
What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

author:Fuwa talks about parenting

When the children set up their own small families, many people may feel that the old people can finally relax, but in fact, the ease is only a short period of time, because after the little ones are born, the old people can be busy, that is, they have to help with the children, and this busyness is still doubled, because some daughters prefer to give the children to their mothers to bring, which also leads to some elderly people to help their sons with babies, but also to help their daughters with babies.

In response to this, some people will say that helping children with babies is a thankless thing, and in the end, I am afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty. Some people also say that helping their sons is called helping their own families, and helping their daughters with their babies is helping outsiders to bring them, is this really the case?

What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

Case: The old man carries five babies, and in the end, neither party is flattered

Relatives gave birth to two daughters and a son, and after the children were married, the relatives originally thought that they could be more relaxed, but in a few years, the children had children, and the relatives lived with their sons, at first they helped the son to take care of the two little grandchildren, and before long, the younger daughter also sent her two children, saying that she was in conflict with the mother-in-law, and did not want the mother-in-law to help look at the children, and said that her two children were older and did not have to worry much.

What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

Since the daughters have opened their mouths, how can the old people refuse, naturally they agreed to the daughter, fortunately, the self-built house is also relatively large, so sometimes the daughter simply lives in the mother's house, at this time the old man also has to be responsible for the daughter's food. The eldest daughter saw that several children were in her mother's house, and she thought that her mother-in-law was far from her home, and it was more troublesome to pick up and drop off the child every time, and she was just closer to her mother's house, so she simply handed over the child to her mother, and said that she was a child and would not add any trouble to the mother.

Relatives thought that if they did not help with the baby, I am afraid that the eldest daughter would feel that she was eccentric, so she also agreed, just like this, the old man took care of five children alone, after all, he took care of five children, it is inevitable that there will be negligence, some children will take more care of some children, and some children will have omissions.

What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

After more than two years, one day the children's home quarreled, and the old man's way of handling it was not quite right, which caused a contradiction, and finally led to the three children being extremely dissatisfied with their parents and complaining a lot. The old man feels physically and mentally exhausted, and neither side has been able to please, which is the reality.

01 What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

Some people say that helping a son with a baby is bringing his own grandchildren, while helping his daughter to bring a baby is a grandson, and in general, he is still a "person with a foreign surname". Some people also say that the elderly will be more careful when helping their sons with their babies, but they are not so careful when helping their daughters with babies.

What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

There are many such statements, but in fact, from the perspective of the elderly, most of the elderly are dedicated to helping their daughters with their babies or helping their sons with their children. Although it is not excluded that a few strange old people are excluded, most of the elderly are very conscientious, in their eyes, they are their own precious grandchildren, there is no distinction between outsiders.

As for whether it is possible to be busy in vain? In fact, it is also possible, but it is not a question of helping the son or the daughter, because for this problem, it depends on the child's personal qualities. If the elderly do not educate their children well, and educate their children into people who do not understand gratitude, then in this case, after the children have sent the old people and used the old people as "nannies", after squeezing out the last "use value" of the old people, they do not know how to be grateful to the old people, nor do they know how to filial piety to the old people.

What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

In real life, there are indeed many young people who do not have a sense of gratitude, thinking that parents help to take the baby is taken for granted, they take this kind of old people with the baby behavior as a reasonable, originally it was a matter of affection, in the eyes of young people, it has become the responsibility of the elderly, if the elderly do not help with the baby, but may also be criticized by young parents, which often makes the elderly feel very distressed.

What is the difference between helping a son and a daughter with a baby? Who will keep you busy? Reality is often very heartwarming

Therefore, as a parent, the most important thing is to educate the child from an early age, not only to give the child love, but also to educate the child to learn to be grateful, to see the parents' efforts, but also to learn to return the parents' efforts, rather than enjoy the parents' pay for granted, such children grow up, they are also destined to become the so-called "white-eyed wolf", and the parents will live very hard in their old age.

At the same time, as a young parent, you must also learn to constantly reflect, to be grateful for the efforts of your parents, but also to repay your parents, otherwise your behavior that you do not understand may also affect your children in a subtle way, and in the future, your children may not be filial to you, and it will be too late to regret it when the time comes.