
Often the gums are red and swollen, and the toothache of inhaling a cool breath is "on fire"? Taking anti-inflammatory drugs? Mouthwash? Cold? "On fire" is a saying of ordinary people, and Chinese medicine says that it is "on fire."

author:Listen to health every day

Often the gums are red and swollen, and the toothache of inhaling a cool breath is "on fire"? Taking anti-inflammatory drugs? Mouthwash? Cold?

"On fire" is a saying of the common people, Chinese medicine says that "fire inflammation, fire evil is more abundant", often manifested as mouth and tongue sores, sore throat, swollen gums and pain; if the fire evil hurts Jin, there will also be dry mouth, dry stool, dry skin and so on.

From the perspective of Western medicine, gum redness and swelling is actually the occurrence of periodontitis, adults, especially middle-aged and elderly people are caused by long-term dental plaque, this condition is not corrected in time, it will gradually hurt the gums and even the alveolar bone, and eventually lead to loose teeth loss, which has become the main reason for premature tooth loss in the elderly.

The most worrying thing is that more and more studies have confirmed that people who often have gum swelling, redness, bleeding, tenderness, etc., indicating that the body is always in an inflammatory state, and the consequences are unexpectedly serious, which is actually a risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.

Because the formation and development of atherosclerosis and plaque, that is, the gradual aging and fat deposition through a series of inflammatory reactions, the presence of oral inflammation is the embodiment of inflammatory reactions. The recently released "Oral Diseases: A Global Health Challenge" shows that adults actively intervene in periodontal disease, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents is 8%, otherwise it will be 25%, especially if people with diabetes and hypertension have long-term oral problems such as periodontitis, this risk will be further increased.

Therefore, adults, especially those with chronic diseases such as diabetes, must not take it lightly for red and swollen gums, bleeding gums, discoloration of teeth, enlargement of teeth, loose teeth, and tooth pain, and should see a dentist for intervention and treatment in time; usually do morning and evening brushing, rinsing after meals, flossing, etc. Studies have shown that if you can brush your teeth 3 times in the morning, middle and evening, not only will oral problems not occur later, but the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents will be minimized.

As for the choice of toothpaste when brushing teeth, first of all, as long as you insist on brushing your teeth, you will benefit, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, to protect your teeth, fix your teeth, pay attention to "nourishing the kidney yin, calming the stomach fire", the Qing Dynasty famous doctor Xu Mingchun's "dry lotus solid teeth scatter", to dry lotus grass, turtle shell, windproof, baizhi, poria, soap horn thorn, fine spices, mangcao and other Chinese herbs are matched, equivalent to the external use of traditional Chinese medicine, both to achieve the purpose of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, but also convenient and practical and economical, more conducive to making the benefits of brushing teeth more effective with half the effort.

Dry lotus solid teeth scattered

Often the gums are red and swollen, and the toothache of inhaling a cool breath is "on fire"? Taking anti-inflammatory drugs? Mouthwash? Cold? "On fire" is a saying of ordinary people, and Chinese medicine says that it is "on fire."
Often the gums are red and swollen, and the toothache of inhaling a cool breath is "on fire"? Taking anti-inflammatory drugs? Mouthwash? Cold? "On fire" is a saying of ordinary people, and Chinese medicine says that it is "on fire."
Often the gums are red and swollen, and the toothache of inhaling a cool breath is "on fire"? Taking anti-inflammatory drugs? Mouthwash? Cold? "On fire" is a saying of ordinary people, and Chinese medicine says that it is "on fire."

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