
Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022

This article is excerpted from The Star Translation Agency; see Ascending Sign and Sun Sign.

The time difference relationship can be added to the date in the text, and the day and the next day are commonly referenced

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


March is an exciting month for you. Those grumpy planets in 2021 are now not only mature, but also very friendly and generous to each other and to you. These planets will create a sweet opportunity. In March and the months that follow, your career and family life will grow tremendously, and you're more likely to be close to happiness.

Mars, your guardian star, is traveling in the tenth house of your astrolabe, drawing your attention to your professional achievements. Mars will also illuminate your talents and new opportunities will emerge. Mars and Venus meet, a rare, brilliant, happy phase that shows that your nobles have seen your potential. Pluto will also be orbiting with Mars, so your influence within the industry seems to be expanding, and you may not even realize that you are admired by influencers.

Your career is growing at a rapid pace, and soon you'll be able to go wherever you want. Now you can safely turn to your private life because this field will bring you the greatest satisfaction and happiness this year. This will become apparent immediately in March, but even more so in mid-May and beyond.

At home, all sorts of surprises are emerging, thanks to the gift of the new moon – on March 2, Jupiter, the moon and the sun together found many ways to make you happy in the field of family life. There's no doubt that this is a month you've never seen in years. Jupiter and the new moon are in harmony, and Uranus is also at the ideal angle, all of which give March unexpected joy.

The Sun will form a perfect conjunction with Jupiter on March 5, making it a lucky day to shine throughout the year. Your dreams about family life, which will be more likely to come true, also beckon you to focus more on this aspect and you will spend time on some creative project. And the sun also rules your love palace, so you may meet someone who fascinates you and lights up your imagination for a few days in the day or nearby, someone you want to get to know better.

The conjunction of the sun and Jupiter takes place in your twelfth house and is related to inner feelings and understanding. So if you feel unhappy or anxious, you should find a way to eliminate that feeling. Your intuition is very strong, so listen to it and follow its guidelines. This will take you into a new area, and by the end of 2022, you will grow, mature, shine more with your personality, and you will become a more attractive person. And during the year, you won't want to leave home – it will be a place for you to snuggle up, you will feel loved and cared for, and in turn, you will take good care of your family.

This month, you seem to be meeting and talking to medical staff more than usual, perhaps about a health checkup, or having a surgery that has been postponed. You probably don't have any health issues to worry about – it looks like you're simply following your doctor's advice. Now that Jupiter is in your twelfth house, you've apparently done your research and chosen the best doctor for yourself.

Jupiter is a planet of happiness, healing, and miracles. Astrologers call Jupiter the Great Benefactor. One of the benefits of Jupiter in the twelfth house is that you can successfully lose weight — if that's your goal, then try to gently (not dramatically) improve your eating habits and switch to healthier foods. You will see surprising results.

On the Virgo Full Moon, March 18, you'll be working on a big project, either a work project or a personal accomplishment you'll be proud of. Pluto is also in the realm of this full moon, so it's easy to get attention from someone who holds money and power, and you might get the money you need to launch a business or an idea.

By the end of the month, you'll be more focused on yourself. From March 31st to April 1st, you'll welcome the annual Aries New Moon, and your guardian planet Mars will travel hand in hand in Aquarius with his lover Venus. This is also excellent news for you, because this is a palace of friendship and love, friends will want to pull you into their plans, and both friends and your lover (if you don't already have a lover, you may meet soon) are faithful and sincere. Not every month so brilliant, but when you have it, enjoy every minute of it.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


Uranus, which represents surprises, runs in Taurus, so the people who appear in all areas of life will surprise you. On May 18, 2018, Uranus first entered Taurus and won't leave until 2026, so now you haven't even broken your old pattern. In 2021, lucky Jupiter comes to the Career Palace, and many Taurus are leaving their jobs and entering new tracks. This year, Jupiter has left its tenth house of glory, rewards, and achievements, and will not return again in many years, but the actions and decisions you make in 2021 will take you forward for the next 10 years or more.

Now, the master mentor Saturn is running in your tenth house, and Saturn came to your tenth house in December 2019. Saturn's presence here shows that you have to learn a lot of things, and the outside world expects you to reach higher standards. You might start your own business, or you might change careers altogether because you seem ready to do something entirely new. Or, you might get a promotion, get a new position, and a few years ago, you didn't seem to be up to the task, and now you're ready. Your guardian star, Venus, will become a brilliant beacon in your career palace, and she will show that you are determined to prove your worth. Venus will make you very popular with important customers who will notice your excellent work.

The key to boosting your income and impressing people with a lot of experience and influence (you've seen them more and more recently) is to rely on friends to give you a professional introduction. You should also listen to the advice of your friends. Friends may also share stories — they may share their own experiences that may be useful to you and will inspire you.

You'll also be very forward-looking in expanding your social circle, and Jupiter's location suggests that you'll gain a lot from your new community. You may want to join a professional or social group, and it's good for you to play with like-minded people. The New Moon in Pisces on March 2 will convince you that friends and people you know can provide an important way to succeed.

The luckiest thing of the year is March 5, when Jupiter meets the sun, which is a major annual event. The two stars form a conjunction only once a year, each time in a different constellation. This year, they will form a conjunction in Pisces, which corresponds to the eleventh house that represents hopes and wishes, and this house also governs your friendship. Jupiter doesn't come back to Pisces until 12 years later, so this horoscope is very special. You may have learned something so far, but this year's focus is not on what you know. It's more like who you are. You will also be on the right path. On or the day before March 4, you might get help from someone you know or someone you just met.

In terms of personal life, March 5 is also great for socializing and enjoying. Maybe it's this day, maybe the next day, March 6th, you'll get warm support from your family and family. Lucky in real estate, real estate, you can also find the ideal furniture to add the perfect decoration to the house.

This month will not only make you successful in your career and enjoy your family life, but this month is also related to fun and love. The Virgo full moon on March 18 may be your second Valentine's Day of the year, and the five days before and after this day will be one of the most wonderful moments of your personal life.

You may find new love, or enjoy the love you already have. On March 18th, spending time with kids (or someone else's kids) can also bring you great joy. If you're looking to conceive or have children, and this full moon so emphasises emotional love and contentment, you may get the news of your dreams. Taurus, in the coming months, you have to dare to imagine!

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


Many of the promises of 2022 will begin to be fulfilled for you in March, one of the best months of the year for career development. It comes from Jupiter, the lucky star that promises to give you the best career opportunities in all zodiac signs in 2022. This year will be the year you get a huge reward for your career. The reason March is so special is that Jupiter, the provider of gifts and luck, is now in your tenth house representing honorary rewards and achievements, and will coincide with the new moon on March 3. At some point, the new moon is about to pierce the salute balloon and let one or more golden career opportunities spill over you.

Uranus is in the ideal position to work with the New Moon and Jupiter and will suddenly trigger this opportunity – it will appear as a huge surprise, which makes this month even more special.

In gemini's astrolabe, the moon rules your second house, the house of income, and Jupiter joins the crescent moon, and if you do get a gorgeous job offer, it will bring generous rewards. The sun will also be touched by Jupiter, indicating that you might sign an important contract or get a writing, speaking, or other communication-oriented assignment that excites you. Uranus will also be friendly and active, so when the exciting news surfaces, it will be a huge surprise that will leave you speechless.

The new moon on March 3 will make everything move, and it will be easy to bring you a surprise breakthrough in your career in the following days. This will be an opportunity you never expected, but it's entirely within your reach and you can achieve brilliant things. Pay attention to the messages that come to you within ten days after the new moon.

To be at the forefront, it is best to make a concerted effort after an encouraging new moon like this. Take action within ten days after March 3. If you work for someone else and want to change jobs, tell your friends that you are willing to accept various offers and ask them to keep a string and find an interesting job that suits you. Search for talented, influential people you might want to reach out to on job search sites.

If you want a promotion, approach your boss in the days after the new month. If you're told you haven't met the requirements yet, ask what you need to do to advance to the next position? It's always good to have more information.

And one more thing – the luckiest day of the year is on March 6, the day Jupiter meets the mighty Sun. This happens only once a year, and it's always in different zodiac signs. It's been 12 years since the last time Jupiter and the Sun met in your tenth house representing fame and honor, but happily, it happened again on March 6. It's a Sunday, but you can also feel the activation of planetary energy on Monday, March 7. To say that you will be lucky in your career is light. On the same day, Venus and Mars will meet in Capricorn, indicating that you will benefit from income dividends or other performance-based arrangements.

On the full moon of March 18, your family and family will be the center of your attention. There are many reasons to motivate you to enrich your private family life, and these reasons are positive. One of your immediate family members may inform you of the birth of a baby, and if so, you'll want to be there to celebrate the news. Your parents may have moved to a new home with a warmer climate, and you may decide to visit on the occasion of the full moon or full moon on March 18 of this month.

Alternatively, it could also be that you need to move and will find the ideal apartment or house. At the time of the full moon, you can make the deal clear, either complete the deal for the house, or sign the lease if you're renting. If you're going to sell a property, most likely during the full moon, you're likely to get a good price higher than your asking price. (Depending on the situation, your decisions and actions will occur within five days around the full moon on March 18.) If you're renovating your own house, the contractor will finish the work at this point. If you order furniture, you are likely to receive a very excited delivery within the affected time frame of the full moon on March 18.

What a great month! It will surely look like a month of joy that you will never forget.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


In March, Cancer's energy will be more focused on foreign-related affairs, and all the conversations and news from foreign high-level officials will make you feel extremely excited and happy. Obviously, Cancer will still have many opportunities to travel abroad, but in the context of the epidemic, it is recommended to first do a good job of epidemic prevention in the destination country and city and the required testing certificate. If the infection rate of the epidemic in the country you visit is still very high, it is best to discuss it through an online meeting to avoid being recruited. Even if you stay at home and rest well, this month, Cancer will not miss any drop of blessing from Jupiter's golden rain.

In March, Cancer is very lucky when dealing with foreigners, and you'll even get exciting travel opportunities to consider the kind that will be implemented in the future. Cancer will also be competing for free and legally, and seriously, it's quite possible. On March 5, the sun meets Jupiter, and Cancer receives a large sum of money, precious gifts or prizes.

At the beginning of the month, the new moon of March 2 coincides with Jupiter, the area I mentioned above, Cancer will be exceptionally lucky, long-distance travel is one of them, but if you have no intention of traveling, you may deal with foreigners who are currently in the same city as you. As a Cancer focused on undergraduate or graduate studies, you may be preparing for a graduation thesis or taking an exam, and if so, you'll get a high score. With cancers that neither travel, nor work with foreigners, nor college or graduate academic pressures, you may focus on legal matters, or media/publishing projects. In short, you will achieve dazzling achievements in any of the above areas.

The New Moon on March 2 will also usher in opportunities for several of the areas discussed above, and Cancer's efforts will eventually be rewarded handsomely. The weekend of March 5th will have good news that will make you so excited that you can't breathe!

March 5th is the luckiest day of the year, and the probability of all of the above things happening will reach an all-time high, and Cancer should certainly make good use of this day! Jupiter and the Sun meet in Pisces, providing Cancer with an infinite blessing of good luck. March 4 to March 6 are all sparkling days.

On the weekend of March 5, the cosmic CP of Venus and Mars will meet in Capricorn, the house of marriage and commitment in Cancer. This suggests that March may be a romantic chapter with the other half who is seriously involved (or already married). Cupid will let the little angel take care of you! On weekends 5-6 March, you'll enjoy special premium benefits at high-end events or dinners, or take an evening excursion to the countryside. It's up to you.

The full moon on March 18 will have more travel opportunities, although this time it may be to a destination closer to your home. During the full moon, Cancer may sign a contract, and this transaction is very attractive to you. Best of all, Mercury will also be associated with lucky Jupiter, and the agreement you sign will be a huge success, or build a more advanced network.

Thanks to the friendly phase of Uranus, it will create a steady stream of surprises that will make this March even more special. Currently, Uranus is in the eleventh house of Cancer, which is full of hope and ideals, and it will bring extra surprise news to make this month shine like a brilliant diamond, thanks to the powerful and friendly phase of Uranus and the stars. A certain long-term dream will come true when you least expect it. Believe in miracles, dear Cancer.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


In March, you have a good chance of reaping the financial rewards. You'll feel it as soon as the new moon arrives on March 2, and the same will be true for the next few days. The large sums of money you see could come from bank loans, approvals for large mortgages, a sponsorship, or an injection of venture capital. This money could also be commissions, cash advances, royalties, bonuses or a financial decision in the court's favor. It can be the expense of one project that you will share with another, and that person may be an agent, writing, or business partner. Or, the money you see in March could be a generous gift, prize, scholarship, or legacy. There are so many ways that money will come and knock on your door.

Keep in mind that the new moon doesn't just work on the day – the new moon opens up the possibility of six months or more. You've never seen this level of financial help before. The aspects I've listed are just examples. The money you receive doesn't come in the form of a fixed salary, but in other ways — and the amount is enormous. Perhaps the best part is that the money was unexpected.

March 5 will be the luckiest day of the year, heralding the arrival of cash or valuable gifts. If you're looking to make a big breakthrough, make a product introduction or pitch the day before, Friday, March 4, or meet a VIP on Sunday, March 6. You can also apply for funds, such as student bursaries, and sign them out on March 5. If you're selling a property or other asset, your income should be higher than your original offer.

This month's financial good news will culminate within five days of the full moon on March 18. It's also exciting news, and it seems that there will be a friend who will play an important role in your fortunes.

Your career will go well these days, too. As a Leo, you are creative and always approach situations in an imaginative, unconventional way. This month, you'll be rewarded for your expanding thinking, which has become your label. Your reputation in the industry is about to soar to new heights.

If you currently have a lover or are married, your relationship will be closer, thanks to Venus and Mars in Aquarius on March 6. They met perfectly on this day, so create golden memories for yourself on the weekend of March 5-6. Arrange a festive dinner or take a trip to the nearby scenic area with your loved one.

If you're single, one of your partners, such as an agent, manager, PR, accountant, or lawyer, may bring unexpected news and offer a great opportunity you never thought possible. Venus and Mars are associated with commercial success, so bring different news – this time with money.

It's important to remember this: The investments you made not long ago are now starting to pay off. If you have stocks and bonds, they will increase in value. Many people don't make these investments, but invest in houses or businesses, or invest in their children. You may have invested in yourself by going to college. The point is, now is the time to get rewarded.

After the Aries New Moon on March 31 (or April 1), long-distance entrepreneurship opportunities will also heat up. If one of the companies you're dealing with looks like a homegrown company, it could be that the company's headquarters are actually in a foreign country and have branches in the country. In addition, there are signs that your creative talents will be key to seizing opportunities. This will all become apparent after the new moon at the end of this month, but I will tell you more about it next month! In the meantime, enjoy the good fortune of turning a stone into gold this month. You deserve all the rewards – you've been working hard for it, and now the ship is coming into port. This year will be an exciting year for you. Get ready!

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


In the coming months, the other party in the relationship may provide all the motivation you need, and may even continue into the years to come. Currently, you have the best horoscope of marriage in the zodiac signs, which will last until May 10, and then return from the end of October to December 20, because during this time Jupiter is in Pisces, the interpersonal house of your chart. December 2022 could be better because Jupiter is retrograde from late October to November 23, so November 23 to December 20 is the best phase. If you're single and serious about your current lover, you might be engaged or planning a wedding.

If you're married, you're starting to see your partner excel at work and financial success. You'll soon notice that your partner is filled with a whole new spirit of optimism, and you haven't seen them so positive in a long time. If you've been feeling lost lately and can't push forward with the dreams you've talked to your partner about, the new moon on March 3, Beijing time, may give you a reason to get back to your goals and work together again. This new moon will unleash this powerful horoscope that will last for the next few months. The Pisces Crescent on March 3 is one of the best new moons of 2022.

This lovely horoscope may not point to marriage and romantic relationships. You may use this energy to create win-win career collaborations. For example, you're going to sign up for a new agency, PR, finance, lawyer, career partner, wedding planner, image designer, career coach, or other professional who can help you easily achieve your goals. If you're dealing with this kind of thing this month — that is, working with another person in the direction of your career — the horoscope suggests that you'll be very happy with that person's performance. Your union can also bring great financial benefits.

The Pisces New Moon on March 3 puts your focus on one or more others, while the Virgo Full Moon on March 18 will focus on adduction, focusing on your own thinking, state, and needs. At the time of the full moon, the things that are important to you will reach the climax and see what it is – to make you more aware of what you cherish and value most at this stage of your life.

The full moon on March 18 will give you reason to look forward to a happier future. If your careful planning has been disrupted by the endless epidemic, the sense of hope brought by this full moon will be more obvious. You have so much to look forward to and enjoy in the future that nothing, even the pandemic, will bring you down. Listen to scientists and medical authorities, take the precautions they recommend, and move firmly toward a better future.

On the full moon of March 18, Uranus and your main star, Mercury, are in good shape, bringing the possibility of travel, which may be a whim. Within five days near the full moon, it may bring its message. The news could also be good news for media programs, university and graduate education, and legal affairs.

You don't mind the busy day-to-day work, and it seems that you enjoy doing so many things. If you run your own business, there will be a large influx of customers, and busy means that business is booming. If you work for someone else, you'll quickly prove your indispensability – your efforts will be rewarded with a match, and you may be promoted by the end of May.

There's another unintentional reward for hard work — it's easy to be single when you're busy, and you might have a strong interest in someone who works in IT or in your organization's digital information department. Venus and Mars don't come together in Aquarius much — this is your astrolabe daily work house — Cupid is flying all over the place at work, and his little arrow of love is always on you. You have to be willing to try out all the possibilities, Venus and Mars are finally together, their mission is to polish the spark of love, then things can be particularly interesting, but also become the starting point for something new.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


There will be a lot of exciting things happening in your workplace, there are four major celestial bodies in the imaginative Pisces, and your employer will value your exquisite and stylish style and forward-thinking creativity. On March 2, Jupiter will coincide with the Sun and the New Moon, so within the first two weeks of March, you may soon receive some job offers to work on something new. Jupiter brings not only opportunities, but also financial benefits. Most importantly, the work matches your talents well, you roll up your sleeves, you'll be passionately engaged, and you'll be proud of the results afterwards.

At the time of the New Moon on the 2nd of March, Uranus is also very active and friendly, and the sudden appearance of a job offer will surprise you quite a bit. The Moon is in charge of your Tenth House Of Professions, so if you dedicate yourself to this project, you may find yourself in the ascended ranks.

The added benefit of this new moon on March 2 will be better health. You may ditch your New Year's decisions and decide that if you make getting strong and healthy a goal to watch in 2022, then you'll have the time and interest to execute your plan. The great healer and jupiter representing happiness is now in your sixth house, bringing good luck and breakthroughs to your work tasks and guiding you on what actions you need to take to stay healthy. When it comes to improving health, there's no upper limit to what you can achieve. This year you can take a few small steps to change your habits and improve your health by leaps and bounds.

At the full moon on March 18, your need for privacy will be apparent. Maintain your immunity, as at this time you may easily get a cold or flu. On the following weekends of March 19-20, try to take some time to rest. You know you're going to be expending a lot of energy in the weeks leading up to the full moon on March 18, and you might go for an annual checkup or consult a trainer to do a new fitness program.

If you've been concerned about your health, you may want to close your doors during this full moon (which works for five days after March 18), do research, and focus on your current task. By being alone and masking the usual noise and opinions, you can come up with original ideas and imaginative solutions.

In terms of love, on March 6, your guardian star Venus and Mars will have a rare encounter in your fifth house of true love. If you're single, this union will help you because you'll accidentally meet a new person you're interested in. Mars and Venus are very close together throughout the month — which is unusual — so you'll feel their sparkle for weeks. You'll have plenty of time to go out and socialize.

If you're serious about dating, Venus and Mars will bring you closer together. This weekend of March 5-6 is undoubtedly fascinating, Saturn is also in the same house, and you seem ready to settle down and start the next chapter of your life by making a commitment to your partner. Venus and Mars will give you the opportunity to enjoy high-quality time in the world of two.

If you are in an agreement or married, your guardian planet Venus and Mars will be sensational news. Usually, the trajectories of these two romantic planets are far apart, but this month their mood is like heaven, arm in arm on a mission, bringing more joy to your personal love life.

You may also have a good time with your kids in March. Remember, Saturday, March 5 is the best auspicious day of the year, so the weekend of March 5-6 will be very special. Make plans that add a touch of luxury to all the things you're going to do.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


What a gorgeous March you have arrived! It can be said that it is tailor-made for you, because you will focus on your personal life and fill it with deep love. The new moon on March 2 begins a romantic journey of love for you, because good luck Jupiter is located in your fifth house, True Love. Jupiter will run in this region until May 10, and then return to this region on October 27 until it leaves on December 20, 2022, and the next visit will be 12 years later. The stars gather in Pisces in March, so this will be the best month of the year to experience love, and the luck is well deserved.

If you're single and want to meet true love, then be sure to socialize with people in a variety of ways. The opportunities for love in 2022 are dazzling, because the stars entering Pisces, your fifth house, is a great blessing for scorpions. If you are in love, you will be more warm and sweet, and the relationship will go further. If you're married or in a long-term, stable relationship, you might have a baby this year.

On March 5, Jupiter meets the sun, which will be your luckiest day of the year. This horoscope occurs once a year, jupiter will always choose other constellations, but looking at these more than ten years, this year two important planets for the first time in the same water sign Pisces, this position is so perfect, Jupiter will make you feel happy from the heart.

And, because the Sun rules Scorpio's tenth house, representing honors, rewards, and achievements, it's easy to achieve a major breakthrough in your career this month, which could be March 4, the day before the best lucky day.

Everything that happens this month is unpredictable, as the surprise star Uranus is in phase with the new moon. No surprises, what counts as life? Surprises don't come from just one aspect.

The wonderful march is coming, and your second guardian planet, Mars, will merge with Venus, which is very rare and gives you a reason to love it. On March 5-6, Venus and Mars may put you on a short romantic journey. On March 3, Pluto and Mars merge to make your trip full of beauty and luxury, and Jupiter and Pluto each play their own strengths and let you indulge.

High social mood has not weakened in the slightest, peaking on March 18 at the Virgo New Moon, or a few days later. This full moon glows in your Eleventh House friendship palace, so you may be invited to parties or celebrations, such as weddings or greeting newborns. Divine love also gets the focus of this full moon, as Uranus and Mercury, located in your House of True Love, merge. Whether you are single or in love, this sign brings you the purest joy. You may also see something that you hope to achieve in the end, something you hope to achieve but feel that you can't achieve.

If your birthday falls around 5 days around November 19, you will be most able to enjoy the benefits of the full moon on March 18. If you are rising or 5 degrees before and after the Moon Scorpio 28 degrees, it will have the same effect. If you have planets in your Naturo chart that are located in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, capricorn 28 degrees around 5 degrees, then good luck will also come to you.

Next month's theme continues to focus on romance, romance, luxury, and social entertainment. The aroma that permeates the air in March will continue to linger for some time. If you are being loved, then true love is the most important thing, whether it is March, April or May to go out on a date. You are the darling of the warm universe, shining like a diamond in the sun every week, carrying a sincere and eternal love vow. For some, it is also possible to rekindle the fire of love. Dear Scorpions, this is up to you.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


This month, your mind will be on home and family, if you have to move or change your home in any way, this month is very ideal, you will find a solution and take action with ease. The Pisces Crescent on March 2 opens up powerful energies to help you find the best solution. It's a very powerful and radiant month for you, as Jupiter, the gift and gift giver of good fortune, has recently entered your family's fourth house and expands everywhere it goes, and it stays here until May 10th.

Jupiter leaves here on May 10, returns again on October 27, and this time stays until December 20 of this year, giving you one last boost and opportunity before it leaves, helping you move forward with home and family affairs, and then not returning to this position until 2033. You'll be better off than the elves on anything related to your home, your family, your property, or the people you hire to help you with family-related things.

This month is perfect for starting a new home or apartment that suits you, expanding your home, finding the right contractor, and stunning furniture that will keep your room intact. You can arrange repairs, paint all the rooms, or beautify the view of the surrounding area. Whether you do it yourself or hire someone, it's time to turn your house into your castle.

If you've been worried about your parents' health or living conditions, this New Moon on March 2 will help you find a solution. Not only will you find a solution for them, you can also rely on their support. For example, if you need more money to pay a down payment when buying a house, you can ask your parents to borrow it. You may get gifts directly, because some parents would love to see their children settle down, so they will give you an inheritance in advance so that you are safe.

Mars has been in your income palace for a while now, so it seems like you spent a lot last month. If you're already buying furniture for your home, renting a place, or considering renting a summer vacation home, it's also reasonable to spend more money. It's also possible that you choose to help your parents financially. After March 6th, your spending will drop significantly.

Mars and Venus will enter your communication house on March 6, and you've probably been following this area for the past year. This rare and special coincidence usually means that money will arrive early in the month, just around March 6th, just when you need it most. You'll be thinking about your communication project (a manuscript of a book, script, podcast, or similar) throughout March, and so will the first half of April. You won't win money this weekend, but through other means, most likely work or selling something of value. That's good news, because this month, especially the first week of March, seems to have no upper limit to the amount of money you can get.

The Virgo full moon on March 18, which occurs within 5 days after this date, brings significant news about the profession. This will be one of the most important moments of your career this year, and more interestingly, on March 17, the day before the full moon, Uranus will connect with Mercury, the star who will run your prestige business. All of this will be unexpected and exciting. A few days later, on March 20, Jupiter will join forces with Mercury to ensure that career news will bring you not only prestige, but also money. Splendid month!

This month ends on March 31 in the Aries Crescent (which may also be April 1 depending on the time zone), which will spark a spark in your love life. Single or together, you will usher in a series of happy events, about love, about children. Your creativity will soar, too.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


This month is a good time to start an exchange project or to introduce a completed project in the field to the world for the first time. You might be ready to start working on screenplays, novels, documentaries, podcasts, or new apps, or introduce new software that you'll write with your team. This month is one of the best months of 2022 because it has the fantastic new moon of March 2, when Jupiter will appear with the sun and the moon. The new moon also has a longer continuation effect and will affect you for at least 6 months after that.

Affected by the New Moon on March 2, you'll get the green light when you're moving forward with an important project or preparing to put it on the market. If you're working for someone else, you might hand over your completed project to your boss or agent on Friday, March 4, the day before the luckiest day of the year, when you're energetic and constructive. If you do, you'll get good feedback, and you'll make an anti-rich profit due to jupiter. In fact, you may see a massive influx of money on March 4 or 5. The sun in your chart holds commissions, royalties, or other performance-based income, as well as gains other than performance, such as court mediation in your favor, estates, and some kind of reward. Jupiter expands everything it can reach, so the limit on how much money you can make during this time is as wide as the sky, dear Capricorn.

On March 5th, when Jupiter and the Sun are precisely connected in your 3rd house of communication and travel, you will usher in the luckiest day of the year. I love the day that comes after the new moon – all aspects need to be triggered by the pusher effect of the new moon, and now, you have it. Keep an eye out for what happened from Friday, March 4 to Monday, March 7. Since Uranus forms a friendly and close angle with the Sun and the New Moon, the news will be completed in the form of an unexpected arrival.

In fact, the element of surprise will run through this entire month, so whatever you don't think will happen, what actually happens will be better.

The New Moon on March 2 is one of the strongest and luckiest new moons of the year, as it will open a door to opportunity in the coming days, weeks, and even months. Take advantage of everything this new moon indicates, because the sign of the new moon meeting Jupiter in Pisces will not happen again for the next decade. In fact, Jupiter will not meet the Sun in the constellation of Pisces until 2033.

To take advantage of the dazzling horoscopes of the month, you may want to join a new social media platform where you will be exposed to new people and new ideas. Under the influence of this astrological influence, you can easily make new friends on social media, and you may find that you have built up quite a few followers.

During this extraordinary month, you may travel frequently to places near or far. On The New Moon on March 2 and the days after that you will set off for 1 or more excursions, as the Crescent moon appears in Pisces, which is a symbol of two fish, meaning you will make two excursions instead of 1.

The full moon of March 18 has the power to send you farther afield. Since the symbolic and unexpected planet Uranus forms a friendly angle with the traveling star Mercury, the journey takes place spontaneously. The trip brought on the full moon on March 18 appears to be for work or to complete personal business transactions, such as buying, leasing, and selling real estate. These are all examples, but you can envision more reasons why you would go to a distant city.

You seem to be spending a lot of money these days, perhaps because of the upcoming change of residence. If you're planning to relocate or decorate your current area of residence, the new moon on March 31 (or April 1, depending on your time zone) will open up an opportunity to discover new and wonderful spaces. I'll tell you more about the changes and improvements next month. April has a lot of golden astrological signs, and while it's hard to match March, every aspect of April will be strong enough to keep you excited and feel like you're winning, and that's the most important thing.

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


On March 6, Mars entered the constellation of Aquarius, its first visit in nearly two years, giving you an advantage. Because Mars will put you in front of the stage, in the center, and ready to lead others.

When Mars stays in your sign, your ideas and proposals are more likely to be supported and accepted by important people, and generally will not get a negative answer. You will have a certain dazzling brilliance, and no matter where you go, you can't help but follow in your footsteps. Mars coming to Aquarius means you're starting a whole new cycle of energy, and the actions you make, the relationship you start, or the commitments you make are good for you. This good time only occurs every two years, and this time it will last until April 14.

Unexpectedly, Venus would come to Aquarius on the same day as Mars. This couple from the universe will light the fire of love for you. If you're still single, this will be one of the most likely astrological signs to produce a love chemistry with a new person. If you want a real relationship, not a moment of indulgence, the planets will be your guardian angels.

If you have a formal relationship, or are married, Venus and Mars will make you more attractive, and the other half will pay more attention to you and appreciate you and your relationship more. You will rarely get this level of appreciation and admiration this month. The golden-fire phase begins the weekend of March 5-6, so be sure to get out of the house and do something special.

In this rather pleasant month, there are many more good things coming. This month, you will make a lot of money. Last year, when Jupiter was still in Aquarius, you were busy meeting all kinds of people and sowing seeds for future wealth. Now, it's harvest season. The Pisces New Moon on March 2 will boost your income. Whether you're self-employed or working for someone else, all Aquarius people will benefit from this shining new moon. This trend will continue for days, weeks, and even months to come.

The luckiest day of the year is the Saturday of March 5, when Jupiter meets the sun. You will receive good news about money that day or March 4. Sign a contract on those two days, report your ideas to key people, or make an introduction to new customers.

Jupiter and the Sun, and the Sun in charge of Aquarius' House of Partnership, means that your success seems to be indispensable to the help of a "middleman", who may be your agent, agent, or other similar role. It's also possible that if you're married or have a business partner, the other person may have given you a big boost and both of you would benefit. Your "money" path is bright.

The pace of work becomes quite brisk, allowing you to focus all your attention on existing projects, as the opportunities to make big money are extraordinary. Both Uranus and Jupiter are active, and the amount of money they bring to you will be surprising. Dear bottle, the universe wants you to be rewarded.

The Virgo full moon on March 18 will once again put money in the spotlight, when you may be paid or complete a lucrative deal. Whatever the case, it's definitely good for you.

You've probably never seen a month like this, where money pours out on you like a waterfall. Although sometimes there will be some stressful but great news that makes you feel like it is difficult to ride the "tiger", but don't let go of this "tiger"!

Susan Miller Horoscope For March 2022


You will be the royal family in the 12th house of the zodiac, because you have jupiter full strength in Pisces blessing. Jupiter is a planet that represents luck, orbiting for 12 years, changing houses about every other year. That's why this year, especially March, will be so different. The crescent moon that falls into Pisces is adjacent to the sun and jupiter in the same place, unlocking all the beauty that the universe has prepared for you.

In classical astrology, Jupiter is also the guardian star of Pisces, and Neptune has been your modern guardian since its discovery in 1846. Nowadays, when predicting the horoscope, the two planets are usually comprehensively referenced and observed. They are all currently transported to Pisces, their energy magnified fourfold, and they are in the perfect position to help you.

The next time muhai phase is in 2033, just as they are prepared to do on April 12. But not in pisces, but in Aries. It wasn't until 2188 that the two planets met again in the constellation of Pisces, and now we have no chance to witness it. This year's once-in-a-lifetime meeting between the two guardian stars is particularly special.

Jupiter and Neptune will converge exactly on next month's 12th, but the two planets are already fairly close by the time of the Pisces New Moon on March 2. Jupiter's job is to make you happy, and he doesn't ask for anything in return. This month, a wish that is so important to you—one that you're almost about to give up—may come true. Never forget that Jupiter represents the planet of positive growth, expansion and happiness of good fortune, and he is also the star of miracles.

Listen to me, take March or April seriously. In March, Jupiter and Neptune have entered the maximum permissible phase range. You will be bathed in a golden glow and get experiences you dream of but never dared to think you can feel. This is not only a birthday month, but also a brilliant period of return. This is probably the best birthday month you've ever experienced.

Wooden Pisces, so that single fish, there is a high probability of meeting the love of this life, so even if you casually sneak around, you must maintain the best state and maintain an optimistic attitude. You are under the energy of a powerful astrology – a miracle may happen. If it is not emotional, it may also be related to the birth of the baby or the existence of a child.

Mars will travel in Aquarius from March 6 to April 14, so during this time, you may want to retain more privacy than usual. It's also a good idea to crave rest, because once Mars enters Pisces (4 and 14 to May 24), you'll start to get busy again. Now, Mars Transit Aquarius is a good time for blind dates, so please recommend the right person for you. If you already have a partner, you may want to spend quality time with them.

On March 18, the Virgo full moon, your mind will be spent more on your partner, and this round of full moon potency has a strong impact within 5 days after its appearance. Already in love, you may promise to love each other until you're old and then get engaged. This month is perfect for getting engaged or stepping into the halls of marriage.

Married, your partner may tell you amazing news – as sweet and beautiful as music. From now until the next few months, building a warm and loving family circle is becoming increasingly important to you. Careers are booming, so it's time to turn your attention to the level of your personal life. Trust that even if you do, your momentum in the workplace won't wane. All of your goals this month are likely to be good results and make you feel satisfied, which you never dared to think about. This year, the whole world is yours, so let it go and think about it!