
Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

author:New Secret Observation

Henan Science and Technology News Zhu Shengli Correspondent Han Huifeng Yang Xiaolu/Photo

Chinese opera is the national essence of our country and the crystallization and treasure of the wisdom of the Chinese nation. The entry of opera into the campus is an important measure to inherit, prosper and develop the art of opera. On the afternoon of October 22, the "Opera into Campus" tour special performance jointly sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Xinmi Municipal Party Committee, Xinmi Municipal Civilization Office, Xinmi Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, and Xinmi Municipal Education Bureau, and jointly undertaken by Xinmi Qu Artists Association, Xinmi Dramatists Association and Xinmi Experimental Senior High School was held in the multi-functional lecture hall of Xinmi Experimental Senior High School.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

In 2021, Xinmi City Opera entered the campus performance activity--- entered the experimental high school.

Wang Jingbin, chairman of the Xinmi Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature; Wang Mengjia, chief of the Section of The Ideological and Moral Construction Section for Minors of the Municipal Civilization Office; Li Wenqi, deputy secretary general of the Municipal Dramatists Association; Li Guifang, vice chairman of the Municipal Qu Artists Association; and Jin Huachen, secretary of the party branch of the Xinmi Experimental Senior High School, together with the leading group and more than 300 teachers and students, enjoyed a wonderful feast of opera culture on the spot.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Wang Jingbin, chairman of the Xinmi Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, Wang Mengjia, chief of the Minors Ideological and Moral Construction Section of the Municipal Civilization Office, and others attended the feast of opera culture.

Jin Huachen, secretary of the party branch of Xinmi Experimental Senior High School, on behalf of the school, expressed a warm welcome to the artists who came to our school to perform, and wished the event a complete success, Wang Jingbin, chairman of the Xinmi City Literary Association, solemnly introduced the artists and popularized the knowledge of opera for the students.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Jin Huachen, secretary of the party branch of Xinmi Experimental Senior High School, extended a warm welcome to the artists who came to the school to perform on behalf of the school.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Wang Jingbin, chairman of the Xinmi Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, popularized the knowledge of opera for the students.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

The opera cultural feast was presided over by teacher Cui Haixia.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Teacher Zhang Caixia sang the Yu opera "Ode to the Great Kui" created by Wang Jingbin, vice president of the Zhengzhou Poetry Society and chairman of the Xinmi Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Yue Erwang, a disciple of the famous performance artist Jia Tingju, is the second prize winner of the 2020 Film and Opera Masters Award. Sing the Yu opera "Three Weeping Hall" to select the next position to persuade a noble concubine

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Teacher Li Wenping sang an excerpt from the Yu opera "Raising the Flower Car".

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Teacher Liu Jinju sang. Yu opera "Xia Chen Zhou" excerpt ten baoguan.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Teacher Feng Jiancheng and teacher Li Wenping performed the opera "Kou Zhun Back Boots" to deliver a fold of rice in the garden.

Xinmi Experimental Senior High School held the "Xiqu into Campus" activity

Henan Radio and Television Station's "Pear Garden Dream" in 2018 star wrestling teacher Zhi Caifang sang the Yu opera "Mu Guiying Hangs Commander" excerpt three cannons outside the door.

The colorful "Xiqu into the Campus" activity not only carries forward the national spirit, inherits and promotes the local opera culture, but also stimulates the students' interest in traditional opera art, opens a window for students to feel the charm of opera at close range, improves the students' artistic aesthetic literacy, has a very important practical significance for cultivating builders with profound cultural heritage, moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor development, and also creates a civilized campus for building campus cultural and educational characteristics and improving the level of civilized campus creation. Promoting ideological and moral construction plays an important role in promoting it. Integrate drama into education, let drama enter the campus, let the artistic charm of opera take root in the hearts of children, let our traditional culture and artistic treasures continue to be passed on, let more young generations of people understand it, like it, inherit it, and pass on the torch of opera culture.