
Pompeo clamored for "the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States," and our Foreign Ministry responded that the mainland may introduce a bill to rule Taiwan independence

author:Nine changes in the virtual and the real

Recently, when Russia and Ukraine were still fighting, after the United States did everything possible to sanction Russia, it still chose not to intervene in the situation in Eastern Europe, thinking that this was the weakness of the Biden administration, but it did not expect that the disaster waters in Eastern Europe had not been shaken clean, and the United States set its sights on the Taiwan Strait thousands of miles away, sending politicians to visit the island, and this time the United States visited Taiwan, it was actually a country with two roads.

First on the Democratic side, on March 2, the Biden administration sent a delegation of former senior defense and security officials to visit Taiwan, followed by the Republican side sent former Secretary of State Pompeo to the island in a "relay" that night. Before leaving, Pompeo also tweeted that he was "looking forward to a trip to Taiwan." Washington's "high standard" treatment has flattered the DPP authorities, and almost arranged for various green parties and governments on the island, large and small, to come to meet, and even awarded Pompeo a medal.

Pompeo clamored for "the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States," and our Foreign Ministry responded that the mainland may introduce a bill to rule Taiwan independence

Unlike the humble and condescending attitude of the Taiwan authorities, many unification groups on the island waited at Taoyuan Airport early and pulled up banners to express strong protest against the US visit to Taiwan, and many protesters shouted "Pompeo out!" The majority of the people on the island do not buy the so-called "attention" of the Biden administration, because they are worried that these moves by the United States and the current dangerous moves of the DPP will make cross-strait relations more and more tense.

Therefore, the "past" official Pompeo's trip to Taiwan can also be described as a twist and turn, the delegation assigned by Biden arrived in Taiwan first, and was intercepted by protests at the airport, and according to media reports, some people issued threatening letters to the Taiwan visiting group, threatening Pompeo's personal safety. In addition, on the morning of March 3, the webcast of Pompeo's meeting with Tsai Ing-wen also failed due to an unknown large-scale power outage on the island.

Pompeo clamored for "the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States," and our Foreign Ministry responded that the mainland may introduce a bill to rule Taiwan independence

However, Pompeo, who has an immortal heart, as the number one anti-China politician under Trump, still does not forget to disgust the mainland before leaving Taiwan. According to media reports, Pompeo has tweeted to the Biden administration to "issue orders" for them to take immediate measures to "diplomatically recognize" Taiwan. In this regard, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have severely refuted this, denouncing Pompeo as a former politician with a bankrupt reputation, and his fallacy is a cliché that the DPP authorities have always hyped up, which is complete nonsense.

A person who is proud to boast of being good at "lying, cheating, stealing" is only to further expose his nature by saying these words. As for the reasons why the United States has suddenly shifted its focus to the Taiwan Strait this time, from many angles, it is nothing more than the following points: First, the reason for the Biden delegation's visit to Taiwan is mainly to appease the DPP authorities.

Pompeo clamored for "the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States," and our Foreign Ministry responded that the mainland may introduce a bill to rule Taiwan independence

In the face of Russia's fierce military action, Ukraine has not yet instigated the "Taiwan independence" on the island, and in their eyes this is an early rehearsal of the mainland's reunification action in the future, and the most jaw-dropping thing is that the United States has also instigated it. As soon as the Russian army began to fight, the United States did not turn back to the action of running directly, but it made the United States allies and brothers around the world look at it.

If you also "encounter accidents" in the future, is the big brother of the United States really reliable? Will he also leave himself and run ahead of time? Although many pro-American factions themselves are clear about the face of the US government, seeing Biden "live demonstration" once will not give a new understanding of whether the United States can really defend its alliance system.

Pompeo clamored for "the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States," and our Foreign Ministry responded that the mainland may introduce a bill to rule Taiwan independence

Therefore, in order to re-establish his prestige, especially so as not to make a mistake in the anti-China strategy, Biden sent these former politicians to appease the Taiwan authorities, and moreover, to get ahead of the Republican Party. In terms of attitude towards Russia and the settlement of the Wudong issue, the country has been disappointed in itself, and if there is another mistake in the matter of China, then before the start of the 2024 general election, it will be really weak.

Second, Pompeo's reason for visiting Taiwan, like his person, is simple, snobbish and selfish, and as mentioned earlier, the main reason is to suppress the Democratic Party in the domestic political wind. At this time, the influence of the Democratic government has regressed sharply and weakened in Europe, which is a good opportunity for the Republican Party to solicit votes, and taking this opportunity to visit the island can increase the goodwill of the political circles on the island for the Republican Party. Secondly, it is to save political capital for themselves and prepare for their return to the US political arena in the future.

Pompeo clamored for "the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States," and our Foreign Ministry responded that the mainland may introduce a bill to rule Taiwan independence

Third, the visits of US politicians from two roads to the island reflect that the United States is still constantly advancing its next anti-China strategy. Judging from the actions of the United States and the European Union in recent months, the Taiwan Strait has become the core of their next anti-China plan, which means that the future of Sino-US relations will be even darker. On the mainland, on the other hand, it is necessary to make it clear to all foreign forces that are vainly trying to interfere in the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and any obstruction and interference in the mainland's efforts to safeguard the integrity of the country's territory and sovereignty and safeguard national unity will certainly be resolutely counterattacked by our army.

Concrete actions should also be taken on the next step of unifying the great cause. Recently, CppcC member Zhang Lianqi made it clear that the conditions for formulating the "Law on the Reunification of the Motherland" have become more mature, and he will submit a proposal on issues related to the formulation of the bill; the mainland's march from "opposing separatism" to "promoting reunification" at the legal level may begin formally, and it is time for those separatist forces on the island to make psychological preparations.