
Greedy and cheap to buy manual models, 3 days to regret, these problems can not stand

author:Invincible big car

Often people put the manual transmission car and the automatic transmission car together to compare, the manual transmission economy is fuel-efficient, the transmission efficiency is high, the maintenance is cheap, the price is also very low, and the advantages of the manual transmission cannot be replaced in the minds of these car owners.

Greedy and cheap to buy manual models, 3 days to regret, these problems can not stand

Another feature of manual transmission compared with automatic transmission is that it has a more driving experience. Some old drivers think that the automatic gear is a fool's operation, hanging D gear forward, hanging R gear backwards, without any sense of control. The gears of the manual gears are complex and changeable, and switching to different gears can get a different driving experience.

Some car owners are eager for the driving experience of manual transmission and car integration, and buy a manual car, but the car does not drive for long and regrets it. Shandong owner Mr. Liu bought a manual transmission car, the original purchase of manual transmission is mainly because the car is cheap, he always heard friends say that manual transmission is more fun to drive.

Greedy and cheap to buy manual models, 3 days to regret, these problems can not stand

Three days after selling the car, Mr. Liu regretted it very much, Mr. Liu did not take the driver's license for a long time, he could not drive a manual car, and he still felt bad about driving after practicing for a while. Automatic transmission car operation is simple, easy to get started, hang D gear can move forward, manual transmission car needs to switch gears differently, the owner needs to always pay attention to whether the speed and gear match.

Greedy and cheap to buy manual models, 3 days to regret, these problems can not stand

Another disadvantage of manual transmission cars is that the interior configuration is low. Most family scooters are now replaced by automatic transmissions, and only the low-end version of each model is manual transmission. Some car owners buy manual models cheaply and find that the configuration on the car is particularly low, the steering wheel is heated, the seat is heated, and the automatic parking is not available at all.

Another disadvantage of manual transmission cars is that the driving experience is not good enough. Automatic cars are sold higher than manual cars, and car companies have also invested in them, focusing on automatic cars, and manual cars are inevitably snubbed.

Greedy and cheap to buy manual models, 3 days to regret, these problems can not stand

Even if most car companies launch manual versions of models, the manual gearbox equipped with such cars is not easy to open. Some manual transmission enthusiasts can only choose among volkswagen, Honda's several models, and the choice is particularly small. In the past, manual transmission cars could be seen everywhere, and now there are only a few manual transmissions, and it is difficult to buy a manual transmission car, which is not as good as before.

Greedy and cheap to buy manual models, 3 days to regret, these problems can not stand

It is not recommended that novice drivers buy manual transmissions, mainly because the throttle and clutch cooperation are difficult, and if the novice driver is not skilled in handling, he will not be able to experience the driving experience at all. Automatic cars only have D gear and R gear, the vehicle hanging in D gear will move forward, and the car that releases D gear will slow down.

The gear of the manual transmission car is completely different, there is also an additional clutch on the car, the owner must control the throttle and clutch when driving, the clutch is loose And the car will turn off, and the car will also stop if the accelerator is not in time. Novice drivers can't control the oil when they control the car, the car always turns off, and the owner's mentality will collapse.

Greedy and cheap to buy manual models, 3 days to regret, these problems can not stand

The last disadvantage of manual transmission cars is that they are not suitable for driving in the city. Traffic jams in the city are very serious, and driving a manual car to encounter traffic jams is simply a kind of suffering. Drivers need to switch gears frequently, which is the most test of the driver's driving skills.

Editor's Comments:

Manual transmission cars do have a more driving experience, manual transmissions are cheap, and maintenance costs are low, and we can't deny these advantages. But before you buy a manual transmission, you must consider whether you are suitable for opening a manual transmission, and do not blindly choose.

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