
Today's sting, nutritionists recommend 5 spring liver detoxification ingredients

author:Wen Jing's anti-cancer nutrition kitchen

#Health 2022# Today's stinging festival, the temperature has gradually risen in recent days. As the old saying goes: "When the sting season is stung, the spring air is budding, and nature has a new vitality." Historically, there has also been a saying that "all things recover and insects come out of the hole". As the saying goes, when the spring thunder rings, the snakes, insects, rats and ants are out, so this festival should pay attention to family hygiene and food safety, in addition, liver detoxification is also the primary work of health maintenance

Dietitians recommend the following ingredients for detoxification and liver nourishment:

1. Celery

Celery is most familiar to us is that it is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and accelerate the excretion of waste products and toxins.

In addition, celery is also rich in carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body and promote liver health.

Today's sting, nutritionists recommend 5 spring liver detoxification ingredients

2. Spinach

Spinach, rich in dietary fiber and vitamin A, according to measurements, each 100 grams of spinach is rich in dietary fiber 1.7 grams, vitamin A487 micrograms, in addition to containing 2920 micrograms of carotene. Known as the safest source of vitamin A.

Vitamin A is an essential substance for the human liver, because adequate intake of vitamins is the "magic weapon" for liver nourishment.

Today's sting, nutritionists recommend 5 spring liver detoxification ingredients

3. Broccoli

Broccoli has the reputation of "vegetable crown" and is recommended as a healthy ingredient by Time Magazine in the United States, broccoli is rich in vitamin C51 mg, vitamin A1202 micrograms, dietary fiber 1.6 grams. Carotene 7210 mcg.

In addition, broccoli also contains flavonoids, which are conducive to the body's antioxidant and immune system.

Today's sting, nutritionists recommend 5 spring liver detoxification ingredients

4. Kelp

Kelp is famous for containing fiber, low fat, low calorie food, and rich in dietary fiber and fucoidan, which can help the body's toxic substances, such as lead, chromium and other heavy metals, beneficial to intestinal health.

In addition, kelp also contains mannitol, which is conducive to diuretic detoxification. Kelp is rich in iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium and are also active ingredients that contribute to liver health.

Today's sting, nutritionists recommend 5 spring liver detoxification ingredients

5. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in the reputation of "the king of vegetables", each 100 grams of asparagus is rich in dietary fiber 1.9 grams, vitamin C 45 mg and also contains folic acid.

Today's sting, nutritionists recommend 5 spring liver detoxification ingredients


As the opening paragraph says: "Everything recovers, the white worm moves", although the aunt drags the house several times a day, we also feel very clean, but recently we will occasionally find one or two watermelon worms. Therefore, the room is not only to be cleaned, but also needs to be disinfected frequently, especially in places like bathrooms and kitchens that are easy to get wet.