
American social media hot discussion: 2001-2005 draft player PK 2006-2010 Who can win?

author:Miscellaneous talk about rice baskets

The official website of USA Today forwarded the 2001-2010, the first decade star of the new century, PK, which was hotly discussed on social media, regardless of injuries, but considered the peak of his career. Probably for more topical purposes, put 2005 in the top half of the time zone, and here are the players represented in each year's draft:

Class of 2001: Paul Gasol, Tony Parker, Tyson Chandler, Joe Johnson, Arenas, Battier, Richard Jefferson, Randolph.

Class of 2002: Yao Ming, Amarestad Meier, Carlos Busel, Aaron Butler.

American social media hot discussion: 2001-2005 draft player PK 2006-2010 Who can win?

Class of 2003, represented by James, Wade, Anthony, Bosh, Korver, Carman, David West, Dior, Barbosa, Steve Blake, Mo Williams.

American social media hot discussion: 2001-2005 draft player PK 2006-2010 Who can win?

Class of 2004, represented by Howard, Iguodala, Ariza, Al Jefferson.

Class of 2005, Representing Players: Paul, Deron Williams, Bynum, Granger, Louis Williams, David Lee, Monta Ellis.

01-05 HP 06-10

Class of 2006: Brandon Roy, Lowry, Aldridge, Millsap, Redick, Rondo, PJ Tucker.

Class of 2007: Durant, Conley, Mark Gasol, Horford, Joaquin Noah.

Class of 2008: Rose, Westbrook, Ibaka, Love, Brooke López, Eric Gordon, Jordan Jr.

American social media hot discussion: 2001-2005 draft player PK 2006-2010 Who can win?

Class of 2009, represented by Griffin, Curry, Harden, DeRozan, Juju Holliday, Rubio, Jeff Teague, Danny Green.

American social media hot discussion: 2001-2005 draft player PK 2006-2010 Who can win?

Class of 2010, represented by Paul George, Hayward, Wall, Cousins, Favors.

It can be regarded as the PK of the four heroes of the wind and dust against the thunder three less:

The starting points in my mind at 01-05 are: Paul, Wade, James, Stoudemire, Yao Ming, bench, Parker, Delong, Arenas, Anthony, Iguodala, Bynum, Paul Gasol, Howard, Korver, Bosh, Al Jefferson and many more.

06-10 starters: Curry, Harden, Durant, Ade, Marc Gasol. The competition for the number one position is too fierce, and the two MVP Rose and Wei Shao both have to come off the bench, and the substitute lineup: Westbrook, Rose, Roy, Lowry, Pepper, DeRozan, Hayward, Ibaka, Jordan Jr., Griffin.

Who do you think will win the 7-game series?

American social media hot discussion: 2001-2005 draft player PK 2006-2010 Who can win?