
A major historical figure in the COMMUNIST Party of China (1): Li Da


From July 23 to 31, 1921, the First Congress of the Communist Party of China was held at No. 3 Shudri, Baylor Road, Shanghai French Concession, and Jiaxing, Zhejiang, with a total of 13 party members attending the meeting, namely: Shanghai Group: Li Da and Li Hanjun; Wuhan Group: Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu; Changsha Group: Mao Zedong, He Shuheng; Jinan Group: Wang Gemei, Deng Enming; Beijing Group: Zhang Guotao, Liu Renjing; Guangzhou Group: Chen Gongbo; Zhou Fohai, a group traveling in Japan; and Bao Hui, a monk appointed by Chen Duxiu. There were also 3 non-Party figures: Marin: Dutchman, representative of the Comintern; Nikolsky: Russian, representative of the Red Workers' International; and Wang Huiwu: member of the council, Wife of Li Da.

Li Da was born on October 2, 1890, ming Tingfang, character Yongxi, horn Heming, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, Lingling people. An outstanding Marxist theorist, propagandist and educator, he was one of the founders and early leaders of the Communist Party of China.

A major historical figure in the COMMUNIST Party of China (1): Li Da

In 1913, Li Da was admitted to Hunan Province as an official in Japan with the second place, and devoted himself to the study and propaganda of Marxism during his study in Japan after the May Fourth Movement. In August 1920, he returned to China, and chen Duxiu prepared for the establishment of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, and was elected as the director of the Central Propaganda Department in the first session of the Communist Party of China, and edited the monthly magazine "Communist Party" and participated in the editing of "New Youth". His major works include Modern Sociology, Outline of Sociology, Outline of Economics, History of Social Evolution, Introduction to Monetary Science, Outline of Jurisprudence, Commentary on Theory of Practice, Explanation of Contradiction Theory, Outline of Materialistic Dialectics, etc. He was attacked and framed at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, and unfortunately was persecuted to death in August 1966. After the end of the Cultural Revolution, the unjust case in 1980 was revealed.


I. Contradicting Chen Duxiu's opinions and leaving the party

In the summer of 1923, Li Da met with Chen Duxiu in Shanghai and put forward some different views on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. At that time, there were different opinions on both sides of the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. How to cooperate and in what form to adopt, Chen Duxiu, then secretary of the party, believed that the conditions and timing of the Chinese revolution were not yet ripe, and advocated that the communist party join the Kuomintang as a whole, wholeheartedly do the national revolution, and wait until the conditions and timing are ripe in the future before doing the social revolution. But Li Da insisted that the Communist Party itself should maintain its organizational independence and that Communists should join the Kuomintang in their personal capacity, strengthening his position in the article "Marx's Theory and China." Later, Li Da recalled: "During the summer vacation, I went to Shanghai to meet Chen Duxiu and talk about this issue, he advocated cooperation within the party, and it seems that he has decided. He asked me what my opinion was? I replied that I advocated non-Party cooperation. Before I could finish my reasoning, he slapped the table, beat the tea bowl, and scolded as if he were going to use force, but fortunately one or two comrades present here persuaded him. I thought to myself that a hero like this would have no hope for the future of being the leader of our Party. But at that time, he was already respected by ordinary party members as 'old man', and 'old man' was not named. I was already determined to leave the party. ”

Second, adhere to the position of revolutionary theoretical research and propaganda

The Communist Party of China was established after the May Fourth New Culture Movement. At that time, there was a lack of a complete translation of Marxist works, and only a very small number of students studying in Japan had been exposed to a little introduction to Marxism, and the theoretical preparation for the founding of the party was very insufficient, except for a "Communist Manifesto" that Chen Wangdao finally translated in late April 1920. At this time, there was a great need for masters specializing in the study and propaganda of revolutionary theory. A revolutionary party must be guided by a revolutionary theory. After the founding of the party, most of the founders engaged in party affairs and social activities, and only Li Da could concentrate on theory. At the "First Congress," although the party program was drafted by international deputies, Li Da has expressed his own unique views. In July 1922, the "Second National Congress" was held, and the congress adopted many important documents, which were precisely from the hand of Li Da. After the defeat of the Great Revolution from 1924 to 1927, in the sinister environment of the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang, he adhered to the theoretical position of Marxism-Leninism and became an accomplished Marxist theoretician. Later, Li Dada became a full-time professor at University and made many contributions to the spread, application and development of Marxism in China, and Mao Zedong once praised him as Lu Xun in the theoretical circles.

3. Join the Party again

Li Da is a typical scholar-type figure, who loves to express his views frankly, does not like to echo his voices, and often leaves his sleeves without speculation. He fell out with Chen Duxiu and then left the party, but his old friends in the party still maintained long-term contact with him. At the end of 1948, when the victory of the national revolution was imminent, Li Da was invited to Beiping to participate in the preparatory work for the establishment of new China, and originally wanted to live with the representatives of the new CPPCC, but the CPC Central Committee sent a special car to take Li Da to Xiangshan alone. On the evening of May 18, he talked alone with Mao Zedong. In a long conversation with the "big" representatives after the reunion of their former friends, Li Da said that he wanted to rejoin the ranks of the party. Mao Zedong said: "You played a positive role in spreading Marxism-Leninism in the early days. After that, you taught in the kuomintang-ruled areas, always adhered to the theoretical position of Marxism-Leninism, wrote many books, and made due contributions. The Party Central Committee solemnly held a ceremony for Li Da to join the Party, with Mao Zedong as his historical witness and Liu Shaoqi as his introducer to the Party, and with the permission of the CPC Central Committee, there was no preparatory period.

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