
Needle knife therapy | stellate ganglia threads for freckles

author:Yang Caide, the founder of Huangfu Shi'an
Needle knife therapy | stellate ganglia threads for freckles
Needle knife therapy | stellate ganglia threads for freckles

Freckles are commonly found on the skin of young and middle-aged women on the skin of the sun, and freckles with severe family aggregation may be related to autosomal dominant inheritance, and the pathogenic gene is located at 4q32-q34.


1. Heredity is closely related to the onset of freckles, freckles are usually autosomal dominant inheritance, if one of the parents has freckles, 1/2 of the children may become ill. If both parents are sick, there is a 3/4 chance that the child will develop the disease.

2. Environmental factors

Freckles are commonly found in bare skin areas, generally on the face, and are also common in the neck, arms and other parts. Therefore, too much ultraviolet radiation is the cause of freckles.

3. Precipitating factors

(1) Poor diet and work and rest habits can aggravate freckles.

(2) Irregular menstruation in women can also induce freckles.

(3) Improper use of cosmetics and electronic products and equipment will induce or aggravate freckles.

Needle knife therapy | stellate ganglia threads for freckles

Clinical manifestations:

1. It is mostly seen in children around 5 years old, and most of them are women.

2. It is often aggravated in spring and summer, and reduced in autumn and winter. It tends to occur on the face (especially the nose) and can also be seen on the shoulders and back.

3. Typical skin lesions are light brown to yellowish brown needle tips to rice grain size spots, isolated but not fused, the number is different, the distribution is symmetrical, the skin lesions can become larger after being irradiated by ultraviolet rays, and the color is deepened and the number increases. - - Generally no self-conscious symptoms.

Thread-specific therapies:

Main cave:

Stellate ganglia, blood sea, curved pool, foot three miles, three yin intercourse.

Fixed-point acupuncture:

Stellate nerve nodes: slightly below the anterior nodule of the transverse process of the sixth cervical spine.

Blood sea point: in the anterior area of the femoral, 2 inches above the medial end of the patella floor, at the bulge of the medial femoral muscle.

Curved pool point: the midpoint of the curved elbow at a right angle, and the lateral end of the elbow radial side is connected to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

Foot Three Mile: On the anterolateral side of the calf, when the calf nose is 3 inches below, a transverse finger (middle finger) from the anterior edge of the tibia.

Triple vaginal intercourse: on the inside of the calf, when the inside of the foot is 3 inches above the tip of the ankle, behind the medial border of the tibia.


3 times 1 course of treatment. At the same time, it can be combined with dialectics to increase the number of points.

Therapeutic significance:

Acupuncture knife therapy stimulates stellate ganglia to inhibit sympathetic nerves, significantly increase blood flow in the head and neck, improve local microcirculation, improve skin circulation and nutritional status, increase metabolism, keep the skin smooth, stretch wrinkles, delay the aging of the skin, have a good effect on reducing pigmentation, and at the same time regulate the function of the hypothalamus through nerve reflexes and by improving blood circulation in the hypothalamus, regulate changes in sex hormone levels, thereby reducing the synthesis of melanin, promoting its transport and decomposition.

For more information about thread needle knife therapy and learning related information, you can consult privately!