
Essay writing 10 small details that should be paid attention to, do not ignore, very simple

author:A fish editing

One, 10 small details that should be paid attention to, do not ignore, very simple

Second, the thesis topic drafting skills

3. Abstract and keyword selection

Fourth, the writing of the preface part of the paper cannot be left behind

Fifth, the main text writing is step-by-step and meticulous

Sixth, the conclusion should be high-profile

7. Reference caution formula request

VIII. The appendix cannot be ignored


1. The word "I" must not appear in the paper, the paper has scientific seriousness and rigor, and avoids the appearance of "I" pronouns. Of course, there are many papers that have been changed to "author"! In fact, replacing comparison with "this article" is the practice of smart people! It is also the most frequently used word in all kinds of literature.

2. Avoid exclamation points during essay writing!!! The paper should be mainly based on statement statements, the appearance of mood sighs instantly reduces the level of the paper, questions are mainly used when writing the structure and conclusion of the article, and other places can be less.

3. Put an end to the comparative sentence, the ranking sentence is very illogical, especially in the process of writing liberal arts papers, the appearance of the comparative sentence will make others treat your paper as an essay, remember, the paper is not an essay.


4. Direct citations shall not exceed 15 to 20% of the full text of the article, and indirect citations shall not exceed 30%. Direct citations and indirect citations are mainly placed in the section of the article's predecessor research results. To avoid direct references, a small trick is to put direct references in annotations.

5. Be sure to have a header, footer, and page number (without these elements, the cultivation of thesis writing is obviously lacking, and the tutor is very concerned about the details)

6. The structure of the whole text, title, abstract, preface, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, conclusion, references, acknowledgements, etc. (in a word, write in strict accordance with the requirements of the tutor and the requirements of the school thesis writing, although the sparrow is small, it is complete, and it must not lose a link)


7. When rejecting other people's conclusions, be civilized!!! If you feel that other people's views are nonsense, you must also civilizely express that so-and-so's views may be wrong.

8. Punctuation should be standardized, commas, periods, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, book title numbers.

9. The paper should be repeated, and your most central idea should be repeated continuously. (This is a core part of essay writing)

10. The title of the thesis is short and concise, and cannot exceed 20 words.

Essay writing 10 small details that should be paid attention to, do not ignore, very simple

There must be a qualifier in the title of the paper, otherwise it will not be finished, and the strategy of saving life will not be completed. The header should not exceed two lines. The nouns in the title are less than four, and the key words should be reflected at the same time. Have a verb-biased word. For example, "Spectacled Poetry and Literati Culture Research in the Ming and Qing Dynasties" Nouns: Ming and Qing Dynasties, Qualifiers; Nouns, Eye Poetry, Literati Culture; Verbs, Research. Nouns are critical because they are explained later.

The abstract is generally written in three and a half sentences. In the first sentence, point out the research object, the method of research is slightly pointed, and then expanded. The second sentence, the background of the thesis research. Third sentence, your research results (write a little vaguely, otherwise no one will read it, but don't be too vague). The last half sentence, a slight point at the meaning of the article, highly summarized. No more than five keywords. The key word is the essence of the abstract and the essence of the topic of the paper.

1. Definition, this question is mainly for the purpose of deducting the question! Define each German noun in the title of the article, and define a noun.

Take the previous title as an example, "Ming and Qing Dynasty Glasses Poetry and Literati Culture Research" explains, what is glasses poetry, what is literati culture, this part is mainly to limit, limit!! After the definition is good, it is easy to write, and it will not be provoked by people.

2. The research results of predecessors, two parts. One is to put the research results of the predecessors first, which is what we often call the research background and literature review, which is partly to show that you have read the book! The list of subsequent references should also be based on this part, and you can't write what you read. The other is their own point of view and approach, this part must be humble, humble, humble! Understated luxury is paramount. To show my research perspective, I want to express that I was right before, but I ignored an important issue. They all look at things from one perspective, and I look at things from another. Then it's about explaining your research methods, drawing on whose methods you borrowed, and fusing them with whomse methods, in short, improving the compulsion!

3. The structure of the article and the possible conclusions (or that sentence, don't go through it!). It is roughly divided into two directions, papers with parallel structures of nature and papers with comparative properties.

Papers with parallel structures of juxtapositional nature

In the first section, through what kind of materials, what kind of methods are used, and what kind of conclusion A can be roughly reached

The second section, writing out the connection, conclusion A, plus what method was used, what material, and came to conclusion B

In the third section, conclusion A and conclusion B are placed together and analyzed.

Contrasting nature of the paper

In the first section, conclusion A was drawn by what material and what method was used

Section II, ibid., concludes B

Section III, Conclusion A and Conclusion B, compare the differences

After that, they are all put on, 100,000 whys, and then replace the conclusion with a question.

Chapter One: General Quotations, Words of an Indirect Nature, Putting Important Materials and Methods into Writing Some More. Let's recount it happily. It is best to have a point of view in each paragraph, and if there is a noun in point a that has not appeared before, then the next sentence explains the noun that appears. It may also be necessary to interpret an adjective, turning an adjective into a noun or a combined interpretation of a verb. Then it's about explaining your point of view, and of course it's not okay to say it , to cite examples.

Citations, especially ancient literature, are best written in traditional characters. Interpreting citations, usually this part is very weak, because a lot of papers are like, you know. Finally, it is necessary to take care of the first sentence with one sentence.

Finally, note:

More than three lines can be regarded as a paragraph. One point of view should not exceed three examples. An essay is best divided into three stanzas, and each section is best to have three points of view. And then the next thing is the continuous cycle.

The conclusions account for about fifteen percent of the full text. How to understand the conclusion? It is mainly to measure the level of Mandarin. The first sentence, another pull on the method and material

In the second sentence, each section becomes a natural paragraph in the conclusion, and there is no quotation in the conclusion, just go directly to your point of view, indicating that the conclusion will be quoted.

Next, it is the contest of real (zhuang) force (bi), from your conclusion, which other aspect can be extended, there is no need to argue here, play well! Advanced scholars in this regard are always infinitely extended, imaginative

According to the requirements of the school, the typesetting can be, first put the original materials, and then write the citation materials: the author Title, the publishing unit, the publishing unit, the publication time

The appendix, something that seems gigantic and useless on the surface, is actually useful. The appendix doesn't count the number of words, and if the article exceeds the word count, then it's good to stuff things into it.