
Will cars reduce prices or increase prices in 2022? When is a good time to buy a car?

author:Your good things recommended

The car is a more common means of transportation in life, and many people will travel by car, especially office workers. With the increase in people's demand, the replacement of cars is also relatively fast, the price is also different, some models will be more expensive, some models will be cheaper. According to the calculation, the price of cars in 2022 will be relatively stable, and there will be a slight price reduction in some periods.

Will cars reduce prices or increase prices in 2022? When is a good time to buy a car?

Will cars be reduced or raised in 2022

Some car prices are expected to decline slightly in 2022, but not much. The reason is that there are many factors that affect the price of cars. Let's take a closer look:

1. Environmental inhibition of automobile production capacity

As we all know, the new coronavirus pneumonia in 2020 has hit all walks of life hard, such as the shutdown of the automotive industry and the suspension of work and production of the supply chain, which has seriously affected the production capacity of vehicles. New cars, new leathers of the year, and long-term deliveries of new energy vehicles scheduled for launch in 2020 have led to a sharp drop in car prices.

However, by 2022, we have come out of COVID-19 and the major automotive industries are gradually normalizing. Therefore, the probability of automobile production capacity in 2022 is not large.

2. Price reduction promotion reduces inventory pressure

Auto inventory backlogs can take up more inventory capacity and make inventory management more difficult. In addition, it will also affect the flow of funds of manufacturers and distributors. Therefore, manufacturers will naturally reduce prices and sell cars.

However, after experiencing the epidemic, more and more people feel that it is more convenient to travel with a car, and they do not have to be afraid of crowding the bus. Therefore, after the epidemic was controlled, they chose to buy vehicles. So many people buy a car at the end of 2020, solve problems at home, and in 2022, the promotions of various brands suddenly stop.

Therefore, based on the above two points, it is unlikely that cars will become cheaper and cheaper in 2022.

Will cars reduce prices or increase prices in 2022? When is a good time to buy a car?

Will cars be cheaper in 2022?

To know whether car prices will change, we must first understand the factors that affect car prices. For China, the factors affecting car prices are mainly as follows. Let's analyze the points:

1. Automobile production and operation costs

The main factor affecting the production cost of automobile production is the production scale of the manufacturer. Under the development of domestic car companies in recent years, the scale of automobile brands that can survive is not small, and various technologies tend to mature, so the production cost of the whole vehicle is not high. From this point of view, the car price in 2022 will be cheaper.

2. Competitors' product quality and price

With the strong rise of domestic cars in recent years, today's domestic cars have performed very well in all aspects, favored by more and more consumers, so that joint venture models such as the French system and the United States have gradually faded out of the Chinese market, while other joint venture models have repeatedly reduced prices in order to consolidate their market position, so from this point of view, the price of cars in 2022 will be cheaper.

3. Market demand

The decline in automobile sales in 2020 is precisely because of the oversupply of cars in the market due to the epidemic. However, with the gradual control of the epidemic and the support of various subsidy policies, domestic automobile sales have increased greatly in the second half of 2020. Therefore, from the demand point of view, the price of cars in 2022 will be more expensive.

4. Policies and regulations

In 2020, the state did introduce a lot of car purchase subsidy policies, and car companies have also introduced various preferential policies, but the deadline for most preferential policies is 2020, so the car price in 2021 will be more expensive without the help of cars. policy.

From the above points, it can be seen that there are two aspects of car price reduction and price increase in 2022. Therefore, it is expected that car prices will remain balanced in 2022 and will not fluctuate much. Of course, whether the trend of auto prices in 2022 will fall or rise is only a prediction, and the specific situation still needs to be based on reality.

Will cars reduce prices or increase prices in 2022? When is a good time to buy a car?

When is a good time to buy a car

1, September to October, the desire to buy the greatest

In the domestic industry, "golden nine silver ten" is a common law, because more than half a year has passed, consumer consumption and investment will increase significantly. Manufacturers will not miss this time. Every September and October, manufacturers and dealers will be excited and begin to prepare for the sales sprint at the end of the year. At this time, the discount margin increases significantly.

2. During the large-scale auto show, there are many discounts

Consumption is the driving factor. If the people around us start consuming, it will affect other people as well. How do we engage consumers through campaigns? Naturally, it is a large-scale auto show every year, such as the Beijing Auto Show, shanghai auto show, Guangzhou auto show, and Chengdu auto show. This is also a time period that manufacturers like. While other models introduce new cars to attract consumers, they will also increase their preferential efforts to attract consumers during the time period when people pay the most attention to the car.

3. Low season (June and July), convenient for bargaining

From June to July, it can be said that it is the low season of the year. Usually, sales will talk to you more about prices in order to achieve sales goals, but in the peak season, sales often don't need to worry about this situation. So, on the contrary, the off-season can also be a cheap time for us to buy a car.

4, the model upgrade, the old model price reduction

If a model that happens to be purchased at the beginning of the market changes or is replaced, the manufacturer will usually lower the price of the cash model to clear the inventory. However, it is worth noting that if the modified or upgraded model is not much different from the current model, this is a more suitable entry time; if the modified or upgraded model has a large change, we do not recommend that you buy a new model that will become an old model, with the current discount.