
Why not recommend "MRI"?

author:Department of Cardiology, Dr. Wei

"MRI is really very useful, my wife and I have done it, I had a ischemic stroke, thanks to the MRI to make it clear that my stroke is ischemic stroke, old Jiang, I tell you ah..."

This is the benefit of Qian Lao's "nuclear magnetic resonance" to his friend Jiang Lao,Qian lao also said to Jiang Lao that everyone can do MRI, Jiang Lao pondered after listening to it, recalling that he had a dizzy feeling in the past year, sometimes at seven o'clock in the evening fatigue will be aggravated, want to sleep, Jiang Lao originally had the idea of going to the hospital for physical examination, and after listening to Qian Lao's words, he was more determined to go to the hospital for physical examination.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor conducted a full physical examination of Jiang Lao, measured blood pressure many times at about 150/88mmHg, the doctor finally diagnosed Jiang Lao as hypertension; blood lipids, blood sugar and blood tests were no problems, the doctor told Jiang Lao that this was dizziness caused by high blood pressure, you have to take antihypertensive drugs, the doctor prescribed nifedipine extended-release tablets and captopril two antihypertensive drugs for Jiang Lao.

Elder Jiang felt that high blood pressure should not make him want to sleep, will it be a brain problem, Elder Jiang thought about it and asked the doctor: "Doctor, can I do a whole body MRI?" I feel like I'm going to check a lot of problems, and I feel that MRI is pretty useful. ”

Why not recommend "MRI"?
The doctor shook his head and clearly told Jiang Lao that wanting to sleep is a normal phenomenon of the elderly, because the age is getting older, so the sleep time required is longer, and now it is February, spring sleepiness and autumn fatigue is also a very normal phenomenon, and then told Jiang Lao that there is no need for MRI, and MRI is not the first choice of Jiang Lao, MRI can not scan the whole body at one time, according to the different examination sites, the examination method of MRI is not consistent.
Why not recommend "MRI"?

Elder Jiang gave up the idea of doing MRI under the patient persuasion of the doctor, the doctor prescribed a blood pressure drop drug to Elder Jiang after taking it home for a week, not only was the blood pressure significantly controlled, each measurement of blood pressure was maintained at about 138/85mmHg, the feeling of dizziness basically disappeared, Elder Jiang felt very surprised, sighed: "Still have to listen to the doctor!" You can't blindly think that the inspection method that is suitable for others must be suitable for you. ”

Through the experience of Elder Jiang, everyone must be very curious about "nuclear magnetic resonance", why not recommend that you do "nuclear magnetic resonance", this article tells the truth. Let's first understand the definition and role of "nuclear magnetic resonance", and slowly give you popular science.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

1. What is the "MRI" examination?

"MRI" examination is a relatively high-resolution test technology that can detect many diseases that are "invisible" to the naked eye.

"MrI" inspection is a kind of testing technique based on the principle of magnetic field, generally in the examination room this special magnetic field with radio frequency pulse process, and finally through the electronic computer can know all the information that constitutes the atomic nucleus of the object that originally needs to be detected, in order to draw the internal structure of the object image.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

Then the above are just principles, "mrioris" examination is also known as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), now the medical application is also more extensive, especially for the problem of joints and other motor tissues, the role of mriori imaging is a very common means, as well as early tumors, like Jiang Lao's friend Qian Lao had a stroke, but also through the mriori to identify ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke, after the identification of doctors can design treatment plans according to this, Let's take a look at how MRI is used in the clinic.

First, a common means of diagnosing common diseases of the knee joint

As mentioned above, MRI has a relatively high sensitivity to patients with problems with motor tissues, looking at the joints of the whole body, the knee joint is the largest pair of joints in the human body, and the human body itself sits down every day, and even walks and lies down to use a flexion joint, so the risk of injury to the knee joint is relatively high in the case of extremely high frequency of use;

Compared with the more traditional examination methods such as articular angiography, MRI is indeed a more comprehensive means, especially in the diagnosis of meniscus, synovial and other lesions, the accuracy of MRI imaging is still relatively high.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

Second, the means of diagnosing early tumors

Many diseases of the brain, including sudden mortality rates such as cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage, can be detected by using contrast agents like gadolinium ions in mriori resonance imaging, and also play a role in the early detection of breast cancer, because its imaging image is relatively clear, can clearly distinguish the diseased cancer tissue, so it plays a relatively large role in the field of diagnosing early tumors.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

After a brief understanding of what MRI does and what it is used for, let's tell you why it is not recommended to use MRI, in fact, it is discussed in different cases, we cannot deny its advantages, but the disadvantages of MRI can not be ignored.

Second, why is it not recommended to do "nuclear magnetic resonance"?

Why not recommend "MRI"?

It is not recommended to do MRI, to borrow a sentence from philosophy: "specific analysis of specific problems", in fact, it is very reasonable, and now we start from three wrong points of view to talk about the reasons why it is not recommended to do "MRI".

One is to think that "nuclear magnetic resonance" is omnipotent and can detect all diseases.

The second is to think that "nuclear magnetic resonance" is a simple scan of the whole body and will not cause any harm to the body.

The third is to think that "nuclear magnetic resonance" can be done by all people.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

"MRI" can detect the idea that all diseases are wrong. Take The experience of Elder Jiang as an example, Elder Jiang is actually dizzy due to high blood pressure, only need to prescribe the right medicine, but Elder Jiang listened to the view of his friend Qian Lao's "MRI is very useful", And Elder Jiang's understanding of MRI has deviated, mistakenly thinking that MRI is a conventional physical examination method, and MRI can check all diseases in the body.

This statement is not correct, like clinical patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the emergency department, the general routine is to take a chest X-ray, will not be taken at the beginning of the MRI, if the test results are in doubt will do CT examination, and CT examination for the general more common lung infections and other conditions can be displayed, while the speed of CT will be better than MRI, so MRI is not suitable for all diseases.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

The idea that "MRI" is simply scanning the whole body and does not cause harm to the body is wrong. Jiang Lao's cognition is also not enough about "nuclear magnetic resonance", so he will put forward the requirements of the whole body "nuclear magnetic resonance" examination, "nuclear magnetic resonance" is not a simple scanning of the whole body, but a local instrument, the doctor needs to know which part of the lesion occurs, will require the laboratory department to do a part of the "nuclear magnetic resonance", and each time this part of the time required in about twenty to thirty minutes, does not include the time required to enhance the scanning, that is to say, "nuclear magnetic resonance" There is no such thing as a full body examination.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

The statement that "MRI" does not cause harm to the body is not entirely true. Although this examination is to form a magnetic resonance image through hydrogen nuclei and magnetic fields, the amount of radiation to the human body is relatively small, but if the human body wears metal appliances or there are metal bone nails in the human body, it will have potential harm to the human body, so "nuclear magnetic resonance" will not cause harm to the body and is not entirely correct.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

The idea that "MRI" can be done by all is wrong. Everyone is not necessarily an individual, like pregnant women are equivalent to two people or several people, "MRI" test pregnant women are best not to do, so as not to affect the fetus.

There are also above mentioned in the body or outside the body carrying metal, such as pacemakers, there are metal porcelain crowns in the mouth and so on crowd is not recommended to do "MRI"; finally, is in the unconscious situation of critically ill patients do not do "MRI", because the scanning time is a little long, if the patient in the examination room coma will be very dangerous.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

After correcting the above three wrong views, everyone should have a more in-depth understanding of "nuclear magnetic resonance", so there are some precautions to know about "nuclear magnetic resonance", and the following will take you to understand.

Third, the precautions for "nuclear magnetic resonance"

Why not recommend "MRI"?

The general precautions are divided into three aspects, on the one hand, to make physical and psychological preparations, the second aspect is the cost problem, and the third aspect is to cooperate with the doctor's work, which is indispensable.

Be physically and mentally prepared. Metal jewelry on the body to be taken off all, if there are metal products in the body also need to inform the doctor, the doctor will judge the treatment, if the abdomen needs to be fasting, before the examination to maintain an empty stomach, relaxed mood is also very important, to maintain a good attitude to face.

Why not recommend "MRI"?

Cost issues. On the nuclear magnetic resonance in fact, the cost of the problem has always been a relatively common problem, generally may need to be hundreds of larger or even higher, for ordinary migrant workers the cost will be more expensive, but some hospitals will have up to 70% of the medical insurance reimbursement, but the proportion of medical insurance reimbursement in different hospitals is also inconsistent.

Work with doctors. This aspect requires that patients must not hide their medical history, if there is a psychological disease, such as claustrophobia and other situations need to be explained to the doctor in advance, because if the mental illness is not cured, do "MRI" injury or their own body and mind.

The above are a few precautions that need to be paid attention to, and we must not choose to do "nuclear magnetic resonance" in the "minefield".

4. Summary

Why not recommend "MRI"?

Whether you need to do "MRI" is not your own decision, but need to go to the regular hospital for examination, if you meet the standards of doctors to do "MRI", doctors will naturally arrange this examination item, like Jiang Lao proposed that doing MRI is a less appropriate move, can not blindly "be a doctor", when the patient comes to the hospital, you need to listen to the doctor's arrangement, can not be reversed.

Some people who do not meet the requirements of "nuclear magnetic resonance" should also be vigilant, "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, biasing towards the tiger mountain line" is a very wrong decision, for their own health, they also need to follow the taboos and requirements of "nuclear magnetic resonance".