
The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored

author:Carrefour Agricultural Products Group
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Stinging is of great importance in farming.

"Spring thunder, all things grow." During the sting season, spring sprouts, and spring plowing begins.

Not long ago, the Central Committee issued document No. 1. After focusing on the three rural areas for 18 consecutive years, this year's No. 1 document still does not depart from the topic of the three rural areas, and puts grain production and the supply of important agricultural products in the first place.

Agriculture can never be relaxed.

The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored

Throughout the dynasties, agriculture has always been a top priority.

Social stability, population growth is a symbol of national strength, in an agrarian society, if you want to feed a large number of people, you must have enough food supply.

Food is the foundation of social stability, so the ancient rulers attached great importance to agricultural development. At the beginning of spring ploughing, a nongsang ceremony of "persuading the people to do so" is held.

This ritual begins during the Fuxi period. According to historical records, every year on the second day of the first month of February, Fuxi would lead the tribal leader to "ride the royal plough". There is a New Year painting called "Emperor Ploughing The Land" that is still circulating today, and the protagonist of the painting is the emperor who ploughs and rakes the field with his forehand, the emperor wears a crown and a dragon robe, surrounded by officials, and in the distance there are empresses who visit and deliver meals.

The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored

The emphasis on agriculture has naturally been passed down, but we realize the power of science and technology on agriculture, and the focus is no longer on the preparation ceremony before spring ploughing, we have strengthened the application of science and technology in agriculture, such as the upgrading of agricultural tools, meteorological technology to guide farming, and biotechnology to improve seeds, to achieve the purpose of increasing grain production and ensuring food supply.

In recent years, the status of grain as a strategic material has become more and more prominent.

On the one hand, extreme weather and natural disasters such as drought and locust plagues in recent years have reduced food production, and on the other hand, the epidemic has put the global food supply chain under great pressure. The United Nations has previously issued warnings about a food crisis, with the world on the brink of its worst food crisis in at least 50 years.

The situation is so grave that all countries cannot sit still. Some countries have raised tax rates and prices for food exports, and global food prices have been rising. In order to ensure domestic food supplies, some food-exporting countries have even restricted or banned food exports.

The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored

The recent Russian-Ukrainian conflict has exacerbated the problem of insufficient food supply.

Russia is the world's largest wheat exporter, Ukraine is the world's second largest exporter of cereals, and Russia and Ukraine can account for 30% of global wheat exports and 19% of corn exports. As a result of the war, the prices of wheat and corn have risen sharply, and many people are not optimistic about the future global food supply situation. Russia and Ukraine are also the world's most important fertilizer producers and exporters, and the impact of this war on the global food market will not dissipate in the short term.

The instability of food production and the global instability have proved to us that agriculture has always been the foundation of the country, and that the government's tensions about food security and the importance attached to agriculture are not unfounded.

The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored

With a population of 1.4 billion on the continent, food security is a big issue. Even though the grain harvest has been bumper year after year, the government has always maintained a sense of distress, insisted on having grain in its hands, and did not panic in its heart. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has regarded food security as the top priority in governing the country, whether it is the "14th Five-Year Plan for Promoting Agricultural and Rural Modernization" issued this year, or the No. 1 document, it has always implemented the new food security concept of "ensuring basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute security of rations".

In the face of the global food crisis, China is busy and not panicked. Externally, the Ministry of Communications of the Mainland has indicated that it is necessary to strengthen the overall scheduling of different modes of transportation, continuously expand the network of international logistics channels, improve the ability to provide service guarantees, and ensure the efficient and smooth transportation of important materials such as energy, grain, and minerals; internally, the provinces are grasping the season of shock, doing a good job in spring ploughing, grasping grain growth, and striving to increase grain production again.

At present, the mainland has sufficient grain stocks to ensure people's basic living needs, but the consumption structure of the people on the mainland is constantly upgrading, and there are still structural contradictions in grain supply and demand. This year's No. 1 document points out the direction of future work: stabilizing production, adjusting structure, and preserving cultivated land.

The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored

"The people are the foundation of the country, and the valley is the life of the people." General Secretary Xi Jinping once said that the basic position of agriculture cannot be ignored and weakened at any time. Chinese's grain autonomy cannot be lost, and the rice bowl must be firmly held in their own hands.

The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored

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The Central Document No. 1 has been in focus for 19 consecutive years, and this matter should not be ignored