
How did "Dancing Heavenly Girl" turn into an adult otaku?

{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"《舞法天女》是如何萌翻成年御宅族的?","en":"How did \"Dancing Heavenly Girl\" turn into an adult otaku?"},"description":{"content":"​​题图\/舞法天女本文由ACGx原创,转载请注明出处。并不是因为尬舞是的,那个曾经被众多网友按在地上花式摩擦的《舞法天女...","en":"Title Picture \/Dance Method Heavenly Girl This article is original by ACGx, please indicate the source when reprinting. It's not because of the awkward dance Yes, the \"Dance Heavenly Girl\" that was once pressed on the ground by many netizens and rubbed in a fancy way..."}},"items":[]}