
He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name

author:Long time together
He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name

There have been many heroic figures in China's modern history, who have made many contributions to the anti-aggression war and have been loved by the people. In the same period, there were also many well-known but not very high-profile figures in official positions, who had a good standard of living and devoted a lot of thought to cultivating future generations, and the lives of officials and people were in stark contrast. Of course, fate is something that people can't control, and no one knows what kind of development will take place in many years, and they don't know where they will go.

And the figure we are talking about today, Deng Shu, has ups and downs in his life, and in his early years he can still obtain a good quality of life under the aura of military schools. However, with the change of the war situation, Deng Shu came to Taiwan to live, and the most difficult time was to rely on a meager income to support the family. What is surprising is that Deng Shu, who did not do anything at the Whampoa Military Academy, gave birth to a singer daughter, who has become a household name today. So next, let's delve into the story and see how ups and downs Deng Shu and his family life are.

He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name

Deng Shu's ups and downs of development history

In 1921, Deng Shu was born in Hebei. Unfortunately, his relatives died not long after he was born in a chaotic world, and he and his grandparents depended on each other for their lives, but the last relatives who were still minors also left. During that time, survival became a problem, and Deng Shu often had ups and downs, and he quickly lost weight into skin and bones.

However, during this time, in order to live a better life, Deng Shu chose to join the revolution in 1937, and he was successfully admitted to the 14th session of the Whampoa Military Academy, and the basic problem of food and clothing was solved. In such an environment, Deng Shu failed to develop further, but was squeezed out of power by the younger generation, and had no choice but to retire.

He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name

After retiring from the army, Deng Shu came to the village life arranged by the organization, where he and his wife conceived three sons and a daughter, and although the married life was plain, it was also very happy. With the passage of time, deng shu's body pressure also increased as he grew older, and his physical discomfort directly affected the family's life problems. Later, the burden of life directly overwhelmed Deng Shu, and they only relied on a rice shop to survive, and rice porridge and coarse grains became daily food.

At that time, the social environment was relatively good, and a generation of officers ended up in such a field that people were lamented. In the most difficult times, the family even needs the help of others to survive, and it is difficult to imagine what kind of living environment. What is surprising is that the more such an environment, Deng Shu can still cultivate his daughter very well. His only little daughter is the well-known Teresa Teng! Teresa was a positive child from an early age and was very popular with neighbors in the village, but no one thought at the time that this little girl would become a big singer who influenced one side in the future.

He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name

Teresa Teresa and her parents have a hard life, but she is very yearning for the future. Coupled with the long-term migration in the early years, he often came into contact with outsiders, and over time he developed a cheerful personality. Although the days are bitter, but always need to find a sweet in the difficult life, Teresa Teng knows how to observe life, she soon saw the "dawn" from her father.

Teresa was influenced by her father to study music

In Teresa's impression, her father was the pillar that supported the family. Because Deng Shu had a period of glory in the early years of the army, in that environment, he naturally had some understanding of Jingqu'er. I have to say that Deng Shu has a certain talent in this regard, and after a long time, he can actually hum a rather charming Beijing tune.

He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name

In ordinary life, you can often hear Jingqu'er, and Teresa Teng likes it very much, and is invisibly affected. Deng Shu did not block his daughter's hobbies, and also focused on cultivating her ability in the field of music, but it took a long time to see the results. With a love for music, Teresa Teng has been steady step by step, and people around her have praised her a lot. Over time, this talented girl successfully learned music, and the moving singing voice soon spread in the surrounding area, with a great tendency to develop.

In 1961, Teresa Teng came to the "93 Kang Band" by chance. The leader of this band was an old friend of her father,and when he heard that she was very talented, he took the initiative to "beg" from Deng Shu. It turns out that Teresa was indeed born to eat this bowl of rice, she indulged her musical talent in the band, and with the help of the troops, her fame spread quickly, and more and more people learned about this woman.

He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name

The real turning point was in 1963, Teresa Teng participated in the top competition of Huangmei Opera, and unexpectedly won the choral competition in one fell swoop, and began her music career. Teresa Teng's legend spread continuously, with the opportunity to release records, hold concerts, and later even directly affect the entire Asian region, everyone knows. So far, Teresa Teng's life has entered the right path, and her achievements have made the old father very pleased.

For this daughter, Deng Shu was very happy, this was the most prominent child in the family, and it also made him shine a lot in his later years. Under such a special honor, Deng Shu died in 1990, his life was ups and downs but unremarkable, and his greatest achievement should be to cultivate Teresa Teng. And Teresa Teng also admired her father very much, just like the faith in her heart, deeply in the depths of her heart.

He graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy but did nothing in his life, gave birth to a daughter and became a singer, and is now a household name


By 1995, Teresa had an asthma attack while working in Thailand and died of untimely treatment. She and her father Deng Shu left only five years ago, this year she was 42 years old, at the peak of her career, which can not help but make people sigh and regret. What is even more interesting is that the sacrifice day of Teresa Teng and Deng Shu is one day apart, as if everything is destined, and the family will be depressed in their hearts every time they arrive, and they miss Deng Shu and Teresa Teng deeply.

Without such a rich and noble life, Deng Shu was born in the grassroots and could successfully make his descendants rise, and there were elements of luck and efforts. At the beginning, no one expected that Teresa Teng would become such a big star with such great influence, even in today's society, people still have the aftertaste of memories of Teresa Teng's songs. If she could live longer, perhaps more people would miss her deeply. This woman has become a symbol of the times, and the older generation is very familiar with it, but unfortunately she left at a young age. Because of this incident, the entire music industry has produced a lot of fluctuations, which is enough to see Teresa Teng's status!

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