
The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

author:History of Concord

As the saying goes, "The dragon has reverse scales, and if it touches it, it dies." ”

This saying is that the reverse scale is the weakness of the dragon, and whoever touches his weakness will definitely kill him.

In fact, not only dragons, but also everyone has their own weaknesses and taboos.

Whenever you violate the taboo of others, it is not only impolite, but also may cause unnecessary trouble.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

In daily life, we inevitably deal with all kinds of people, and it is likely that we will inadvertently violate the taboos of some people.

Therefore, our ancestors, based on their experience, summed up four things that could not be touched, reminding people to avoid it.

In the four no-touches, the carpenter's axe and the cook's knife are both familiar to us, but which two are left? Why can't these four be touched? Did you know? Let's take a look at it today.

01 Untouchable axes and knives

Axes are as important tools to the carpenter as knives are essential tools for the cook.

As the old saying goes, if a cloud worker wants to do a good job, he must first use it.

A tool to take advantage of will undoubtedly make them more time-saving and labor-saving in their work, so it is their weakness, and being touched by people at will is naturally a violation of their taboo.

First, let's talk about why the carpenters' axes can't be touched.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

Legend has it that in the earliest days, carpenters were not respected.

Because it is done first and then collected money, it is often maliciously deducted from work.

Over time, fewer and fewer people are engaged in the carpenter's line, and many crafts are on the verge of being lost, and finally they are gradually developing into "family heirloom" crafts.

The tools in their hands are also passed down from generation to generation with their craftsmanship, so the carpenter's axe is not only a tool for them, but also has a deep commemorative significance.

Moreover, the axe is extremely sharp, and the carpenter is often inseparable from his axe when he works, and if he is touched and played, the axe will greatly delay the progress of their work.

To sum up, whether in the practical use of reason or in the sense of sensibility, the axes of carpenters are a major weakness of theirs, so naturally they cannot be touched casually.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

Let's talk about the cooks' knives.

A knife in hand often takes a long time to polish and use, and such a knife is often a "treasure" for cooks.

Because each cook's habits are different, the angle of cutting vegetables and the strength of the knife are different, so each cook will use it as much as possible, and the knife that is more suitable for their habits is what people say to use smoothly.

If such a knife is damaged, it is very difficult for them to repair it or find another one, so naturally they will not let people touch it casually.

Moreover, the knife is a murder weapon, if it is taken away and others are injured, as the owner of the "murder weapon", the cooks are naturally afraid of getting into trouble.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

After saying the first two of the four do not touch, let's talk about the remaining two that cannot be touched casually, "one is the salute of a single stick, and the other is the waist of a big girl."

02 Be a person and stay on the line

It is well known that single sticks refer to men without partners.

Because there is no partner to take care of, most of the single stick life is slightly sloppy, whether it is daily necessities or personal items, for them just need to find a place to put it.

When they're ready to move or go far, they pack all their belongings and take them with them.

If we encounter such a single stick in life, it is best not to easily touch their salute.

First, if some property is lost inside, it is very likely that they will be blackmailed by them by setting fire to the fire; second, there is a high probability that there will be many personal items in the salute of these single sticks, and if they are opened, it is like making the privacy of this single stick public, making them very ashamed.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

If you don't want to completely freeze the relationship with this single stick, it is better not to touch their "soft ribs" at will.

After all, being a person leaves a line, and we will see each other in the future.

The last thing to say is the last and most important one of the "four no touches" handed down by the old ancestors - the waist of the big girl cannot be touched.

Needless to say, the low status of women in feudal society is that the only person they can have skin to skin with in their lives is their husband.

If their sensitive waists were touched before they got married, it would undoubtedly be tantamount to ruining their innocence, and if they were known, almost no one would want to marry such a woman.

This undoubtedly delays their happiness.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

Of course, even after they get married, their waists cannot be touched at will.

If an outsider touches their waist, it is equivalent to lightening them, and they will be said to be unruly.

In ancient times, a woman was said to be unruly, which made them sadder than killing them.

Not only that, even widowed women, their waists can not be touched.

"Widows are not many in front of the door" is a well-known saying, widowed women are not easy to live, in order to keep their virginity, they would rather work hard themselves than bow down to others.

If such a woman is touched by her waist, they usually commit suicide to prove their innocence in order to be sacrificed.

Moreover, no matter how ancient or modern, casually touching a woman's waist is a light and thin appearance, and now it can be characterized as harassment, and it will also provoke the disaster of imprisonment, so the waist of the big girl must not be touched.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

03 Respecting others is respecting yourself

The "four no touches" summed up by the ancestors seem to warn us of what kind of consequences will be after these four random touches, but in fact, it expounds that we cannot touch other people's things at will.

No matter what kind of thing, if it does not belong to you, then touching it at will is equivalent to a kind of disrespect for others.

The Chinese nation has always been a country of etiquette, push yourself and others' imagination.

If someone touches your things at will, your heart will definitely feel unhappy.

The ancestors used to say four things: the carpenter's axe, the cook's knife, what is left? Do you know

Therefore, not only the above four things mentioned by the ancestors, but also anything that does not belong to them, can not be touched at will.

If you really want to see it up close, you must also get permission from its owner beforehand.