
Mulberries are on the market, strawberries, cherries prices are chopped... "Foodies" hurry up and taste the early!

author:Shanghai Huangpu

Strawberries are delicate and juicy,

It is the favorite of many citizens,

But before the price of forty or fifty yuan a catty,

Let many people directly call "love can not afford".


As the weather warms up,

Mulberries began to be listed,

And strawberries, cherries and other fruits

With abundant supply,

Prices have fallen sharply.

Mulberries are on the market, strawberries, cherries prices are chopped... "Foodies" hurry up and taste the early!

At some fruit stalls in Huangpu District, the reporter saw many citizens who came to purchase. According to the stall owner, at present, two kilograms of cherry seeds are only 50 yuan, and Qingpu strawberries are 20 to 25 yuan per kilogram.

Mulberries are on the market, strawberries, cherries prices are chopped... "Foodies" hurry up and taste the early!
Mulberries are on the market, strawberries, cherries prices are chopped... "Foodies" hurry up and taste the early!

At the fruit stalls, the newly listed mulberries are particularly attractive and the fruits are huge. It has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying blood, moisturizing the intestines, and has a certain effect on dizziness and tinnitus, internal heat and thirst, dry bowel constipation, etc., and is also loved by many citizens.

Mr. Chen, who is purchasing on the spot, is very familiar with mulberries, he told reporters that it is the season when mulberries are listed, and the selection of mulberries should be viewed from the appearance, purple hair is the best, and the price of 15 yuan a pound is also very affordable.

Mulberries are on the market, strawberries, cherries prices are chopped... "Foodies" hurry up and taste the early!
Mulberries are on the market, strawberries, cherries prices are chopped... "Foodies" hurry up and taste the early!
Mulberries are on the market, strawberries, cherries prices are chopped... "Foodies" hurry up and taste the early!

Industry insiders told reporters that with seasonal changes and rising temperatures, more and more spring fruits will gradually enrich the market, and soon, spring and summer fruits such as watermelons will also be listed.