
Gong Xiangyu Wu Mengjie swap positions! Cai Bin's bold attempt was the most helpless move!

Recently, netizens broke the news that Cai Bin, the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the second time, after Mei Chu's change that year, once again made a major offensive substitution attempt: let Gong Xiangyu transfer to the main offensive position, and the receiver let the young Jiangsu young player Wu Mengjie take the role.

Gong Xiangyu Wu Mengjie swap positions! Cai Bin's bold attempt was the most helpless move!

Gong Xiangyu

If it is true, this attempt is still very bold, let Gong Xiangyu and Li Yingying play diagonally, and the pick-up position is handed over to newcomer Wu Mengjie! Because the Chinese team plays the main offensive position to bear more adjustments, it also needs to receive six rounds of one pass, which is also a challenge for Gong Xiangyu, and Wu Mengjie does not need to bear too many passes in the No. 2 position, and whether the pure offensive ability can support the right wing is the point of view!

Cai Bin to create a strong response, the two main attacks must receive six rounds of a pass, only Li Yingying and Gong Xiangyu in the training camp in the international competition to take over 6 rounds of a pass, so let Gong Xiangyu change the main attack to follow 6 rounds of a pass, solve a pass, the next to see the receiving attack, the Received No. 2 strong attack strength must reach at least 60% of the Strength of the Persian Egnu No. 2 strong attack, and even if it is not good, there must be the strength of Kara Coulter to achieve good results!

Gong Xiangyu hit the small lord, that is to say, 6 rounds of a pass welding died, Wu Mengjie did not pick up, or only 1-3 rounds, fully liberated its attack power. The success rate of strong reception must be higher than 40%, and it is necessary to bear 1/3 of the offensive tasks, otherwise it is really unnecessary. From the perspective of leagues and international competitions, Gong Xiangyu has played the fourth position before and stood up for the ball, mainly because her second position has a really low ball rate and a pass defense is very good, so the main position is to see Wu Mengjie, if the No. 2 position attack is very reluctant to forget it, playing the fourth position is not mature yet!

Gong Xiangyu Wu Mengjie swap positions! Cai Bin's bold attempt was the most helpless move!

Wu Mengjie

The author believes that the biggest test of this change is still in Wu Mengjie: Wu Mengjie has outstanding physical condition, height is 1.91 meters, bounce outstanding 3.27 meters, the league performance, the offensive strength is still good, many balls have played a beautiful copy of the attack, known as the league's first newcomer, people are pinned on high hopes!

However, she was born as a secondary attacker, then changed to the main attack, and now it has become a receiver, so can the 234 position change and change? And even after three rounds and one pass, whether Wu Mengjie can play a high success rate in the second position is still a problem! Therefore, you can try the main attack to receive the substitution, test in the world league, the effect is not good and another way!

Gong Xiangyu Wu Mengjie swap positions! Cai Bin's bold attempt was the most helpless move!

Cai Bin

In fact, this is also the helpless move of head coach Cai Bin, at present, Zhu Ting Zhang Changning is injured, the main attack is only supported by Li Yingying, and Gong Xiangyu's offensive strength in the second position is average, how to fight against the international strong team? Therefore, Cai Bin guidance can only plan ahead, prepare for the worst, and engage in three-handed preparation!

If Zhu Ting Zhang Changning can come back, then Zhang Changning Li Yingying will attack, Zhu Ting will respond, and this will maximize the attack, and Zhu Zhanggong can change positions.

If Zhu Ting's recovery is not good, but Zhang Changning can come back, Xiaoyu still calls back to respond. Li Yingying Zhang Changning attacked, Gong Xiangyu responded!

If Zhu Ting Zhang Changning did not come back, Gong Xiangyu would have to fight the main attack, or the system could not be saved. The receiving position let Wu Mengjie play, and then there were Chen Peiyan, Du Qingqing and others as substitutes. This is also the most helpless way!

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