
—Love to Act—

author:Calm life drift sister
—Love to Act—

A few days ago, by chance, I returned to the town where I had just graduated from my internship. Thirty years later, revisiting the old place has long been a thing or a person.

But a lot of things happen here, and many friends have always remained in my heart. One of them is my little sister Zhang Yue.

Calling her Little Master Sister is actually inaccurate, because she not only entered the factory earlier than me, but also doubled as my master during the internship. Calling her sister is only because she is younger than me.

Zhang Yue, white skin, big eyes, beautiful, foreign. I don't know whether it was because I entered the factory two years early or because I was a child of the unit, and I was a few years older than I was sensible and atmospheric.

—Love to Act—

Zhang Yue's parents are employees of the unit, and their home is in the community family home, behind our group of newly assigned student dormitories. Near the water tower, I became a regular visitor to Zhang Yue's home.

I've never given a single gift for this family, but I haven't eaten any less of this family's delicious food. Snacks, frozen persimmons and more. Now I may feel nothing, but at that time, for a student who had just graduated and lived single, Zhang Yue not only gave me friendship, but also gave me a home.

Zhang Yue's father is a teacher in the children's school, and I often organize students to go on spring trips in the spring, I am neither a teacher nor a student, but only because I am friends with Zhang Yue, I also enjoy this special treatment together.

Although I went to school in Beijing, due to the limited concept and economic conditions at that time, that is, weekends or holidays to go to Beijing downtown or surrounding attractions, I did not have other travel experience.

And Zhang Yue not only accompanied me through the first spring tour, but also let me ride a horse and take photos for the first time. In the early nineties, when taking pictures was not like now, you can lift your phone and do it. No cost, more convenient. At that time, not only did you need to have a camera, but also technology, but also to buy film, wash photos, and so on. And I, ignorant but have desire, the enjoyment and acquisition of all this, not only unscrupulous, but also a little rational, just because Zhang Yue is my friend!

—Love to Act—

People say that the fellowship of people begins with the appearance of appearance and loyalty to character, and the fellowship between Me and Zhang Yue begins with work and loyalty to trust.

The first relationship between the two of us was first established in the unit, but the work was learned in three or two days. Moreover, for the masters in the team, they may feel that first, we are still young, and second, I am only here for internships, and I will not work here for a long time, so I am basically pampered and cared for both of us, and there are not many requirements for work. Therefore, for me and Zhang Yue, two young girls, sticking together every day, chatting naturally did not have much work, but a small secret between each other.

I told her about my school, my college life, and of course my classmates (my husband was my classmate); Zhang Yue told me about her friends, her family, and our colleagues, her he (the male classmate I had separated with me later talked about friends with Zhang Yue).

We are happy with each other's happiness, sweet with each other's sweetness, and the days are easy and happy.

It wasn't until half a year later that my internship was over and I returned to my assigned unit. Since then, I have never spent a single day alone with Zhang Yue.

At that time, because the masters joked: You can't go, you have to stay here. At that time, the reason why I said that you were assigned a *** (our unit) was because I was afraid of telling you directly that you were not coming here. Now that people have come, you will not be able to go...

We had just entered the society at that time, and we couldn't tell which sentence was the master teasing us and which sentence was the truth. Anyway, I was very nervous at the time, afraid that the fear had become a fact. Therefore, when we received the notice to return to our unit, we danced happily and couldn't wait, and we forgot to go to Zhang Yue's house to resign, and we didn't say goodbye to Zhang Yue.

I left, with Zhang Yue in my heart.

Six months later, one day, I had just entered the classroom (induction training) and my colleague said, "**, your letter." ”

(At that time, don't say mobile phones, telephones are not very popular, want to call and get the unit switchboard.) And the other party will wait there. Therefore, it is basically not easy to make a phone call, and the information contact depends on letters. )

When I looked, Zhang Yue came, and there was a long letter in it, and a postcard full of blessings. The first sentence at the beginning is **, Happy Birthday!

Because the next day was my birthday、、、 she actually remembered my birthday, and it was so accurate!


—Love to Act—

Later, all my friends knew that I had such an experience, they may not have seen Zhang Yue as a person, but they all know that Zhang Yue is a good friend of mine. Until one day, I once again talked to a friend about Zhang Yue, and habitually began like this, I have a good friend, her name is Zhang Yue、、、、

"No, you and Zhang Yue are not good friends." This friend interrupted me.

I was curious and asked: Why do you say that?

He said: Zhang Yue is your good friend, but you are not. Because I only heard that Zhang Yue was good to you, I didn't hear what you did for Zhang Yue、、、、、、

I felt like I had been hit in the head, unconvinced but powerless to refute it.

Thinking about it for so many years, Zhang Yuezhi to me, indeed, is only kept in the heart, nostalgic in the mouth、、、、、、

This time, I revisited the old place and came to this place where I spent time with Zhang Yue. In addition to reliving our friendship again, we have a deeper understanding:

Love is not only hidden in the heart, but also proved by actions!