
Forcing the mainland to move ahead of time? After meeting Tsai Ing-wen, Pompeo immediately began to promote the "establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan"

author:Gao Ming Talk

According to Taiwan media reports, PLA warships have been patrolling the Taiwan Strait for days, and at the same time PLA military planes have also entered Taiwan's airspace for cruises on many occasions. At present, former US Secretary of State Pompeo is visiting Taiwan, the PLA action is very targeted, according to the reasoning that Pompeo should be somewhat restrained, but the reality is just the opposite. After meeting with Tsai Ing-wen, Pompeo recently delivered a speech in Taipei.

Despite withdrawing from the US political arena, Pompeo still does not change his anti-China nature, and in his speech Pompeo called on the Biden administration to take measures to carry out so-called "diplomatic recognition" of Taiwan and promote the "establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan" in his speech. This outgoing US politician, who has not changed much from his tenure as secretary of state, is still an extreme anti-China politician, and he is also an anti-China politician who does not have much brains.

At present, the Biden administration has indeed made many out-of-the-ordinary moves on the Taiwan issue, deliberately challenging China's bottom line on the Taiwan issue, but every time it has reached the point, it has never "diplomatically recognized" the Taiwan authorities, and has always kept a certain distance from the Taiwan authorities. The United States adopts a vague strategy and will not negate the one-China principle, but it will not give up colluding with the Taiwan authorities.

Except for some small countries that do not know whether they are alive or dead, countries with a slight future for development dare not make such a statement at the official level, nor will the Biden administration, because recognizing "Taiwan independence" means war, which is the last red line that the Chinese government has long affirmed. Pompeo, as a veteran politician in the Republican Party, uses this topic to provoke China, which obviously lacks basic common sense.

Forcing the mainland to move ahead of time? After meeting Tsai Ing-wen, Pompeo immediately began to promote the "establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan"

The question now is, Pompeo has left, why is he jumping like this? What will happen to the Taiwan authorities, and what does it have to do with Pompeo? Just as the so-called unprofitable is not early, the reason why he did this is nothing more than for his own political future. At present, both parties in the United States are desperately opposing China, and there is even a tendency to compete.

Pompeo has been constantly clamoring for "the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan" in order to establish an anti-China hawkish image for himself in the United States, and at the same time to put pressure on the Biden administration to force him to go further and further down the anti-China road, so that the Republican Party will profit from it. You know, in 2022, the United States will hold midterm elections, and from the current situation, the prospects of the Democratic Party are worrying.

Forcing the mainland to move ahead of time? After meeting Tsai Ing-wen, Pompeo immediately began to promote the "establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan"

As the current ruling party in the United States, the Biden administration has to take into account the overall situation of Sino-US relations when dealing with Taiwan and other issues, while opposition politicians such as Pompeo are indifferent and light, constantly adding fuel to the fire of Sino-US relations, making it difficult for the Biden administration to make rational choices. Not long ago, Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives and an anti-China activist for 30 years, was also described by the Republican Party as "not anti-China enough" because she did not propose a China-related bill.

For the sake of power, Pompeo can say any nonsense. From the current point of view, the politician with the highest support in the Republican Party is former President Trump, who is likely to launch an impact on the 2024 US presidential election. But Trump is old after all, and Pompeo is seen as a political star within the Republican Party.

Having served in the Army, served as director of the CIA, served as U.S. secretary of state, and was relentlessly anti-China, Pompeo has assembled the ingredients for becoming a Republican presidential candidate. Hyping up the Taiwan issue is only a manifestation of his political ambitions. However, it must be explained that the so-called support of all US politicians for Taiwan ended up being empty of bamboo baskets.

Because the Plaster Will Not Give the Opportunity to Intervene in the Taiwan Strait, When a US warship crossed the Taiwan Strait, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin issued a warning, pointing out that the US action will only accelerate the overthrow of the "Taiwan independence" forces, and the United States will also pay a heavy price for its adventurous behavior. Qin Gang, Chinese ambassador to the United States, has also said that if the United States continues to support the "Taiwan independence" elements, China and the United States will inevitably fall into conflict.

Forcing the mainland to move ahead of time? After meeting Tsai Ing-wen, Pompeo immediately began to promote the "establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan"

Therefore, the behavior of the United States will only force the mainland to act in advance, and cross-strait reunification is an irreversible historical trend. For the sake of his own little political future, US politicians like Pompeo have disregarded the vital interests of more than 20 million people in Taiwan and have not hesitated to undermine cross-strait peace, which can be called "public enemies on both sides of the strait." His conspiracy is absolutely impossible to succeed, and his crimes will eventually be tried justly.