
Shinan District: Blowing the style ability to improve the "charge trumpet"

author:Overlooking the south of the city
Shinan District: Blowing the style ability to improve the "charge trumpet"
Shinan District: Blowing the style ability to improve the "charge trumpet"

People come early in the spring, and it is time to work hard. With the successful conclusion of the 14th Party Congress and the "Two Sessions" of Shinan District, "improving work style and ability" has become the "key word" for the beginning.

On March 3, Shinan District held the "Great Improvement of Spirit, Great Improvement of Quality, And Great Breakthrough in Tackling Tough Problems" Annual Action Conference for Improving Work Style And Ability, and sounded the "Charge" of Improving Work Style Ability.

Starting to sprint, starting to scramble, the key lies in the people, the key is in the state of entrepreneurship. At the meeting, Shinan District proposed that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of an efficient shinan and build a clean and healthy leading district as the traction, comprehensively enhance the "six spirits", practice the "twelve military rules", focus on improving the political skills of party members and cadres, the ability to work with the masses, vigorously grasp the implementation skills, and the ability to tackle tough problems in reform, mobilize the whole region to change the style of work, strengthen the ability, grasp the implementation, and promote development, and strengthen the guarantee and gather strength for accelerating the construction of the model area of the socialist modernization international metropolis in the new era.

"Six Spirits" Condense and Strive to Be the First "Spirit spirit"

Shinan District: Blowing the style ability to improve the "charge trumpet"

■ Jining Branch Road Talent Apartment Renovation Project

Since Qingdao launched the three-year offensive action of urban renewal and urban construction, in less than a week, shinan district has held two special meetings to dispatch and deploy, the fushan shantou park improvement project and the Jining branch road talent apartment renovation project have been rapidly promoted, and the urban renewal construction battle has been fully rolled out in the south of the city... The construction site in full swing reflects the enthusiasm of party members and cadres and officials in starting a business; economic and social development must have "vitality," first of all cadres must "move," and a good mental state is an important prerequisite for doing a good job in all work. As far as leading cadres are concerned, what kind of "spirit" should be used to devote themselves to their work and turn "tasks" into "reality"?

The Action Conference was guided by the promotion of the "six spirits" -

Enhance the spirit of stressing politics and taking into account the overall situation. All levels of the region must jump out of the narrow understanding of "one acre and three points of land," put the work into the overall situation to think, position, and arrange, implement all decisions and arrangements at the first time, and implement them without any ambiguity, ensure the smooth flow of government decrees and symmetry between the upper and lower levels, ensure that the orders are prohibited and implemented in place, open the "secretary's ring" and "bureau chief's ring," and ensure that all tasks are effectively implemented.

Promote the entrepreneurial spirit of innovation, hard work, pragmatism and dedication. We should resolutely break away from the "stall-keeping" mentality of "waiting, relying on, and wanting," and dare to break through, try, and change. Implement a number of innovative projects and innovation pilots, launch a number of innovative measures and high-level institutional innovation achievements, and promote high-quality development with innovation.

Enhance the spirit of working overtime and working hard to bear grievances. Adhere to the "diligence" as the first, let "no cases have a backlog, do not stay overnight" become the norm in handling daily work, in the face of urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks, we must take the initiative to carry forward the spirit of "white plus black" and "five plus two". Insisting on standing on the basis of "publicity", as long as it is for the development of the south of the city, we are willing to spend more effort, suffer more grievances, and make more sacrifices.

Enhance the pioneering spirit of daring to challenge and overcome difficulties. We must dare to grasp and dare to manage, dare to do daring, immerse ourselves in hard work, and on the key and difficult issues of reform and development, we must be brave enough to be "desperate three langs," "construction team leaders," and "death captains," strengthen the study of problems, and ensure that every work is in place and effective on the ground.

Enhance the spirit of cooperation and close connection between complements and close connections. Many of the goals and tasks set by the party congress and the district "two sessions" in the southern district of the city are cross-departmental, cross-industry, and cross-field work, and it is necessary to improve the cross-departmental and cross-field work coordination mechanism, so as to achieve "the division of duties, the unity of ideology, the division of work, the integration of goals, the division of authority, and the integration of strength", so as to realize the combination of shaking fingers into fists and working together to achieve long-term development.

Enhance the humble spirit of being willing to play a supporting role and not competing for fame and fortune. Establish a correct concept of fame and fortune, be willing to be a "tree planter" and a "well digger"; establish a correct view of political achievements, do more practical things that lay the foundation and benefit the long term, do more good things that conform to the people's hearts and benefit the people's livelihood, and create more potential achievements that benefit the long term and benefit future generations; establish a correct concept of progress, and be determined to do great things instead of becoming big officials.

Shinan District: Blowing the style ability to improve the "charge trumpet"

"Twelve Military Rules" to Create an "Iron Army" for Officers to Start a Business

Shinan District: Blowing the style ability to improve the "charge trumpet"

■ Serve enterprises with the "one-bite acceptance" model so that enterprises can run less errands

Recently, the Shinan District Enterprise Service Center fully launched the 2021 annual economic policy declaration work, in addition to the "free application and enjoyment" policy project, enterprises or units that meet the incentive and support policy can uniformly hand over the application materials to the enterprise service center "one mouth acceptance", and the center staff will track the service throughout the process and communicate with the competent departments of various industries, so that enterprises can run less errands and follow up more services. "In previous years, I applied in the second half of the year, but I didn't expect to start applying just after the Spring Festival this year, and I didn't expect that this year's application would be so convenient!" —— This is a compliment from the office.

Shinan District: Blowing the style ability to improve the "charge trumpet"

■ The old building is equipped with an elevator to speed up

Up to now, the whole district of Shinan District has accepted 344 existing residential elevators, completed and put into use more than 140, started construction more than 100, and is handling more than 90 preliminary procedures. "We are very satisfied, now we can take the elevator up and down the stairs every day, don't mention how good!" This is an affirmation from the residents.

"Do every 'big little thing' involving the masses." This is a promise from grassroots cadres.

"Enthusiastic service, promises must be fulfilled, things do not stay overnight, rely on service, respond to needs, do not need to be disturbed, leaders take the lead, the first question is responsible, everyone has responsibilities, scrupulously fulfill their duties, meritorious rewards, and mistakes must be corrected" - this is the "Twelve Military Rules" of Shinan District under the neutrality of cadres in the whole district.

The first six points of the "Twelve Military Regulations" are promises to enterprises and the masses: to be kind to the masses and enterprises, to be proactive, to treat each other sincerely, to be enthusiastic, patient, and careful to do a good job; to strengthen the spirit of contracts, not to open the river and write "empty checks"; to persist in following orders, to put efficiency first, and to accelerate the construction of a digital government; to respond quickly to the needs of all parties in the work, to answer questions and answers, and to solve needs; to lay down one's body and maintain close ties with the masses and enterprises; to draw a clear line between public and private, and to keep one's duty. Do not add trouble to the masses and enterprises. The last six points are requirements for party members and cadres: It is not difficult for leaders to take the lead in all difficulties; it is necessary to take the lead in taking the lead in all difficulties; to carry out the first question and take responsibility for the demands of the masses and enterprises, to follow up the whole process, and to keep an eye on the whole process; firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess for the whole region," think and work hard in one place at the center of the overall situation of economic and social development; dare to cope with challenges, resolve contradictions, and be willing to set up a stage for each other and actively make up for it; make good use of the "award platform," look up to the doers, love the layer, strengthen positive incentives, and gather positive energy that dares to think, dare to do, and dare to take responsibility Dare to face mistakes head-on, face problems squarely, do not cover up, do not evade, and correct deviations and correct the direction in a timely manner.

The vision of the struggle of Shinan District in 2022 is aspirational, from economic development to cultural inheritance, from people's livelihood to social governance, from urban renewal to efficient services, a new plan and new measures, involving all aspects of urban development, related to the lives of residents bit by bit: will transform 2.84 million square meters of old residential areas, build 7 public parking lots, add 1500 parking spaces, update and improve fitness and children's entertainment facilities 420 pieces, carry out 350 performances for the benefit of the people such as boutique performing arts and micro-performing arts... ... Each practical event shows the determination and perseverance of the Shinan District to face difficulties, concentrate strongly, and strive to be the first.

The "six spirits" and "twelve military rules" are in line with the requirements of "strictness, truthfulness, detail, reality, and speed", and the yardstick of "stressing politics in everything, seeking things for the masses, attaching importance to practical results for officials, and striving for first-class success", and the goal is to make service enterprises and the masses more efficient, the bottom line of safe development more solid, the overall social situation safe and stable, and the people's lives and work in peace and contentment.

But at the same time, we must also see that "problems such as not being close to the people, not trustworthy, not acting, not respecting, not enterprising, not pragmatic, not responsible, and not strict and meticulous exist to varying degrees in the southern district of the city." At the meeting, the Shinan District conscientiously checked the shortcomings and weaknesses, recognized the gaps, called for further emancipation of the mind, the improvement of standards, the raising of benchmarks, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the cadres in the whole district were stimulated, the subjective initiative was mobilized, and they dared to compete with the strongest and the fastest.

In line with the "Twelve Military Regulations", Shinan District will thoroughly investigate the outstanding problems in the ability of work style, focus on mental state, mass concept, business environment, and work implementation, and focus on the "four governance".

In the end, we must use facts to speak and test the achievements, strengthen the orientation of practical work, strengthen the orientation of practical achievements, strengthen the orientation of problems, and strengthen the orientation of results, discuss heroes in order to accomplish things, and discuss ability to solve practical problems. The effectiveness of the action should be reflected in the solution of difficult and pain points, aiming at the three-year action of urban renewal construction, the protection and renewal of the old city, and other key and difficult points, innovating ideas and methods, coming up with extraordinary measures, making full use of various policies, making strong breakthroughs, and ensuring early image and early results; increasing the intensity of solving problems involving the vital interests of the masses, "We must do the mass work in the front, sit upright on the side of the masses, and win the support of the masses." We must have the ambition not to be left behind, with the courage and vigor to fail to be first-class is dereliction of duty, and not to be the first is to be backward, self-pressure, self-encouragement, and strive to be the first to create excellence, catch up, and comprehensively improve the quality and level of work in various fields. It is necessary to focus on the various task indicators in the first quarter, strengthen scheduling, tap potential in an all-round way, and "open the door" in the first quarter.

The just-concluded 14th Party Congress of Shinan District drew a blueprint for the development of Shinan District in the next five years, and the vision of striving to build a model area for socialist modernization international metropolis in the new era can be expected. The "Year of Improving Work Style and Ability" action conference was held, sending a strong signal to grasp the style of work at the beginning and concentrate on development. The road ahead will not be smooth, and the goals set cannot be achieved overnight. As long as we have enough determination and courage, there is no mountain that cannot be climbed or overridden. Shinan District must seize the opportunity for development, without whipping itself up, it will certainly be able to attack one "bunker" after another and grab the next "mountain".

Article source: Qingdao Daily Article: Wang Wei