
Big Little Lies is a perfect life, all because of lies

author:Yan Ruyu Kan drama

The American comedy film Big Little Lies, released in 2017, was directed by Jean-Marc Vallée Andrea Arnold, and directed by David Lloyd. Written by E. Kelly, Liane Moriarty, the film tells.

Big Little Lies is a perfect life, all because of lies
Big Little Lies is a perfect life, all because of lies

At the Emmys, the HBO miniseries Big Little Lies won five awards and was a big hit. The captain has been following the show early because it is an all-star cast: in addition to the two Oscar-winning actresses Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman starring, there are also new post-90s flower Dan Dan Sheryn (Shailene Woodley) and veteran actress Laura Dern, who are on a par with "Big Cousin". Unexpectedly, the producers of "Big Little Lies" were actually Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, so I saw Nicole holding two trophies - one for Best Actress and the other for Best Miniseries. Yan Ruyu watched HBO about two months ago, the production level is so sophisticated, from the stars to the performances of a group of small actors are remarkable; the selection of scenery, photography, music and story are perfectly integrated; even the ending song of each episode is carrying on the plot, yan Ruyu can't help but stay up late to start a new episode.

Big Little Lies is a perfect life, all because of lies

-2 - The story takes place in the small town of Otter Bay in Monterey, a picturesque coastal city surrounded by mountains and water. The sea has its own magic, and when the wind and waves are calm, it can be very unreal; once the wind is strong, it turns into a terrifying wave and erupts into a hidden force. Just as the seemingly quiet and perfect middle-class life here, people actually have bottomless contradictions between people, and people who are deeply in crisis cannot extricate themselves in the whirlpool. Their thoughts rise and fall with the breath of the sea, and the huge waves that shoot at the reef are the roar of everyone's heart. On the first day that a new single mother who moved to the town sent her son to school, the "big war" between the mother groups escalated. The new child was accused of bullying classmates, and the single mother insisted on the innocence of the child, although it was supported by the parents of the "non-queen", but it also offended the parents of the victims. The old and new hatred between these women who are fighting in the open and the dark are ignited, and the public opinion in the town is full of one-sided and malicious speculation. The contradictions that occur between children draw out the secrets and traumas that several women carefully hide, and the hypocrisy, selfishness and fear of human nature are gradually revealed as the truth is stripped away. The "school violence" mystery continues to the last episode, until a murder that has exceeded everyone's expectations occurs on campus...

Big Little Lies is a perfect life, all because of lies

-3- This film was actually born out of "frustration". Nicole Kidman said they made Big Little Lies because they didn't get good roles. Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman are good girlfriends. Both of them had their prime careers around 2000, when 2001's Moulin Rouge gave Nicole Kidman, who had been starring in a vase, a chance to burst into acting, and won the 59th Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy category. The same year was received by the pink chick Reese Witherspoon who challenged the law department in Legally Blond. At that time, the two were young and beautiful, and their careers ushered in a breakthrough, and no one could match for a while. Nicole eventually won an Oscar for Best Actress in 2003 for The Hours as virginia Woolf, a famous British writer. Three years later, Reese Witherspoon sang and acted in "Walk the Line," playing the famous American country singer June Carter in the 1960s, winning the 2006 Oscar for Best Actress. But all this is said more than 10 years ago. Although they have often had new works since then, they have not been able to go back to their glory days. They have all gone through divorce, remarriage, and having children over the years. For these two actors, perhaps it is more difficult to meet a good role than to meet a good husband. They are waiting for interesting, connotative and deep characters to come to them. But hope was dashed. It turns out that the life of the "scenery" after the film is not perfect at all, and they will also worry about not playing the role they want to play, which is exactly the same as the unsatisfactory life of ordinary people. But they didn't sit still. The two actors were "forced" to become producers and create their own roles. Perfect life is never a fairy tale or a lie. We just project unrealistic desires from ourselves onto others to escape our own problems and make excuses for ourselves who don't want to work hard. Instead of envying what is unreal, spend your time improving your current situation. Most importantly, after thinking about it, take the courage to change and act like Reese and Nicole.

Big Little Lies is a perfect life, all because of lies

-4- Nicole gave a touching thank you at the Emmys: "... This trophy belongs to you (your family)! I asked my two daughters to put it on the shelf and say to it, my mom can't carry me to bed at night because of this thing! I didn't give in vain... In addition, I want my children to know that although we are only acting, we are also conveying an important message, which is the understanding of the children and your efforts, so that the public can focus on neglected social issues. This award is a recognition of my performance and brings this issue to the attention. Thank you, endless thanks, and I bow to you! "Ni can use actions to show how much she loves her pursuit of the cause, and use credible female characters to encourage more women to break the rules, explore their potential, and jump out of the cages that the outside world has circled women, such as vases, such as virtuous wives." Real women are far more complex and wonderful than these stereotypes.

Big Little Lies is a perfect life, all because of lies