
The combination of appearance and talent, content quality is the cornerstone of the development of the live broadcasting industry

author:IT frontiers

As one of the main areas of the pan-entertainment industry, after more than ten years of development, online live broadcasting has suddenly become an investment outlet, and has gradually entered a stable stage in the past two years, and the market scale has been expanding and evolving into different operating models.

According to data from iiMedia Research, the scale of online live broadcast users in China has maintained steady growth, with the user scale exceeding the 600 million mark in 2021 and expected to reach 660 million people in 2022. Factors such as the support and supervision of national policies and the gradual improvement of the industrial chain have become an important driving force for the development of the online live broadcasting industry.

The combination of appearance and talent, content quality is the cornerstone of the development of the live broadcasting industry

The combination of appearance and talent, content quality is the cornerstone of the development of the live broadcasting industry

The appearance and talent of the anchor are related to the perception and richness of the online live broadcast platform, which affects the quality of the live broadcast content. Content quality is the cornerstone of platform operation, but live broadcasts with a single content are easy to feel boring. With the development of the industry and the upgrading of consumption, users have more diversified demands. Therefore, high-quality live broadcast content and a comfortable viewing experience can attract more users to stay in the live broadcast room. Major live broadcasting platforms have made efforts in live broadcast tools, live effects, live broadcast themes, etc., and tried to attract the attention of "capital" and "traffic".

Since its establishment in 2014, the KK live broadcasting platform has exceeded 150 million registered users, more than 200,000 registered anchors, and more than 600 cooperative economic companies. The platform uses video, voice, chat room and other methods to take the appearance and talent of the anchor as the basic entry point, transmit positive energy content, form a relatively perfect live broadcast ecological chain, and continuously extend to the fields of life, games, culture and other fields, open up new social windows with live broadcasting, and create diversified social scenes.

The combination of appearance and talent, content quality is the cornerstone of the development of the live broadcasting industry

Technology empowers the innovation of live broadcast mode, and enterprises rush to break into the meta-universe track

New technologies and concepts have become an important factor in promoting the innovation and development of online live broadcasting enterprises. 5G technology has made it possible to broadcast with zero latency, and the rise of the metacosm has driven the development of advanced technologies such as virtual reality.

The latest "2021 China Online Live Broadcasting Industry Development Research Report" released by Ai Media Consulting pointed out that online live broadcasting relies on new technological innovations such as VR, AR, and MR to launch different types of live broadcasting methods. Among them, VR technology makes the live broadcast screen present a 3D stereoscopic effect; AR technology integrates virtual things with real live broadcasts; MR technology can present the unreal scene as a whole on the live broadcast site.

The combination of appearance and talent, content quality is the cornerstone of the development of the live broadcasting industry

On March 2, Liu Qiong, chairman of Milostar Group, announced at the group's 10th anniversary online celebration that KK Live officially launched the meta-universe pan-entertainment live broadcast social application software that supports VR glasses - "KKVR", which is also the latest attempt at KK live broadcast layout meta-universe track. It is understood that adhering to the strong pan-entertainment social gene of KK live broadcasting, KKVR will take "content + social" as the core, innovate the viewing and interaction mode of live broadcasting, and create an exclusive meta-universe social space for users.