
When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

author:Interesting history

At the end of 1948, the Kuomintang army was defeated by the People's Liberation Army. Chiang Kai-shek decided to flee to Taiwan in defeat. Before leaving, he did not forget to take away a large amount of wealth, including gold and cultural relics. At chiang kai-shek's behest, these cultural relics were transported to Taiwan in batches.

Just when everything was ready and the plane was ready to take off, the captain suddenly ordered a suspension of take-off. It turned out that the aircraft was seriously overloaded and could not take off normally. In other words, some cultural relics must be discarded. Weighing it up, the Nationalist soldiers threw ten large boxes from the plane. These large boxes contain 10 stone drums and weigh up to 10 tons.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Unexpectedly, the ten stone drums thrown down by the Kuomintang soldiers turned out to be the treasures of the mainland, its real name was Chen Cangshi Drum, and it is now treasured in the Palace Museum.

So, how were these stone drums discovered? Thousands of years of time and space changes, what twists and turns has the stone drum experienced in the past?

The stone drum is of great significance and the museum is preserved

In recent years, a cultural variety show called "National Treasure" has entered everyone's sight. As the saying goes: "CCTV production, must be a fine product." "National Treasures has raised public awareness of traditional culture and important cultural relics. In the program, we enjoyed the different artifacts of different museums and learned the stories behind these artifacts.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Among them, the cultural relics of the Palace Museum in Beijing will always get more people's attention. As the museum with the richest collection in mainland China, the Palace Museum has many extraordinary treasures of the town and country.

Walk into the exhibition hall of the Palace Museum, and the ten stone drums standing in the middle will attract your attention. These ten stone drums, from the pre-Qin dynasty to the present, have been passed down for thousands of years. From dust to discovery to protection, the stone drum has experienced many rough times.

These stone drums are inscribed with pre-Qin symbols and writings, and they show us the way of life of the people in the pre-Qin period. Labor, bathing, traveling, sacrificing, hunting...

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

For example, a drum reads: "My car is working, and my horse is the same." My car is good, my horse is good. ”

Meaning: "My car is ready, my horse is ready." My car is beautifully decorated and my horses are fattened. ”

Under a drum, he wrote: "Gentleman hunting, member hunter swimming." The speed of the deer, the gentleman's request. ”

Meaning: "Doctor Gongqing went hunting, and the procession flew a mighty flag." The deer ran fast in panic, and the Gongqing Doctor chased after him. ”

These ten stone drums are the most authentic historical materials. They carry us across the river of time, and through them we have a sense of our ancestors. It turned out that the previous Chinese was like this; it turned out that the former Central Plains land was like this; it turned out that the inheritance of the bloodline could really make people so excited.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Not only artifacts, they are also witnesses. The prosperity and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, the literati and inkers of the Great Song Dynasty, the rudeness and barbarism of Jin, the unified momentum of the Yuan Dynasty, the glory and disgrace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the bloody struggles of modern times... These marks of the times are all seen by the stone drum.

They have witnessed the development and changes of China, witnessed the inheritance of Chinese culture, and witnessed the beautiful soul of the Chinese people. The value of these ten stone drums has surpassed the value of cultural relics, and they have become a part that China cannot lose.

In the hall, the staff pointed to these ten stone drums and said to everyone: "This is the treasure of our country, in order to protect them, generation after generation of Chinese have gone through countless hardships." Now they are safely collected here, quietly watching the great power prosperity. Since you have come to them today, let's listen to their stories together. ”

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Tang Taizong

The Tang Dynasty was discovered, and the value identity was different

The first time these ten stone drums met with the world should be in the first year of Zhenguan. During the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang, the rule and social order of the Tang Dynasty gradually entered the right track, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

In Fengxiang Province, Shaanxi Province, an old sheep herder is lying leisurely on the grass with a dog's tail grass in his mouth. Behind the old man, a flock of goats was grazing with their heads down, raising their heads and making a few noises from time to time. After a while, the sheep were almost eaten, and the old man was ready to drive the sheep back.

One, two, three...... The old man counted and found that his sheep were missing. He hurriedly gathered the sheep together, pulled out his legs and went back up the hill to find the sheep. The old man walked and walked, but still did not find any trace of the sheep. Just when he was a little flustered, several large stones not far away caught his attention.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

When the old man walked in, there were 10 stones, and the shape was very similar to a big drum. These stone drums are narrow above and wide below, somewhat convex, and are carved with many strange symbols. Although the old man had never seen much of the world, he also knew that these stone drums were probably not ordinary things. He couldn't even take care of the lost sheep, so he quickly ran to the government office to report to the officials.

Officials came to check on the stone drum and word of it was quickly passed on. Many ordinary people came to see what these stones were. Many literati and scholars also came to check out to see what value these stone drums were.

Soon, rumors came. People say that these stone drums were thrown down by the gods in the sky, and the symbols on them are what they want to tell us. For these rumors, the literati and scholars did not care. After careful study, they found that these symbols are most likely pre-Qin Great Seal scripts.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

If their guess is correct, then these stone drums are too precious. We can see the living conditions of the pre-Qin people, and they can also prove that Chinese civilization has a long history. The presence of these stone drums can convince the Chinese that our ancestors were also civilized.

Not only the literati and scholars of the people were attracted to it, but even Han Yu, a university scholar of the imperial court, was also attracted by the stone drum. Han Yu was extremely talented and also had a lot of research on ancient literature and ancient texts. After seeing the stone drum, Han Yu immediately wrote to the emperor and asked the emperor to transport the stone drum to Chang'an for protection and study.

Unfortunately, the emperor really had no eyes. He did not take Han Yu's words as the same thing, nor did he think that these broken stones had any cultural value. Therefore, the matter of transporting the stone drum to Chang'an was shelved.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Tang Suzong

It was not until Emperor Suzong of Tang succeeded to the throne that the stone drum was taken seriously again. Li Heng was a very literati emperor who dabbled in epic texts. He had long heard about the stone drum, and he had always wanted to see the true face of the stone drum with his own eyes. Li Heng then ordered that the stone drum be transported to Yongcheng, and he would study it carefully.

However, before the stone drum could be transported to Yongcheng, Li Heng was forced to flee Yongcheng by the rebels of the imperial court. Li Heng, who has always wanted to see the stone drum, still has no connection with the stone drum after all.

At the same time, Han Yu did not stop studying the stone drum. In cooperation with Ouyang Qian and other literati, through consulting various texts, Han Yu discovered the meaning of the stone drum symbol. It turned out to be the Pre-Qin Great Seal Script. There are four words of poetry on each stone drum. These verses and symbols depict various scenes of sacrifice, travel, and hunting of the pre-Qin people.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Ouyang inquired

Stone drums transported the Confucius Temple, and disappeared one after another

A major discovery was made, and a group of literati represented by Han Yu jointly wrote a letter requesting the imperial court to properly preserve the stone drum. The power of the literati was actually not great, so the letters of Han Yu and others were not within the scope of the emperor's consideration.

After the day of the dynasty, several people gathered together at Han Yu's house to discuss the matter of shigu. Ouyang Qian first proposed: "Our ability is still too small, maybe we should consider uniting with others." ”

"Makes sense, but who can we contact?"

"I know a few people, more or less a magnate. They like to be attached to elegance, and they must run fast when they hear things like artifacts. ”

Han Yu clapped, "Okay, then I'll come forward and contact them." ”

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Zheng Yuqing

After a few days, Han Yu came to the home of Zheng Yuqing, a powerful member of the imperial court. Zheng Yuqing saw Han Yu coming and was so excited. Han Yue was famous, and he had admired Han Yue for a long time. After the two of them briefly exchanged pleasantries, Han Yue explained his intentions straight away. After Zheng Yuqing figured out the beginning and end of the matter, he was very excited.

"It's a good thing, of course I have to work hard. I've been in touch with a few friends in the past few days, and we'll all go to the book together. By the way, let's think about where the stone drum should be placed. ”

"I have long considered this question, how about the Confucius Temple? The location is safe and the bookish atmosphere is also suitable. ”

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Turning stone drums

Han Yu's proposal hit Zheng Yuqing's heart, and he quickly contacted several powerful people. Three days later, Zheng Yuqing joined forces with all the people with heads and faces to write a letter, and the opinions of these people were finally taken seriously by the imperial court, and the emperor ordered that the stone drums be transported to the Confucius Temple for preservation.

During the delivery process, despite the care and caution of the escorts, a stone drum was lost halfway through. The officers and men were extremely worried and looked around. Strangely enough, they had traveled a long distance and still could not find the missing stone drum. In the end, there were only nine stone drums that were safely and intact sent to the Confucius Temple.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

And the division stone drum

The situation in the world is changing rapidly, and the Tang Dynasty, which has flourished for a while and all the countries have come to the dynasty, is eventually facing a situation of disintegration. China ushered in the period of five generations and ten kingdoms. During this period, the regime was divided, the social order was chaotic, and the life of the people was difficult. In the war-torn years, the safety of many things can no longer be guaranteed.

The nine stone drums preserved in the Confucius Temple have also lost their tracks in the war. It's not that no one has looked for it, but these nine stone drums are completely hidden like a joke with the world.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Song Renzong

The Song Dynasty looked for nine creations, and the real body was a whetstone

After the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Great Song Dynasty established a feudal regime. Song Renzong was a rather nostalgic man, and before he could succeed to the throne, he had already set out to inquire about the whereabouts of Shi Gu. When he succeeded to the throne as emperor, he had better conditions to continue his search. Of course, in order to make an example, Song Renzong still asked the opinions of the courtiers.

One morning, Song Renzong threw out the topic of looking for stone drums, and the courtiers in the hall were silent. In their opinion, the emperor's sudden desire to find the stone drum was simply whimsical. Now the whereabouts of the stone drum are unknown, and there is no trace of it. If you want to find it, it will cost people money, and the results will not necessarily be successful.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Rainy stone drum

Besides, if anyone who didn't take on this task for a long time and finally failed to find the stone drum, wouldn't all the Nine Clans be implicated? All of these people in the official arena are human spirits, and the abacus in their hearts is crackling.

I didn't think about it, there was really a person who didn't have long eyes to stand up, and this person was Sima Chi. The name Sima Chi may feel strange to everyone, but his son you must not be unfamiliar, that is, Sima Guang. Sima Chi took the initiative to ask for help and took over the task of finding the stone drum. Emperor Renzong of Song was pleased and gave Sima Chi a great deal of power.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Sima Chi also lived up to expectations and found nine stone drums within the specified time. But there was still a stone drum left, and no matter how Sima Chi inquired, he couldn't find out the news. If only nine stone drums were taken to restore his life, then Sima Chi's future life might not be better, and it would really become thankless.

Thinking about it, Sima Chi ordered his men to search for skilled craftsmen and gathered the strength of the crowd to forge a stone drum. The shape, appearance characteristics, and symbols of this stone drum are almost exactly the same as other stone drums. When idle people see it, they can't tell the truth from the false.

Sima Chi nervously presented ten stone drums, and Emperor Renzong of Song rewarded him with many gold and silver treasures. Unfortunately, Sima Chi's good life did not take long, and the matter of forging stone drums was exposed.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Luan Che Stone Drum

Song Renzong took back ten stone drums triumphantly and called many golden stone experts to appreciate them together. These people were experts in looking at doorways, and it didn't take long for them to notice something was wrong. There is a stone drum, whether it is the material, or the way the symbols are written, if you look closely, it is different from others, and it is obvious that it is a fake.

It was not until 1000 that the lost stone drum appeared in real form. At that time, a collector was wandering by the side of the road when he saw a sharpsmith wiping his whetstone. Looking curious from a distance, the collector could not help but go forward to take a closer look. This look was not tight, and the collector actually saw a familiar symbol on the whetstone.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Ma Zhan Stone Drum

Coincidentally, this collector has been studying stone drums for a long time. This whetstone made him feel very much like a stone drum. To be on the safe side, the collector gave the sharpsmith a sum of silver and told him to put the whetstone away and not to move. Then he rushed to the government office and reported what he had discovered.

Unexpectedly, this whetstone was identified as the missing stone drum. There was really a sense of poverty and water, willows and dark flowers, so far all ten stone drums were found by the imperial court.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Emperor Huizong of Song

Discarded and disappeared again, Yuan Dynasty Yu Ji recovered

After the ten stone drums were recovered, they were properly placed in the imperial palace. They could have stayed peaceful, but unfortunately they met Emperor Huizong of Song.

Song Huizong was a strange person, and one day he had a sudden idea and was ready to give Shi Gu a makeover operation. Because he loved gold, Emperor Huizong of Song poured burned gold on the stone drum.

A minister admonished him: "Emperor, don't do it." The value of the stone drum should not be underestimated, as soon as your gold is poured, the historical mark on it is likely to be destroyed! ”

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Stone drums

The minister's words Song Huizong did not listen, he still went his own way. Soon, these ten stone drums fell into the hands of the Jin people. The Jin people came from a barbaric people, they only knew wealth, not appreciation. They saw the golden eyes on the stone drum glow. When the gold was pried off, the gold found that it was originally gilded.

The golden man with no eyes and no pearls directly regarded the ten stone drums as garbage and threw them all into the wilderness, and the stone drums once again lost their tracks.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Tianche stone drum

In the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty, various regimes continued to fight. Liao, Jin, Mongolia, and the regimes were like water and fire. In the end, the Mongols unified the world and established the Yuan Dynasty.

And it was in the Yuan Dynasty that the ten stone drums were found again. This is thanks to a scholar named Yu Ji, who found traces of stone drums during his study tour. He quickly reported to the government and transported the ten stone drums back to the Confucius Temple intact.

Finally, the stone drum ushered in a long period of time to stop. From this moment until 1933, the stone drum was preserved in the Confucius Temple, witnessing the changes of the years.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Wushui stone drum

The revolution vowed to die to protect and became the treasure of the town

China in 1933 was in chaos. Various foreign forces occupied China's territory, and the Japanese were even more rampant in their clamor to destroy China. Chinese people rose up to defend the motherland and block the aggressors' advance. Scholars in society, there are those who throw their pens into the pen, and there are also those who firmly believe in guarding the cultural property of the motherland.

These historians, under the cover of the revolutionaries, desperately sent batches of precious cultural relics south. These ten stone drums are among the cultural relics that migrated south. Before leaving, Mr. Ma Heng wrapped cotton wool with paper paste and covered it outside the stone drum. For these literati, the stone drum may be more important than their lives.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Ma Heng

They set out from Beijing with stone drums and headed south. The road ahead is obscure, and the enemies behind them are in hot pursuit, and these people have walked extremely hard all the way. They crossed the Qin Mountains and continued to walk south. With the cover of the mountain range, the pressure is a little less.

After many hardships, I finally arrived at Emei County. I thought that victory was in sight, but I did not expect that the storage place of the stone drum suddenly caught fire unexpectedly. Because some people did not extinguish the fire in time after smoking opium, the fire burned. The fire spread to the oil shop next door, making the fire burn more and more vigorously.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

In 1933, the cultural relics of the Forbidden City were moved south

Ten stone drums, one by one, were moved out too late. At the moment of crisis, Na Zhiliang, who was in charge of protecting shigu, came up with a solution. After convincing the people in the neighborhood, he organized everyone to tear down the houses and shops. Everyone built a barrier with all the bricks and tiles, and the stone drum was isolated from the fire.

Everyone was sweating profusely and breathing a sigh of relief. Even if they die, they cannot let the stone drum be destroyed. Now I can finally get the job done.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Wuren stone drum

After the victory of the War of Resistance, these ten stone drums were transferred to Xiaguan in Nanjing. Soon a civil war broke out in the country, and Chiang Kai-shek was crushed by the Communists little by little and forced to flee to Taiwan. On the plane to Taiwan, Chiang Kai-shek's luggage was severely overloaded. Forced to be helpless, Chiang Kai-shek could only throw down the 10-ton stone drum.

The Communist Party found the stone drum that was thrown down in time, and then properly treasured it in the Palace Museum, becoming a national treasure of the nine major towns on the mainland.

When the old Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, he had no choice but to drop 10 tons of stones due to the overweight of the plane, and now it has become a treasure of the town

Make a rough drum


These ten stone drums, as well as other historical relics, are the most precious treasures of the Chinese people. They come from distant time and space, telling us those historical stories little by little. Through these cultural relics, we can see how our ancestors lived, how ancient China changed, and how the Chinese civilization was inherited.

The spirit carried by these cultural relics is the national spirit engraved in the bones of each of our Chinese. They have witnessed thousands of years, and they have cried with the country and laughed with the nation. They have seen China's honor and have not ignored China's scars. Now they will accompany us to a better future.

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