
Great, she | my heart is like an autumn moon, and the bitan is clear and clean

Great, she | my heart is like an autumn moon, and the bitan is clear and clean

Wentu| Li Yanxia Edited | Swallow

A person has roughly three faces: external appearance, spiritual outlook, and life outlook. These three faces, the lower one falls apart, the middle one occasionally or freely, the upper one can complement each other, harmoniously unify and ------- inscription

Writing Zhang Suyun Zhang Zong, there is always an inexplicable and wonderful thing surging in my heart, I don't know whether it is warmth, whether it is touching, whether it is sadness, or admiration, in short, like a overturned five-flavor bottle, for a time life is full of flavors, five flavors and miscellaneous swells, making my thoughts go and go, erratic, unwilling to link. Years are needles, efforts are threads, and together they sewed the neon clothes of Fanghuali for her, and the woman below it who always lives hard and loves hard, is striding forward from the remote rural sheep intestine trail in a trance, along the way, wearing thorns and thorns, wearing stars and wearing the moon, qi Yu Xuan Ang ~ My heart is like the autumn moon, and the bitan is clear and clean

"In the summer when I was fourteen years old, the weather was very hot, the old father carried dozens of pounds of medicine barrels to spray cotton, and I also worked in the cotton field for a summer vacation, and the cotton field was the path leading to the city, knotty, uneven, and in the rainy season, it was muddy and impassable. The following four younger siblings are still young, I feel sorry for the old father's shoulders, scrambling to work hard, although the old father does not have much culture, but is the brigade branch secretary, leading the village hundreds of people to live, he and his mother have always been "love out of the love to return, the blessing of the past", practicing themselves, but also teaching our five sisters. ”

"I feel that there is a lot of cotton in the field that summer, pick it up over and over again, the clouds in the sky are not as much as the cotton on the ground, the outside world is not as far as the cotton field, when the work is finished, it is always twilight, and as soon as the feet step on the road to the city in the field, I silently made a hundred decisions in my heart, I must go out from this road." 」

The first stop was a guest house in Cao County, did half a year, directly promoted to foreman, in the front hall to pick up and send, I kept asking myself: "Is this the life I want Zhang Suyun to live?" I'm going to stay here for the rest of my life? "The old father is still at home carrying dozens of pounds of medicine barrels, no, I need a breakthrough." By chance, I joined the insurance company, and this was a 20-year experience. Cao County 4 years, Heze 16 years, 16 jobs I have done, so now the following people report the work, ask three sentences I know what he wants to do, what I need to coordinate. ”

I raised my eyes to stare at the woman in front of me, her eyes were bright, firm and moist, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and her eyebrows were as bright as spring and bright as the autumn moon. Gentle and feminine like water, spiritual wisdom like jade. There is purity that has nothing to do with fireworks; beauty that has nothing to do with appearance; elegance that has nothing to do with rich and poor; agility that has nothing to do with the outside. She walked tingling down the country roads, with the softness of spring earth; she came from the endless cotton fields with the fiery heat of a hot summer and the desire to succeed. Such a super-energetic woman, like a youlan in the deep valley, stands tall and shining.

"The Yinshengyuan stall is a frequent visit by my son and I, and I can say what is in the business and what is delicious, such as several family treasures, and my son and I have different feelings for it." At that time, he went to school in the experimental primary school, ate a small dinner table at noon and at night, usually at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, I came to pick him up at the small dinner table behind the stall, and came here to eat some food by the way, that was the most relaxed and intimate moment for the two of us, when the child's father was working in the field (it was seven years), I worked while taking the child, and now although I have a small career achievement, I feel the most sorry for my son. Her eyes were moist, and her guilt was overflowing.

"The insurance business, in fact, is a kind of love business, decades with me all the way, from the initial two-page single type of insurance to the current electronic high-quality insurance, the rapid development of the insurance industry." And I am very honored to be the experiencer and participant in this great tide. The old father's "love out of the love to return, the blessing of the past" has also been spurring our four sisters, so that we have gained a lot in their respective life paths, good family education is really the most expensive real estate. ”

For the first time, I heard from her that the insurance business is actually the concept of a love business, and she has experienced 16 kinds of insurance positions in the past 20 years, from low to high, from a clueless girl who just entered the industry to the current boss of an insurance company who is alone and in charge of half of the country, she participated in and witnessed the whole process of Heze's entire insurance industry from small to large, from scratch, from barren to prosperous. She and her insurance career, from a small point of view and the development of Yinshengyuan go hand in hand, from a large point of view, accompanied by the development of our great beauty Heze with each passing day~

Ma Boyong once said: "The inheritance of a family is like a good antique." Antiques are qualitative, there is no trace of inheritance, it cannot be seen or touched, but it quietly penetrates into the bones and blood of each descendant of the family, becoming a spiritual bond between family members, and even becoming part of their personality and even their destiny. Such a woman, leading her courageous team to walk in the rapid development of Heze's economic tide, adhering to the words and deeds of her father, with a heart of great love and benevolence, live hard, love hard, exhaust her life, seek up and down, and never give up.

"Those who love to go out love to return, and those who are blessed to come", a good family style is a good soil, which penetrates and secretly matches the cause she has devoted her life to, and the two complement each other and achieve each other. And she, the empty valley and the orchid-like woman, has no thorns and no thorns, is benevolent and generous, fragrant, has a sea of stars in her eyes, and a world of long, wide and deep on her shoulders. The temperament is clear and dusty, and it really makes people's external appearance, spiritual outlook and life outlook perfectly harmonious and unified, which makes people suddenly enlightened.

How much she can pay for her ideals, how wide and far her path will go.

Great, she | my heart is like an autumn moon, and the bitan is clear and clean

Author: Li Yanxia, hi one room and one courtyard, boiling tea to see flowers.

One Point Heart Dream Literature