
Your appearance is your "destiny"

author:Calm fox
Your appearance is your "destiny"

Opening remarks

In "The Little Window", it is said:

Where the world's flaws are broken, they are seen more from the circumvention; where they are accused, they are seen more from the places of love; where they are difficult, they are seen more from the places of greed.

That is to say, people live a lifetime, and they have faults in behavior, most of which occur when they communicate with others; they always blame others, which is likely to be out of love; and they cannot let go of some things and cannot see them, which are indulged by the obsession of greed.

Therefore, in the stormy life, you are obsessed with socializing, obsessed with "educating" others, obsessed with "unobtainable" acquisition... You are so "persistent", it is likely that you will not get anything.

It was just a fateful act.

When you are idle, you can look at yourself in the mirror and find out what the "attachment" of the past has precipitated on your face? Is it full of joy? Or is it a sad face? Or anxiety abnormalities?

Everyone, from teeth and teeth, walking backwards and backwards, to youth, full of spirit, and then to middle age, calm or restless, your former "attachment" will leave deep or shallow traces on your face.

You will find: your appearance, exposing your fortune, exposing the road you have traveled, the things you have experienced, the people you know...

Your appearance is your "destiny"

The face hides whether your life is happy or not

The face is a mirror that reflects your life at any time.

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", after Baoyu was beaten, he asked Qingwen to send two old veils to Daiyu, Qingwen was unknown, so Baoyu smiled mysteriously.

When Dai Yu received the two old veils, at first she was also stunned, and then when she thought about it, she understood Bao Yu's good intentions, advised her not to cry, let her feel at ease, and couldn't help but write two love poems on the veil.

After writing, I felt that my face was like a fire, and I walked to the mirror to see that "I saw that my cheeks were red, and my self-envy overwhelmed the peach blossoms."

When a woman is emotional, she must first see it from her face, just as men always have red ears.

At this time, although Dai Yu was suffering from illness, she was nourished by love, her mood was happy, and her body was still good.

Therefore, in the face of a person, you can see the color of your life.

You are happy, your face is rosy and joyful; you are sad and miserable, and your face is dull.

Although the world does not look at faces, when you chat with people and meet, others can see your face and know what your life is like in the moment.

So, don't always put so much pressure on yourself, nothing to smile too much.

Most of the time, the first side of people will often determine their future interactions, the first side of the impression is good, there will be future dealings, and then there will be in-depth cooperation.

The first impression is not good, it is likely to be the fate of this side.

So, you know, no one likes to deal with someone who is sad and dead all day, and no one likes to listen to other people's complaints and nagging all day.

So, no matter how hard the day is, let yourself have a "smile of hope", look in the mirror, and often tell yourself "you can".

You must believe that your smiling face will surely bring you good luck, and it will certainly make your efforts and hard work rewarded.

Your appearance is your "destiny"

Temperament hides the correctness of your current path

Zhang Ailing said: In your temperament, there are hidden roads you have traveled, books you have read, and people you have loved.

The temperament on everyone's face is not immutable from birth. It will change and leave imprints as you go through.

For women, perhaps the most important thing is appearance, however, the pig-killing knife of the years, it is fair to everyone, but it will use the "temperament" thing to make women more and more charming, more and more moving, and finally let age become a number, so that women will always be in the most beautiful years.

For men, although what he cares about most is not appearance, there are always some men who are older and more attractive, and some men who are older and more obscene, and the older they are, the more "evil in their appearance", only because his past experience has re-portrayed his face.

Therefore, temperament and the road you have traveled are the most related.

Everyone's life will experience sorrow and joy, and will taste bittersweet and bittersweet. And the road under your feet is part of the precipitation of your temperament.

If you have an atmosphere and a lofty pattern, your temperament must be wise and charming, and your intellect is elegant;

If you are kind and compassionate, and have compassion, your temperament must be kind and kind, calm and atmospheric.

Therefore, no matter how old you are, you must be beautiful and positive, don't think about things, don't envy and hate.

In this way, you can walk the road under your feet, so that you can live more steadily, more regretlessly, and only then can you let the beautiful temperament accompany you all the time.

Your appearance is your "destiny"

The face hides the good and evil of your state of mind

People, only with excellent character, can you keep you in a high place.

With a normal heart, we can calmly accept what has happened, and with a tolerant heart, we can tolerate people who are sorry for us.

You will find that when you live with a beautiful, joyful state of mind, your face will also change with your goodwill, and your destiny will usher in a turning point.

In a long life, many things are not visible at a glance, the "spring breeze" in the moment can not be counted as nothing, if you do not have good thoughts, then fate will not always shine on you, but let you see the retribution of karma.

The Buddha's saying has clouds: life is created by oneself, and phases are born from the heart.

For example, planting grain, growing with the seed, planting good and blessing, planting evil and getting bad, and not planting fruit without planting.

Therefore, the cycle of cause and effect, the cause of this effect, must be the result of the other thing.

Only by letting your heart be good can you accumulate popularity for yourself, plant good causes, and usher in a day of blossoming and fruitfulness;

Only then can you let your face, in the joys and sorrows, in your words and deeds, sculpt a shocking goodness.

So-called, there are people in the eyes, the road is easy to walk; there is love in the heart, and things can be done.

You know: the good, evil, beauty, and ugliness in your heart seem to be covered up on the surface, but in fact, they will be exposed in your face.

Face is your destiny.

Your appearance is your "destiny"


Remember someone once said: Your appearance before the age of forty is determined by your parents, and after the age of forty, your appearance is determined by yourself.

The world will always be full of injustice, there will also be betrayal, dishonesty, pain, resentment, dissatisfaction... However, if you give up on yourself because of this, cling to your obsession and cannot extricate yourself, spend the rest of your life in inexplicable anger.

Then you have already surrendered your life to emotions and given up the opportunity to control your own destiny.

Face is born from the heart, fate depends on oneself.

Your face, whether it is sad or happy, determines the good and bad you encounter in your life; your temperament, whether it is rigid or soft, determines the road under your feet, whether it is right or wrong; your face, whether it is good or evil, determines whether your life is good or bad.

So, give yourself a little more smile and let your heart shine a little more.

Raise your own "face", and fate will surely return you with hope and happiness.

Red dust rolling, time is like flowing water, we must believe: there is a "good heart", there will be "good rewards"!

Let's encourage each other!

Your appearance is your "destiny"

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!