
Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

author:Dr. Jiaojiao popular science

Food industrialization is more and more developed, the most common of which is fermented food, through functional fermentation and microbial extraction of the production method, relying on the external microbial technology decomposition, can form a functional fermentation, rich taste, complete variety.

Fermented foods commonly used in daily life, including beer, rice wine, bean paste, soy sauce, aged vinegar, yogurt, wine, etc., are made by adding some beneficial microorganisms and making them through special brewing methods.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

If the body lacks some nutrients for a long time, it will cause a decrease in physical fitness, affect the immune system and resistance, the human body is more susceptible to the invasion of external bacteria and viruses, can not resist microorganisms, can not play a good preventive effect on inflammation, resulting in physiological lesions in organ tissue.

In 2019, the Us medical team found through continuous experiments that if the human body can ingest rich fermented foods, the inflammatory response to cell tissue can be effectively alleviated, which is conducive to promoting a more balanced intestinal flora and maintaining the development of the digestive system.


Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body?

According to the latest survey data, there are more and more people suffering from chronic metabolic diseases, and the elderly are easily affected by other diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. People with these diseases account for 63.2% of the total number of diseases, and the high incidence stage is in the 50-year-old to 65-year-old population.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

Under the dual action of genetic atoms and physiological atoms in the body, persistent inflammation occurs in the body, resulting in repeated attacks of diseases, and over time, uncontrollable, increasing the speed of chronic metabolic diseases and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

American pathologists and nutritionists have conducted many experimental studies on the human intestinal flora and cellular inflammation, and thousands of participants were selected from the American medical library for close environmental observation for 2 to 3 months.

In these 35-year-old female friends, if they use high-fiber foods for 2 to 3 months continuously, compared with those aged 40 to 80 who use fermented foods for 2 to 3 months continuously, the influence of the patient's age, disease factors, and living conditions is removed.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

The experimental results show that in these 2 to 3 months, if you can adhere to the use of fermented foods for a long time, including kimchi, yogurt, wine, etc., you can present the bacteria and microorganisms in the intestine in a state of excitement, which is 26.9% lower than the risk of other diseases than ordinary people.

If you eat high-fiber foods for a long time, it will increase the risk of chronic inflammation and metabolic protein diseases by 17.2%, and the blood glucose, blood lipids and blood pressure levels in the patient's body will rise significantly in a short period of time, increasing the risk of recurrent episodes of underlying diseases, and also easily cause cerebral thrombosis and complications.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

Through the continuous experiments of nutritionists and researchers, we can see that fermented foods play a key role in promoting the vitality of the intestinal flora and microorganisms, and can reduce the probability of cellular inflammation and chronic diseases, which is worth advocating.


Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

1. Fruit wine

Plum wine, wine, blueberry wine, peach blossom wine, etc., although these are alcoholic drinks, but through the continuous extraction of fruits and layers of fermentation methods, these alcohols contain polyphenols and resveratrol, can bring antioxidants to the cells.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

Drinking some properly is conducive to promoting blood circulation, effectively scavenge excess free radicals and low-density lipoproteins in the body, promote the development of the immune system, prevent inflammation in the body and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Soybean fermentation

Bean paste, tempeh, soy sauce, etc., these common condiments are made through soybean fermentation, And Wang Dong's materials are carefully selected, dried, fermented and other processes.

Under the high temperature cooking, many nutrients can be produced, which can play an auxiliary effect on alleviating arterial atherosclerosis and thrombosis, effectively dissolve the thrombus impurities and low-density lipoproteins growing in the inner wall of blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and improve the chance of metabolism.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

For middle-aged and elderly people, they can eat more soy products fermented matter, such as natto, etc., which can not only supplement the high-quality protein and flavonoids needed by the human body, but also be more conducive to maintaining cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and preventing blood vessel blockage.

3. Fermented foods of cereals

Bread and vinegar are made through grain fermentation, which produces some oxidation reactions under the action of microorganisms, which are both delicious and nutritious.

In order to maintain good health and achieve the effect of dietary therapy, middle-aged and elderly people may wish to eat more fermented foods of cereals to promote the body's metabolic capacity, promote the secretion of hormones in the body, prevent endocrine disorders, and avoid infectious inflammation of cell tissues.

4, Plant enzyme

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

Through the fresh fruits and vegetables for a variety of steps for refining, fermentation, under the action of active enzyme substances and cells, the formation of special plant enzymes. These special substances can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis speed, improve digestion capacity, and maintain the microflora in a balanced state.

Middle-aged and elderly people with slow metabolism or indigestion can appropriately consume some plant enzymes, which is conducive to accelerating the rate of gastrointestinal peristalsis, promoting gastrointestinal digestion, and reducing the risk of chronic metabolic diseases.

5. Fermented dishes

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

Common fermented dishes, including kimchi, spicy cabbage, etc., are not only loved by young people, but also by the elderly, especially when drinking rice porridge at night, often bringing them to the table.

In the hearts of 80% of people, it is believed that eating pickled foods for a long time will increase the risk of carcinogenesis in the body, which is actually because nitrite is produced in vegetables, which will become ammonium nitrite after digestion by the human body, bringing some safety risks.

Chinese medical dietary guidelines have issued a food standard range: as a normal adult, the daily intake of nitrite should be kept below 3g, and the nitrite produced by vegetables through pickling or fermentation only exists at 0.04 to 0.07 mg, which will not bring some substantial harm to the body.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

On the other hand, kimchi will produce lactic acid bacteria during the pickling process, and lactic acid bacteria and dietary fiber will combine with each other, which can speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis, effectively kill harmful bacteria and viruses in the stomach and intestines, and maintain gastrointestinal health.

6. Dairy fermented products

Yogurt and cheese are common milk fermentation products, the food formed under the interaction of microorganisms, rich in taste, complete variety, can speed up the peristalsis of the stomach, effectively alleviate constipation, maintain the intestinal flora to maintain a stable state of activity, strengthen the human immune system, improve physical fitness.


Health regimen: Once bacteria are fermented, they will bring some pathogenic bacterial infections to the body

When you go to the supermarket to buy food, you should choose vegetables or meat produced in regular places, not too small and cheap, because of small losses.

Eating more fermented foods, or can it help reduce inflammation in the body? Expert reminder: 6 kinds of food can be eaten more

Scientific and reasonable fermented food can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis speed, maintain intestinal flora, and help strengthen the healthy development of the digestive system in a stable state of vitality.

For the health of themselves and their families, try not to make fermented foods at home, so as not to have some chemical deterioration reactions of microorganisms, more bacteria and small molecules of viruses, and some poisoning reactions will occur after the active substance enters the body, endangering people's health.

#夏方养生指南 #