
On the tenth day of the war, Putin signed back

author:The cow plays the piano
On the tenth day of the war, Putin signed back

The war is in its tenth day, the fighting continues, and Putin is in action.

Yesterday's most breathless breath was the scramble for the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. Europe's largest nuclear power plant once caught fire nearby.

According to Ukrainian officials, the Russian offensive could trigger a catastrophe 10 times more serious than the Chernobyl nuclear leak. Ukrainian President Zelenskiy warned yesterday that once the nuclear power plant explodes, it will be "the end of all, the end of Europe".

The Council also met urgently to discuss. But the Russians then announced that they had taken control of the entire nuclear power plant, and that the fire at the plant was "planned by ukrainian sabotage organizations with the participation of foreign mercenaries."

This is war, all kinds of information is flying all over the place, and bullets can only be allowed to fly for a while. But according to the Russian Defense Ministry, since February 24, the Russian army has destroyed 1812 Ukrainian ground military installations, including:

65 Command and Communication Posts of the Ukrainian Army,

56 sets of S-300, beech M-1 and Wasp anti-aircraft missile systems,

59 radar stations;

49 ground aircraft,

13 air fighters,

635 tanks and other armored vehicles,

67 rocket launchers,

252 artillery and mortars,

442 special military vehicles,

54 drones...

This is the horror of the war, and there are no counts of the heavy casualties of soldiers on both sides, as well as the casualties of civilians who suffered.

But at the moment when the war entered its tenth day, an important move was made, and Putin signed back.

Note that the counterattack has always been there, this time a signed counterattack involving another battlefield.

On the tenth day of the war, Putin signed back

As an introduction, the most interesting news yesterday was that Coca-Cola was also boycotted by many Westerners.

Anyway, on Western social media, "boycottIng Coca-Cola" has been on the hot search, and some people have designed related posters, and Coca-Cola has turned into a bullet.

You know, Coca-Cola, in a sense, is the symbol of the United States.


It turned out that in the eyes of some Westerners, Coca-Cola was too unconscious to openly draw a line and stop all sales in Russia. You're not in business, you're selling the blood of your brothers?

In fact, it is under the influence of this Russian-hating sentiment that a large number of Western companies such as Boeing, IKEA, Volkswagen, BMW, BP, H&M, etc., have completely withdrawn from Russia, or blockaded Russia, trade blockade, platform blockade, chip blockade...

Even the Chelsea boss was forced to sell his beloved team, the yachts of the Russian rich were confiscated by the West, and even sanctions were imposed to suspend Dostoevsky's classes, ban Swan Lake Ballet, and even say no to Russian cats, and so on.

Even if you stay silent, that's not okay, you have to break with Russia.

On the tenth day of the war, Putin signed back

This should also be unexpected by Russia and Putin.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov sighed: "Russia is ready to be sanctioned, but it never expected that the sanctions will be aimed at athletes, journalists and cultural circles." ”

What about Russia?

On March 4, Putin signed an order to counter foreigners who violated Russian citizens.

According to the law, if the rights of Russian citizens are violated, then sorry, no matter which country you are, whether you have nationality or not, then Russia will seize all your assets, prohibit you from entering, prohibit you from operating.

I don't know if it's accurate or inaccurate, but according to the understanding of friends, didn't you in the West seize Russian assets? Then I'm sorry, you Western companies, Westerners' assets, we also freeze them all, you issued credit cards and mortgages, Russians also don't pay back. Don't forget, Russia is also a huge market, and you Have more interests in Western companies.

It is estimated that because of the sanctions against Russia, the direct loss of the West is about one trillion US dollars, plus various fines from Russia, which may exceed three trillion, and Russia's GDP in 2021 will not exceed two trillion US dollars ... The typical Western "800 kills, 1000 self-inflicted losses".

Putin said yesterday that Western sanctions have indeed caused damage to some cooperation projects, but they have not prevented Russia from achieving its goals, and in the long run, Russia can even benefit from these sanctions.

Meanwhile, deliberately disseminating false information about the Russian military, on Putin's orders, is punishable by a fine of up to 1.5 million rubles (about $12,000) or up to three years in prison. The maximum penalty for disinformation by the relevant institutions is 15 years' imprisonment. As a direct consequence, Western media such as CNN and the BBC have announced their withdrawal from Russia.

In this world, who is afraid of whom?

The horizontal one is afraid of the Len, and the Len is afraid of not dying.

Such a struggle may be more tragic than a battlefield fight. There is no doubt that the global financial markets will fluctuate violently, international oil prices will continue to rise, and worse, it is not excluded that it will spread to other areas.

So much so that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko warned that we should be aware of such sanctions – people say a lot about the banking sector, gas, oil, SWIFT. This is worse than war. Russia is being pushed towards World War III. We should be very careful to avoid it, because nuclear war is the end of everything ...

The New York Times revealed that some people in the White House are also worried that the speed of "avalanche" sanctions against Russia is faster than they think, and Russia is likely to launch a fierce counterattack when it is in deep trouble, resulting in the conflict spreading beyond Ukraine and even affecting the United States itself.

The United States must also carefully weigh the serious consequences of forcing a great power into a desperate situation.

So, for Zelenskiy recently lobbied the United States and NATO to set up a no-fly zone in Ukraine.

Reuters news reported yesterday that the NATO alliance — the United States, Britain and France are also nuclear powers — dashed hopes of ukraine's immediate help, though Kiev said it could turn the tide of the war.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made it clear: "We should not let NATO aircraft fly over Ukrainian airspace, nor should we let NATO forces fight on Ukrainian territory." ”

This is not a WAR OF NATO, NATO will not send troops, but it can send some weapons to fight you.

What about the result?

Russia cannot collect troops at this time, so it is not excluded that Ukraine will be beaten to pieces.

In a previous phone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, Putin warned that Russia would complete the special military operations task no matter what, and the Ukrainian side's attempt to delay the negotiations would only lead to the Russian side adding additional requirements in the negotiations.

You procrastinate, then I'm sorry, I'm more demanding.

Macron also seemed frustrated. He said That Russia's statement that it will carry out its military operations to the end has made him feel "pessimistic" about the prospects of the situation in Ukraine, and France will continue to increase sanctions against Russia.

On the tenth day of the war, Putin signed back

Finally, what do you think?

Not to say more, there are still overtime on the weekend, just two points of emotion, related to Ukraine, it seems to have nothing to do.

Sigh one, Wang Wenbin's three questions, good questions.

At yesterday's foreign ministry press conference, a reporter asked: According to reports, on the 3rd, an unnamed senior us official said that China continues to express concern about the situation in Ukraine, but is unwilling to condemn and sanction Russia like other countries, and has no intention of participating in any form of diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian issue. What is the Spokesperson's comment on this?

The mild-mannered and elegant Wang Wenbin was very rude, bitterly criticizing the US side for repeatedly spreading false information and using the Ukrainian issue to slander and smear China.

Then, there are his three questions in a row:

The US side should be honest: The United States claims that the purpose of promoting NATO's eastward expansion is to maintain peace. The United States claims to prevent war in Europe, has the United States done it? The United States claims to be committed to the peaceful settlement of the crisis, in addition to providing military assistance and increasing military deterrence, what has the United States done to promote peace?

These three questions are good questions.

America, you're honest: Did you do it? Why did the situation in Ukraine fall to such a point?

Sigh two, at that moment, it really made people break the defense.

Ukraine is rumbling in flames, Russia is not willing to give up, the United States and the West are transporting all kinds of weapons, what is China doing?

China is trying to persuade peace, refuting all kinds of Western rumors, and Chinese is still holding two sessions and Paralympic meetings.

At a time when the whole world is anxious, China's two sessions were held as scheduled, and the Beijing Paralympic Games made a wonderful start, fully demonstrating China's stability, peace, and self-confidence. Frankly, now, who in the world but China can do it?

Especially at the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games last night, the visually impaired athlete Li Duan, groping several times, wanted to insert the last torch into the snowflake platform, and the whole audience was cheering for him.

Where there is light in the heart, there is hope.

The feeling of peace, it's so nice.