
80 Years of The Past Like the Wind Episode 90 (1938-2018)


Part IV The Occupation of the Superstructure by the Working Class (14)

A good night's sleep, the next morning 9.40 a.m., along the Wugang to Chengbu County highway quick walk 40 kilometers, to Wugang City 5 kilometers south of the foot of Yunshan Mountain, this mountain is a famous mountain in western Hunan Province, belongs to the Remnant of Xuefeng Mountain, adjacent to the border of Wugang, Xinning, Chengbu three counties, stretching tens of kilometers from east to west, the highest peak altitude of 1372.5 meters. The hillside has a primitive stone step, you can go up one level at a time, climb for 3 hours and have not yet reached the top, so cold drip day is actually sweaty, the steps are getting more and more difficult, it seems that a breath can not be in place, after a little rest to continue climbing. To the top thought that the bottom of the mountain is a horse flat river, can be easily, happy heart qing instantly swept away by the foreground situation, oh my God! Surrounded by mountains, kitten classmates cried bitterly. I had heard of "mountains outside the mountains" before, but I didn't expect to look at them at a glance, dozens of miles of mountains connected to mountains, mountains waiting for us.

80 Years of The Past Like the Wind Episode 90 (1938-2018)

Of course, the scenery is very charming, and the clouds and mist are like a fairyland, worthy of the reputation of "the seventy-one peaks of the Cloud Mountain". Standing on the top of the cloud mountain known as "Skyscraper", it seems that there is a feeling of "three feet three feet away from the sky", and the mood is much more comfortable, and the beauty of this "package of small mountains" cannot be seen by those who do not climb the mountain. Time is tight, you can't stay too long, hurry up and climb another mountain. Although it is impossible to talk about walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, how many people have climbed over the dripping mountain are really uncountable. It is indeed a place where birds do not lay eggs, no one has no birds, and it is so quiet that it is a little eerie. It's time for lunch, the huge rock is the dinner table, the food is 2 steamed buns (4 two food coupons bought), I hold the military kettle and look up to drink water, the kitten laughs and says that there is a bit of the style of the Red Army's Long March, indeed the story of the Red Army inspires us everywhere, no matter how tired we are, there is no complaint, and sometimes I enjoy it.

80 Years of The Past Like the Wind Episode 90 (1938-2018)

It was getting dark, and finally seeing the way down the mountain, the kitten was excited like a crazy cat, rushing forward, shouting while shouting: "I saw the school gate, Chen Wenqin (fiancée) is waving!" I shouted "Slow down, slow down!" Suddenly, his left foot slipped, and he walked all day, and the joints of his body were very tired and easy to be injured. I sped up and pressed him to the ground, "The front is not a school gate is a torii, nor is there your "qin", it is a small tree!" The foot is miserable, passers-by do not have a clinic there, and must not fall on the finish line. He woke up and bent his knees and ankles, and he was fine! I kind of learned that it was so crazy to want to go home. Hand in hand, we slowly crossed the last hillside, and a forest flat land appeared in front of us, full of joy and joy. There are birds here, and the cries of joy are incessant, especially the sound of the nightingale is gentle and moving, it is estimated that it is an egg!

80 Years of The Past Like the Wind Episode 90 (1938-2018)

Coming to a green mountain and green water, the source of the water is called "a waterfall flying wave", a mountain spring like white jade, flying down from the cliff head, shouting and roaring, with a sense of rough and wild force, falling on the rock, forming clusters of waves, flowing in the mountains, converging into pools, flowing into rivers.

80 Years of The Past Like the Wind Episode 90 (1938-2018)

We did not want to leave for a long time, lay in this "paradise paradise" with birds and no one, rested, listened to the sound of music flowing, and enjoyed...