
Henan boys scored 682 points in the college entrance examination, and the slogan when exercising is to run into Tsinghua

author:Henan Business Daily

June 25 is a special time for students and their families who take the college entrance examination: the college entrance examination scores are announced, and the university dream is close at hand.

Today, we invited several students, hoping that their stories will ignite the dreams of more latecomers and work hard.

Candidate Story One: Excellent If there is a direction, it must be comprehensive!

【Character Business Card】

Name: Lu Fangyu

Gender: Female

College entrance examination score: 702 points in science

Graduated from: Jiaozuo Yuhua Experimental School

Hobbies: Calligraphy, painting

"Confident and independent, versatile, diligent and studious, ambitious, self-learning ability, beautiful writing, good at painting..." This is the class teacher of Lu Fangyu of Yuhua Experimental School in Jiaozuo City.

What kind of girl is it that deserves the class teacher's praise and frequent praise?

Before getting to the point, let's expose a photo of the child.

Henan boys scored 682 points in the college entrance examination, and the slogan when exercising is to run into Tsinghua

Since junior high school, Lu Fangyu has been in Jiaozuo Yuhua Experimental School, according to the teacher, when she was in junior high school, the foundation was relatively solid.

I don't know when it started, Lu Fangyu aspired to Tsinghua. It is precisely because of such lofty ambitions that her grades have always been excellent.

She has always had excellent grades, what is the unique trick to get such a high score?

Please follow the Henan business to apply for the exam to reveal the secret!

The scores are beautiful, and the words are written more beautifully

Henan Shangxuejun has stressed more than once on many occasions that the roll is very important!

No, Lu Fangyu's beautiful handwriting instantly captured the heart of the grading teacher.

There is more than one teacher who has captured her "heart", and her class teacher can definitely be regarded as a "loyal fan" of hers.

In the eyes of Zhou Mingquan, the third (1) class teacher of Jiaozuo Yuhua Experimental School, his student Lu Fangyu is a talented woman, versatile, especially the writing is super beautiful.

"The words are good and the paintings are good, so Lu Fangyu not only actively participates in the design and painting of the class board newspaper in peacetime, but also participates in the large-scale activities of the grade and the school." Zhou Mingquan proudly said that Lu Fangyu loves the class, likes to participate in literary and artistic activities, and the tutor is also very good.

Like many parents, Lu Fangyu's parents are particularly supportive of her in her studies.

Unlike many parents, her parents pay more attention to the overall development of their children, especially in the cultivation of children's independence.

Can teach themselves, can be independent, "my time I decide"

In the eyes of the class teacher Zhou Mingquan, Lu Fangyu's independence is particularly strong. "She is independent, her self-learning ability is also relatively good, she can learn, she will listen to the teacher's arrangement, she has a plan, she knows what to do every day, what to do every month." Zhou Mingquan said.

Zhou Mingquan also revealed that in addition to studying, Lu Fangyu also likes to read extracurricular books, like to read books on history and social science.

She also enjoys participating in social activities, such as volunteering. In her eyes, it seems that learning can always be well balanced with these hobbies.

How did she do it?

In Lu Fangyu's view, reading extracurricular books and participating in social activities are all a way for her to combine work and leisure.

"Doing whatever I want, doing it whenever I want, it's my way of balancing learning with other things. In this way, you can devote yourself fully and be efficient to have more time to do other things. Lu Fangyu said.

Only when the ambition is set can there be motivation to learn

Lu Fangyu often said that learning requires motivation, and the source of motivation is often to set a goal for yourself.

"In order to achieve our goals, we usually work hard and try to find the best way to learn." Lu Fangyu believes that the method that suits him is the best way to learn.

In fact, her initial learning method was not ideal, and like others who are keen on brushing up on the problem, she has tried it.

After practicing, Lu Fangyu found that she did not like to brush the questions, and the effect of her brushing questions was not obvious.

"In my experience, if you think about it enough, you'll find a way to suit you," she says. ”

After trying many methods, she finally found a learning method that suited her and helped her to finally achieve her goals.

The significance of setting goals as early as possible is far from here, Lu Fangyu said, and goals will also help her adjust her mood.

"Overall, I think my grades are relatively stable, but there are also cases of exam failures." Lu Fangyu said that whenever she was in a bad mood, she could always adjust quickly.

And the secret of her adjustment is that after the goal is set, she really knows what she wants.

"After knowing what you want, you won't feel anything if you don't take the test once in a while, as long as you know that you've been working hard." Lu Fangyu smiled, and the dream seemed to be ahead.

Candidate Story 2: Study well and only rank third? Yes, the three views are positive and the body is good is the standard!

Name: Liu Zongrui

Gender: Male

College entrance examination score: 682 points in science

Graduating from: Linying Yigao

Hobbies: Playing soccer, running

Henan boys scored 682 points in the college entrance examination, and the slogan when exercising is to run into Tsinghua

Good thinking, good health, and finally good learning, this is the requirement of Liu Zongrui's father, a science candidate, for his children.

Perhaps such a view is not shared by all parents, but Liu Zongrui's excellent results and all-round development have made many parents envious.

And what makes other parents envious the most is probably that Liu Zongrui's parents are very worry-free in parenting, they have not been knocked down by tutoring homework, and they have not been boiled by cram schools, and the children's college entrance examination performance is very good.

Firm in purpose and keen on public welfare activities

In the impression of the class teacher Niu Gang, Liu Zongrui has his own set of methods in learning.

"First, the execution is strong, able to regularly and quantitatively complete the tasks assigned by the teacher; the second is that the goal is relatively firm, always taking Tsinghua as its ultimate goal; the third is that the mentality is relatively stable, not affected by the ups and downs of the usual grades." Niu Gang introduced.

In Niu Gang's eyes, Liu Zongrui is not only excellent in learning, but also particularly enthusiastic about public welfare activities.

"He was always positive when it came to charitable donations." Niu Gang recalled that Liu Zongrui often participated in some volunteer activities.

Niu Gang introduced that Liu Zongrui also pays special attention to exercise, often running on the playground, "every afternoon after class, he runs, his slogan is to run into Tsinghua." ”

I have not attended a training course and have a strong sense of initiative in learning

In the interview, when Henan Business Applicant Xuejun congratulated Liu Zongrui, he was still a little embarrassed.

In his view, the college entrance examination results are not too ideal.

Liu Zongrui said that his learning method is mainly to listen carefully to the lectures in class, focus on reviewing after class, and ask teachers for advice.

"Listen carefully to the lectures in class and take notes carefully, but the notes are not written down by the teacher, but to pick what you don't understand." When reviewing after class, you should sort out the key knowledge. Liu Zongrui introduced.

Liu Zongrui continued that he had never attended a training class, and more of an active learning course.

When asked whether he has a favorite major, Liu Zongrui said that at present, he is not too clear about the profession and needs to seriously consider it before making a decision.

The family environment is harmonious, and parents are at ease in education

Liu Zongrui's father, Liu Honglun, said in an interview that he and his lover had never asked too much of Zongrui in their studies.

"I think children should do three good things, one is good thinking, the second is good health, and the third is good learning." Liu Honglun introduced that all along, he has put his children's ideological education in the first place, and put learning in the last place.

Liu Honglun feels that as long as the child's thinking is healthy, the others will not be too bad.

"Zong Rui's learning initiative is relatively good, and in his study, Zong Rui's mother and I have not put much effort into it." Referring to Zong Rui's study, Liu Honglun said proudly.

Candidate's story three: read a thousand books, in order to be able to write well, a thick cocoon is grinded on the hand

Character Business Card】

Henan boys scored 682 points in the college entrance examination, and the slogan when exercising is to run into Tsinghua

Name: Ma Zihan Gender: Female

College entrance examination score: 658 points in liberal arts

Hobbies: Reading, writing

She has read thousands of books, written well, a well-behaved girl in the heart of her family, and an excellent student in the eyes of her teacher.

In this year's college entrance examination, she achieved an excellent score of 658 points, becoming the "child of others" in the crowd. ”

Who is she? Why is it so good?

Let's get to know each other together.

Study diligently and read a lot

The scholar we introduce today is from Linying Yigao, named Ma Zihan.

It is understood that Ma Zihan not only studied diligently and read a lot, but also wrote a good hand.

"She studies very diligently and always sees her studying in the classroom." Class teacher Liu Qing said.

According to Liu Qing, Ma Zihan likes to read, and the amount of reading is particularly large, "often seeing her holding books to read."

In Liu Qing's view, it is precisely because of a large amount of reading that Ma Zihan's vision is particularly broad.

Liu Qing said that Ma Zihan is also particularly able to endure hardships, in order to be able to write well, Ma Zihan has a thick cocoon on his hand.

Never attended cram school, the well-behaved girl in her parents' hearts

In the interview, Ma Zihan's mother, Wang Fangfang, revealed that Ma Zihan had never attended a training class, and she and her lover had not spent much energy on Ma Zihan's study.

"In terms of learning, we are very carefree and pay little attention to her studies." Wang Fangfang said that Ma Zihan has his own ideas in learning, and he is more active in learning, and never needs to be urged by his family.

During the interview, the Henan Business Daily reporter learned that Ma Zihan not only reassured parents in learning, but also rarely let parents worry about it in the process of growing up.

Wang Fangfang said that Ma Zihan has always been a well-behaved woman, and even in adolescence, she has never been angry.

When talking about education methods, Wang Fangfang said that they did not have no special ways in education, but paid attention to guiding Ma Zihan to read books.

"I've guided her to read a lot of books since I was a child, and I think that's the biggest benefit." Wang Fangfang said with a smile.

After reading thousands of books, it is recommended to read more real questions

When he learned his score, Ma Zihan jumped up excitedly.

In her opinion, the college entrance examination results are not bad, meeting her expectations.

When talking about learning styles, Ma Zihan suggested looking at real questions.

"The college entrance examination questions are more rigorous, which can cultivate liberal arts literacy and is of great benefit to answering questions." Ma Zihan explained.

In addition, Ma Zihan also suggested that you grasp the class well, take notes, and memorize the main points.

During the interview, the Henan Business Daily reporter learned that Ma Zihan intended to fill in the Chinese department of Peking University.

"I grew up liked Cao Wenxuan, he is a professor in the department of Chinese peking university, he has always admired him and wanted to learn from him." Ma Zihan said. (Edited by Hua Lijuan, Lu Ruitian)