
"The Best of Innocence" tells the story of a manslaughter who fell into a dark web of conspiracy and murder. Just as he was finding love and freedom, a phone rang and the nightmare of the past came after him again. No

author:Mr. Bo watches the film

"The Best of Innocence" tells the story of a manslaughter who fell into a dark web of conspiracy and murder. Just as he was finding love and freedom, a phone rang and the nightmare of the past came after him again. Worthy of Harlan Coburn's novel, the collection is fascinating, and this 8-episode mini-series is worth watching in one breath. Revenge is a great motivation that can drive people to carefully plan, slowly lay out, and complete step by step. And the so-called perpetrators are not only murderers and arsonists, those who are highly powerful, rich and powerful, but tireless in destroying people, torturing the body and mind are the most hateful villains. Don't think that only people at the bottom of society commit adultery, and that wolves in sheep's clothing are often the elites in society, because they have the means and methods to cover up their crimes. After watching this play, you will feel this deep impression even more.

"The Best of Innocence" tells the story of a manslaughter who fell into a dark web of conspiracy and murder. Just as he was finding love and freedom, a phone rang and the nightmare of the past came after him again. No
"The Best of Innocence" tells the story of a manslaughter who fell into a dark web of conspiracy and murder. Just as he was finding love and freedom, a phone rang and the nightmare of the past came after him again. No
"The Best of Innocence" tells the story of a manslaughter who fell into a dark web of conspiracy and murder. Just as he was finding love and freedom, a phone rang and the nightmare of the past came after him again. No