
Best scorer without mentioning me? James said he was angry fans joked: Didn't you say you didn't care?

author:Fat Ding Basketball

Recently, James participated in a talk show, and some of James's remarks on the show caused great controversy.

On the show, the topic of "who is the best scorer in NBA history" was talked about. James said they didn't mention themselves and felt angry: "When they talk about the best scorers in history, they never mention my name, which makes me angry."

Best scorer without mentioning me? James said he was angry fans joked: Didn't you say you didn't care?

In fact, when discussing the best scorers in NBA history, it's hard to get around James. Bryant is recognized as one of the best scorers in NBA history, averaging just 25 points per game in his career. Durant is widely regarded as one of the most insoluble scorers, averaging 27.1 points per game in his career. James' career average is also 27.1 points per game. If you talk about career total scores, James is obviously one notch higher than Kobe Bryant and Durant.

Best scorer without mentioning me? James said he was angry fans joked: Didn't you say you didn't care?

If we talk about the means of scoring aside, James has obvious flaws. In addition to James' lethal breakthrough, his back singles and long-range shooting are also very unstable. The picture of back-to-back playing Balia has been ridiculed by many fans. Even James's breakthrough technology is actually very controversial. I remember a great head coach who exaggerated that half of James' career points were walking.

Best scorer without mentioning me? James said he was angry fans joked: Didn't you say you didn't care?

However, Fat Ding's personal opinion: since the issue of scorers is discussed, data should be the only reference standard. No matter how rich your offensive means are, it is useless to get points. The means of scoring, the scoring posture are not important, the most important thing is to put the ball into the basket. James is one of the best scorers in NBA history. At 37 years old, James is still averaging 28.8 points per game, can you say he's not one of the best scorers?

Best scorer without mentioning me? James said he was angry fans joked: Didn't you say you didn't care?

It was also on this show that James was asked how to deal with outside comments. James said not to care too much: "You can't take the outside world's evaluation of you too seriously, no matter what you do, others will dictate everything you do, (if you care too much) it will creep into your brain and invade you, believe it or not, it will exhaust you." 」 ”

So some fans ridiculed James: Didn't you say you didn't care? Fat Ding personally believes that James said that he was very angry, which should also be a kind of ridicule. James will not care about the evaluation of the outside world, and at his current position, no matter whether it is right or wrong, there will always be someone black and someone blowing.