
Zhang Jing, Baoji Central Hospital: A Hada, passing on a love, witnessing a love

author:Treasure chicken from all walks of life

A few days ago, Zhang Jing, a member of the Tibet Aid Medical Team and a dentist at Baoji Central Hospital, wrote in a circle of friends: "I received the most precious gift from patients - a Hada! ”。 The white Hatta expresses gratitude, conveys warmth, and connects the deep friendship between the two sides.

Zhang Jing, Baoji Central Hospital: A Hada, passing on a love, witnessing a love

Hada was sent by a Tibetan elder sister. A month ago, she came to the County People's Hospital for treatment due to repeated pain in her teeth on the recommendation of a friend. After diagnosis, Zhang Jing considered pulpitis and underwent three root canal treatments, and the patient's toothache symptoms were immediately relieved. During the treatment, Zhang Jing also found that the eldest sister had three caries teeth, and after communicating with her, she filled the bottom of the affected teeth. Looking at the repaired teeth, the eldest sister happily gave a thumbs up: "Because of the caries, my front teeth are missing a piece, and I never dare to open my mouth and laugh." Now you can finally let go of the smile! Thank you so much! Zhang Jing thought, things have passed like this. Unexpectedly, after a while, this eldest sister rushed to the hospital and draped Zhang Jing with a white hada, and at the same time folded her hands and sincerely said: "Thank you sincerely, Tashi Delek!" Zhang Jing was touched by the simplicity and kindness of the people in Tibetan areas, and immediately sent a circle of friends and wrote this sentence.

Zhang Jing, Baoji Central Hospital: A Hada, passing on a love, witnessing a love

Zhang Jing is a medical team member of the ninth batch of Baoji Central Hospital to assist the Ali Gaize County People's Hospital in Tibet. Previously, the County People's Hospital had only one department of facial features and only one doctor. It is understood that there is a long-term lack of dental professionals in the local area, oral diseases have been diagnosed and treated by surgeons, and the treatment projects carried out are limited to prescribing drugs and extracting teeth. After Zhang Jing arrived, she separated the department of stomatology from the department of five senses for the first time, suggested that the hospital added instruments, drugs and consumables needed for dental treatment, and then a series of oral diseases were also carried out. Once, a patient said to Zhang Jing after receiving treatment: "Doctor, do you know? My teeth have been hurting for half a year and I haven't looked at it. Later, I heard a friend say that the County People's Hospital had established a department of stomatology, and there were special Tibetan aid doctors to see a doctor, so I plucked up the courage to come! In this way, ten or ten passes on hundreds, more and more patients come to see the dental, working overtime for two or three hours a day has become a common thing for Zhang Jing. In one day at most, she treated 14 patients, did 9 root canal preparation and root canal filling, and filled three caries. Conditions are limited and dental treatment is tedious and time-consuming. Although the work is hard, Zhang Jing has never complained, but is very pleased because of the improvement of the patients' awareness of loving teeth. Since the establishment of the Department of Stomatology, she has completed the first local caries filling, root canal treatment and complex wisdom tooth flap removal.

Zhang Jing, Baoji Central Hospital: A Hada, passing on a love, witnessing a love

While doing a good job in oral work, Zhang Jing also took the initiative to undertake the treatment of trauma patients. He has participated in the treatment of oral and maxillofacial trauma for patients with high fall injuries, patients injured by yaks and several injured young children, which not only relieves patients of the pain of traveling to and from higher-level hospitals, but also fills the gap in the treatment of local oral and maxillofacial trauma. During this period, she also escorted a patient with acute abdomen to Lhasa overnight with Xiao Huiping, a member of the Tibet Aid Team of the Central Hospital, to handle the hospitalization procedures for him and accompany him to do emergency examinations. After 20 hours of sleeplessness, the patient was finally sent to the operating room safely. During this period, Zhang Jing was also keen on public welfare and actively participated in free medical service activities. During the rest time, he followed the medical team to conduct health examinations for the elderly in the support center for the special hardship personnel in Gaize County, and went to the six counties and districts of Jieze County to participate in the screening of osteoarthritis, etc., and contributed to the health of the local people. Talking about the next work of aiding Tibet, Zhang Jing said: "The holy Hada has closely linked the medical team to Tibet and the people in Tibetan areas. As long as I spend a day on the snowy plateau, I will certainly do my best to live up to my mission and the expectations of the masses. ”

Source: Baoji Health

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