
Chapter 156: The Love of Heavenly Capital (Twenty-Four)

author:Zhao Qunxing

Chapter 156: The Love of Heavenly Capital (Twenty-Four)

Chapter 156: The Love of Heavenly Capital (Twenty-Four)

Zhang Qijie saw the UFO flying in the northeast direction flying rapidly approaching, fell down, jumped one or two feet high, pressed the top of Ling Xia and Cui Yuan's heads with his hands, and pressed the two people to the floor with the help of the acceleration of gravity of falling from the body.

Seventh Street set his heels, conveniently drew a fan at his waist, a move "light Luo small fan fluttering fireflies", only to listen to the sound of poof, splashing out seven or eight sparks, the UFO flew to the ground and extinguished.

Seventh Street possessed to pick up the wreckage, the second finger of the food was gently twisted, the wreckage stood into powder, and then observed for a moment, and then sniffed slightly with his nose, and then came to a conclusion.

Seventh Street: This is either a modern robot or a fragment of a drone shell, because the main material is titanium α alloy also! No amount of cunning fragments could hide from Hongu's eyes.

Ling Xia: The Virgin's divine power is vast, gently waving the fan, and the high-speed flying object falls in response to the sound.

Ziyuan: The big face is really Hong Fuqitian, after seeing these accompanying treasures for a while, I can't smile and lean forward and backward, and rejoice.

Seventh Street: Hongu senses that this fragment must have been caused by a heavy blow and explosion of a tactical drone or robot, and according to the analysis of flight speed, angle of fire, energy and earth gravity, this object is likely to come from the Boshan Mountain Realm. Recently these days the network is paralyzed, mobile phones can not be used, I wonder if boshan king red-crowned crane is Kangtai? Hongu decided not to fly to the city and turn to Boshan.

Ling Xia and Ziyuan spoke in unison: Our Lady has always spoken and spoken, so how can she say it today and not go? Since we both heard the Virgin Say to go to Yangcheng, we didn't take a sip of water, we didn't eat half of the apple, the belt of our pants was loosened, and we planned to eat and drink for a few days at the festive feast to relieve the hatred of getting so many dowry babies for no reason.

Seventh Street laughed: The interests of the people are above all else, and I have made up my mind. Gossip less, fly north.

Seventh Street turned the "cloud" head, and the quantum aircraft made a 180-degree turn and went straight to the direction of Boshan.

After a while, crossing the Bohai Sea, passing through Shenshui, passing through Xuantu, a group of three people from The Seventh Street came to the sky above Boshan 16,000 meters. But see BoShan: green and green grass, white and swirling rivers. Scattered throughout the city and countryside, purple qi flew ethereal. The best place on earth is difficult to find in heaven and difficult to find underground.

The Seventh Street exclaimed: Boshan King Red-crowned Crane is really not simple, these years of southern conquest and northern war, defending the family and defending the country, has not delayed the greening of Boshan, benefiting all people.

The Seventh Street pressed the head of the "cloud", and the "cloud" slowly descended, reaching a height of three kilometers from the ground, and a fishy smell came to the nose.

The three of them busily took out the 3M mask and put it on, overlooking Boshan:

A thousand villages are silent, and thousands of households are silent. The flock of crows is like layers of ink, scraping and thundering.

Descend another two thousand meters, and it is clear that:

Bright crystals, called buzzing, innumerable mung bean flies. Men and women, young and old, lying on their sides and lying upright, lifeless, without vividness. Eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears, facial features blood stained. The maggots squirmed and squirmed, as if sharing the booty, scrambling and desperately.

Seventh Street opens navigation and positioning of Boshan King's Palace: Boshan is in danger! I wait to save people immediately. I still don't know where the two disciples of this palace, Zero Luo Qionghua, Zero Luo Tuwu, and the leader of Nabo Mountain, Red Crown crane, are now? Okay?

Between the words, I suddenly saw a red cloud rushing in from the northeast direction.

Ling Xia and Ziyuan reacted quickly, holding up the Laoshan Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle to open the safety, aim at the target, and prepare to shoot.

Seventh Street: Don't be rash!

Wait for the red clouds to be slightly closer, about 80 kilometers.

Seventh Street Hi yue: Hongu's good sister Red-crowned Crane also comes!

Chapter 156: The Love of Heavenly Capital (Twenty-Four)
Chapter 156: The Love of Heavenly Capital (Twenty-Four)