
35+39! Harden chose the right person, Durant begged himself, admit it, you come through relationships

On March 7, Beijing time, Durant is one of the strongest scorers in the NBA today, and many people will agree with this sentence. But at the same time, veteran fans must also know that in the 15 years of his career, Durant has also experienced many injuries. Recently, after more than a month of injury suspension, Death finally returned to the field again, where we have to admit Durant's super scoring ability. Durant, who had just returned, didn't feel any strange feelings in the game against the Heat, and he made 10-of-21 and cut 31 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists.

35+39! Harden chose the right person, Durant begged himself, admit it, you come through relationships

The team lost, but Durant's overall performance was very good. In today's game against the Celtics, Durant once again staged the return of the king, he made 12 of 21, cut 37 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists, both improved the shooting rate and improved his own statistics. Unfortunately, in these two games, Durant is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists, and the team has lost, and then continues, the Nets are not to mention the championship, may not even be able to enter the playoffs, Irving has "deteriorated", whether in terms of ideology or personal ability, now Durant urgently needs a strong helper.

35+39! Harden chose the right person, Durant begged himself, admit it, you come through relationships

Carefully observed fans can see that in the two games of the comeback, Durant's playing time is very high, after 48 days of returning with full blood, Durant's first game of playing time is as high as 35 minutes, against the Celtics, the playing time directly soared to 39 minutes, it turns out that Nash is really a rookie coach, not only stubborn, coaching ability is also particularly poor, will only rely on superstar singles, for any coach, Durant will not play for such a long time, last season and this season, Durant's injury It can be said that it has a lot to do with Nash.

35+39! Harden chose the right person, Durant begged himself, admit it, you come through relationships

From the recent games, it can be concluded that Harden chose the right person, first, he chose The Right Rivers, although Rivers is a controversial coach, but he is a well-known champion coach, will not be like Nash, in these four games of the 76ers, Harden's playing time is basically stable at about 35 minutes, and the team has won four consecutive wins, Harden is not so tired; second, Harden chose embiid. In the 76ers, Embiid offense, defense has everything, plus There are Maxi, Danny Green, Sebel and other defensive toughsters, Harden does not have to take on more tasks on the defensive end.

35+39! Harden chose the right person, Durant begged himself, admit it, you come through relationships

As a result, Harden can save a lot of stamina and be more focused on offense and tandem teammates. In harden's 4 games, the 76ers all won, and when he did not play, the 76ers lost to the Heat, and Maxi's record of 20+ in 4 consecutive games was also ended; look at the Nets, Durant returned, the Nets still suffered 4 consecutive defeats, without Harden, the team lacked an organizational and offensive strong point, the rhythm was very chaotic, and could only rely on Durant and Irving to solve the problem, but Durant and Irving also had no choice, without Harden, Mills's role was seriously weakened, he has changed from a sharpshooter to a sharpshooter "Scrap iron."

35+39! Harden chose the right person, Durant begged himself, admit it, you come through relationships

In the last 12 games, Mills has scored in double figures in only two of them, and only three have hit 50% of the shots. Why can a rookie coach like Nash come to coach a team like the Nets? It's mainly about relationships. Tsai Chongxin and Nash have a good personal relationship, which is also one reason why Nash was able to enter the team; the second reason, when he was in the Warriors, Nash and Durant's relationship was very good, he often helped Durant with shooting training, without Durant's nod, I believe that Tsai Chongxin could not sign Nash.

35+39! Harden chose the right person, Durant begged himself, admit it, you come through relationships

Admit it, Nash, you just came to the Nets by relationship, before, Harden had long been dissatisfied with Nash, but because of Durant's face, he was embarrassed to say it, plus Irving's sake, Harden finally couldn't bear it, and only made the decision to leave the team, and now Durant is begging for himself, eating his own fruit, he must miss Harden, but it's too late. Maddy is not wrong, Harden is pretending, he is not injured, he just does not want to play for the Nets, the Nets have now fallen to such a point, what Durant feels in his heart, only he knows.

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