
At the critical stage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian army was infighting, and the Ukrainian ace troops were destroyed by Zelenskiy's orders.


With the continuous deepening of the Russian special military operations in Ukraine, the war has entered the "tug-of-war" stage. But at this critical juncture, infighting broke out within the Ukrainian military.

According to the Global Times quoted Russian media reports, on March 4, local time, the Ukrainian military used the "Dot-U" tactical missile to bomb the "Azov Battalion" headquarters in Mariupol, resulting in the death of more than 20 "Azov Battalion" armed personnel. It should be known that this "Azov battalion" belonging to the Ukrainian National Guard has always been regarded as a "trump card" of the Ukrainian army.

At the critical stage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian army was infighting, and the Ukrainian ace troops were destroyed by Zelenskiy's orders.

The establishment of the "Azov Battalion" can be traced back to the outbreak of the East Ukrainian War in 2014. At that time, after the social unrest in Ukraine and the pro-Western Ukrainian government came to power, its policies caused serious dissatisfaction among the residents of the pro-Russian regions of eastern Ukraine, and the neo-Nazi group "Azov Battalion" with a serious tendency to violence was very much in line with the needs of the Ukrainian side to hire "thugs".

Since then, the Ukrainian government has hit it off with the "Azov Battalion", which has begun to emerge. During the war, the "Azov Battalion" repeatedly fought against pro-Russian forces and gradually became famous for killing innocents and torturing confessions in the war. In the course of the conquests, the "Azov Battalion" also became more and more "neo-Nazismized". The "Wolf Angel" logo used was one of the symbols used by the German SS in World War II.

However, because the "Azov Battalion" has superior combat strength, the Ukrainian government has also chosen to turn a blind eye to the crimes it has committed on the battlefield, but instead vigorously supports the development of the "Azov Battalion". The Ministry of the Interior of Ukraine has even issued a special decree to clear the way for the "Azov Battalion" to solve the problem of troop strength and establishment. As the "Azov Battalion" grew, even the United States and Canada participated, providing weapons and training for the "Azov Battalion" on many occasions.

At the critical stage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian army was infighting, and the Ukrainian ace troops were destroyed by Zelenskiy's orders.

However, such support cannot hide the crimes committed by the "Azov battalion". With the end of the War in East Ukraine, the ugly acts of the "Azov Battalion" were gradually dug up, and a series of acts such as creating "mass graves" and destroying the tombs of the Soviet Red Army martyrs were exposed. In fact, one of the main goals of the Russian side's pre-war demand for the "de-Nazification" of Ukraine was the destruction of the "Azov battalion".

After Russia launched a special military operation, the "Azov battalion" unsurprisingly once again showed the fangs of the "neo-Nazis". A series of ugly acts, such as firing at their own people and then trying to plant stolen Goods in Russia, openly posting discriminatory videos such as "smearing lard on bullets" on social media, taking Indian students hostage, and blocking cities to prohibit ordinary people from escaping from war zones, have completely aroused social indignation.

More importantly, as the fighting deepened, the "Azov Battalion" had a tendency to break away from the command of the Ukrainian military. Earlier, the Ukrainian army clashed with the "Azov battalion", which even opened fire on the Ukrainian military convoy directly at the checkpoint, which eventually resulted in the serious injury of the commander of the Tactical Army Group of the "Eastern" campaign in Ukraine. In this way, there was a scene of the Ukrainian army "cleaning up the portal".

At the critical stage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Ukrainian army was infighting, and the Ukrainian ace troops were destroyed by Zelenskiy's orders.

It is worth noting that the Ukrainian military used a tactical missile in this attack, which also marked the Ukrainian military's choice to completely break with the "Azov battalion". And directly against an "ace army" of more than 10,000 people, such an order is probably only zelenskiy qualified to issue.

Nowadays, the military and the "Azov battalion" have turned against each other, and at the moment when the war is tight, it is obviously another bad news for the Ukrainian side. It is only now that I remember that I have broken ties with the "Nazis", and it may be a little too late. With the further increase in combat pressure, it is difficult to say whether there will be infighting like this one within the Ukrainian army, and the overall cohesion of the Ukrainian army is falling sharply.

At the same time, for the Russian army, the collapse of an "Azov battalion" does not mean that the whole of Ukraine has achieved "de-Nazismization", and if "neo-Nazism" is not uprooted from Ukraine, the Russian army will not stop here.