
The first-class cultural relics of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen", were successfully copied

author:Rehe Biota Yanliao Biota

The first-class cultural relics of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen", were successfully copied in the mainland a few days ago, which was announced by Zhang Xiangdong, deputy director of the Paleontological Fossil Committee of the China Ornamental Stone Association, on March 5 at the "Exploring Ancient Earth Life - "Fossil Chronicles of the Rehe Biota Series" held at the Chang'an Club in Beijing, and the replica version of the "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen" was exhibited together with many national treasure-level fossil treasures "Chinese Dragon Bird" and other exhibits.

The front of the Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen is two pieces of China's first world-famous paleontological fossil "Dai's Wolf fin Fish" embedded in precious wood, and the back of the Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen is a gilded Qianlong inscription "Imperial Fish Stone Song".

The first-class cultural relics of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen", were successfully copied

According to reports, the "Original Fish Stone Screen of the Qianlong Imperial System" is 18 cm high, 13.3 cm long, 8.6 cm wide, and the fossils are gray and white with yellow. The stone screen is rectangular, of which there are two fossils in the shape of fish, and the style is simple and concise. On the back of the wooden screen there is a Qianlong imperial poem, the original of which is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The fish type of the replica is similar to the original, but the processing process of the wooden screen is more ornamental than the original.

According to reports, the wolffin fish fossil is an extinct fish in the late Mesozoic Era, and it is a unique fish fossil in East Asia. It is also the only paleovertebrate fossil among the three pillar fossils in the Rehe biota, the first fossil of world significance in China and the earliest named by the international paleontological community, and the first fossil recognized by the supreme ruler emperor.

The first-class cultural relics of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen", were successfully copied

According to Zhang Xiangdong, the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty in China found fish fossils while touring the Rehe area, and also collected and processed them with great interest and placed them in several cases to watch. Later, the Qianlong Emperor once visited Jiangnan six times and made four eastern tours. The four eastern tours have passed through the rehe river and the west of Liaoning three times, and the Records of Chengde Province, the Complete Poetry of the Qianlong Imperial System, the Chronicle of the Rehe River of King Ding, and the Chronicle of Yixian County record: "Now through the Tumut tribe, there are so-called Saha River beaches in the south of the road, and the natives cultivate fields and dig the land, and the stones are cut into the shape of fish. Repeat the section. Large inch, decimal fraction, tail to eye, if swimming. It is known that the ancients carried it, and there must be its emblem, born here, and it is here. Made to the screen, no different Wang Zhenpeng fish algae figure also. ”

Zhang Xiangdong examined that the leader of the Mongol Eastern Tumut tribe who was in the Lingyuan area of Chaoyang at the time of his second eastern tour dedicated the fossils of the wolffin fish found in the Lingyuan generation in western Liaoning as a rare thing to the Qianlong Emperor, and Qianlong returned to Beijing many times to enjoy and inlay it with precious wood, made ornaments, and gave a poem "Qianlong Fuyu Stone Song". After Qianlong personally made the original, he treasured it and prepared it. Before the Japanese invasion of China in the last century, although the cultural relics of the Qianlong Imperial Fish Shiping were moved south to Nanjing and other places, they were brought to Taiwan in 1949 when Chiang Kai-shek was defeated in Taiwan, and they are now treasured in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

The original text of Qianlong's "Imperial Fish and Stone Ping Song" is as follows:

There is doubt about whether the creation is in the shape of a fish, and who does it

It is difficult to sculpt it, and it is difficult to swing it, and it is also a carp that is placed in it.

The texture of the opening is strange, and the mane is depicted in a squeaking posture.

Forever free of beauty and sticky emblems, rambling about the silver wire of the kettle.

Qin Gao Xian rides or his will, otherwise he is as good as a branch.

Breed melons plant tree magic, crown autumn fossils do not move.

Yuan Wang Shen Bi Luo Shui Ya, Hua Yu was still pregnant.

Things must be known by chance, and the strange talk is strange.

The compromise of rationality and thinking is the water of the past.

The water recedes and the fish are frozen and silted, and the soil becomes stone for a long time.

Try to see the easy sectioning of the film, like the algae diving and blowing.

The allegorical shape can be expected, grinding without phosphorus and nirvana.

The screen is made of Chen Bamboo Shoots, and Zhao Weifeng is here.

In the poem "Imperial Fish and Stone Ping Song", Qianlong first raised the question of whether there is a creator, and then proposed who did the fish shape in the stone? The fish shape in the stone is vivid and vivid, it cannot be carved, it is difficult to paint, and it is not who will put it. The fish-shaped display in the stone is quite strange and thought-provoking. Qianlong cleaned up and pondered various legends and legendary illusions, thinking that they were not credible. With a rigorous attitude, he used the method of comparison to seriously ponder and explore the truth of the formation of fish and stones. All kinds of miraculous myths and legends, not only coincidentally, similar things happen in a series of times, which are not enough as a basis for studying fish and stones. In fact, the formation of fish stones must have been in the place where the water was thick, there would be fish raw when there was water, and when the water receded, the fish in the silt stiffened, and the soil became stone over time, so the fish stone was formed, which is a reasonable fact. Don't believe it, try to see this fish stone, it is easy to crack when peeled, piece by piece, which is formed by mud. He consulted Chinese historical materials, studied the causes of the formation of fish fossils, and finally denied ancient myths and legends, and established the conclusion that geological changes formed fish fossils. This materialistic view was extremely valuable at the time. It can be said that Qianlong's "Imperial Fish stone screen song" pushes the culture, art and scientific understanding of paleontological fossils to the peak, and the philosophy of the world can be realized within a few feet.

If at the beginning of the 19th century, Darwin and Huxley, the "pioneers of evolution", denied that creationism was a very great innovation, then in 1754, which was decades before them, the Qianlong Emperor put forward the indisputable theory of fossil formation. The Qianlong Emperor's attention, ornamentation and processing of the fossils of the Wolffin Fish of the Rehe Biological Group promoted the understanding and utilization of such fossil specimens by Chinese. This will also change the concept of Westerners who were the first to study Chinese paleontological fossils.

The first-class cultural relics of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen", were successfully copied

The original of the Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen

The first-class cultural relics of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen", were successfully copied

Qianlong imperial fish stone screen reproduction

The Dai wolffin fish fossil was the first fossil to be recognized by the emperor, the supreme ruler of China. However, it is well known that the modern scientific system was born in the West, because ancient China did not develop a complete scientific system until the end of the late Qing Dynasty.

The first-class cultural relics of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, "Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen", were successfully copied

The back of the Qianlong Imperial Fish Stone Screen replica

From modern times to modern times, our current scientific system, including geology and paleontology, is derived from the West, although there are earlier paleontological fossil records in the ancient people of the mainland and ancient literature, including the Qianlong Emperor's materialistic insight into the formation of fish fossils has been submerged. Due to the limitations of large conditions, the ancient and modern mainland has not carried out scientific systematic research on paleontological fossils, which is a pity, we know that China's scientific research on paleontological systems originated from the West in the early twenties of the last century, and the Systematic Research of Chinese Paleontological Fossils in the West was actually earlier.

It is documented that Westerners' study of Chinese paleontological fossils began with their study of the Dai's wolffin fish in China's Paleore River.