor land. People survive on acres of mountainous land and a few bamboo forests. I don't know what year and month it was, villager Lin Mou picked up the burden of tung oil and went to the countryside to sell tung oil. At first, it is shoddy, and then it is false, and the oil burden is picked farther and farther away, and the pocket is getting bigger and bigger. In a few years, he became the first upstart in the mountain village and built the first brand new building. Murakami people watched, there are many hot eyes, competing to pick up the tung oil burden, pull up the tung oil truck, the more the business is more and more energetic, the more happy it is. Later, brothers and gangs, relatives and friends formed more than ten gangs, under the guise of development, to make a lot of windfall.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

In July 1984, echoing the business style that had risen up in a hurry, The Kengyuan Township, to which it belonged, came forward and hung up the big sign of the "Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial United Enterprise Society" in a grand manner, and put this business of selling fake tung oil into the semi-official track. A signboard, a paper license, a stamp, an account, the sum of the four makes these tung oil dealers invincible. The more the money bag swells, the stronger the courage involved in the risk, and the more absurd the ingredients contained in the color of the goods. According to the confession, at first, he mixed some tung oil into it, but later felt troublesome and simply gave up. Simply from some places in Ningbo and Shaoxing, take local materials, buy grain bran oil cheaply, and transport the whole truck and ship directly to the island, and even the barrel can be saved.

In the meantime, it is interesting and ironic that the Zhoushan area found that it was deceived, took samples from the province, and actually tested 3% of the tung oil content. In fact, that is pure error, there is no more than no less than a drop of real tung oil!

According to records, this group of hundreds of "tung oil" dealers, since June 1984, have been selling fake goods that have harmed the people and the country in several counties under Zhoushan, and the number of local bribe-takers has reached 145, but it was not until July 1985, year after year and month, that they were discovered and disclosed for the first time in a party publication compiled and distributed by the Regional Discipline Inspection Commission.

According to records, since July 1985, the Zhoushan District Discipline Inspection Commission has repeatedly exposed several facts of this crime in their party publications, but it has been reflected in the province, which has attracted the attention of the provincial party leaders and ordered the investigation of the case, three months later, in October 1985.

According to records, on October 23, 1985, the head of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, in accordance with the intention of the provincial party committee, held a special meeting on the fake tung oil case, and formulated emergency safety measures to ensure fishery production while arranging the case handling work. However, a tragic shipwreck occurred on December 22, 1985, two months later.

"12.22" shipwreck incident: 11 ships suddenly sunk in one day, who is the culprit of the incident?

What's lurking in this simple schedule? What does it reflect?

Now, with this short article, I stand far to the south, borrowing the vast waters of the East China Sea, the endless gushing, and the gushing sound to comfort the lonely souls and undead who were victimized in the 12.22 shipwreck.