
The 50-year-old parents wanted their son to honor 5,000 a month, and the son collapsed in tears: I earn 10,000 a month and rely on my parents-in-law to raise me


Shakespeare said that ugly sea monsters are not as terrible as ungrateful children.

Ungrateful children, although terrible, are also chilling. But parents who constantly suck up blood pressure and squeeze their children also make people feel powerless.

In this world, there are ungrateful children, and of course there will be parents who are constantly demanding. For these parents who are constantly demanding, their children are their own money-making tools and cash cows.

Children who refuse or rebel against their parents' demands will be regarded by their parents as "white-eyed wolves" and ungrateful. As everyone knows, people's hearts are all flesh, and no one's heart is cold enough to be caused by a moment and a half.

The 50-year-old parents wanted their son to honor 5,000 a month, and the son collapsed in tears: I earn 10,000 a month and rely on my parents-in-law to raise me

01, the family is not well- and the son eats the soft rice of his in-laws

Yang Yajun, 35 years old, did not expect that his family was not well-off, and because he married the only daughter-in-law in the city, he ate the soft rice of his in-laws from then on.

Although such a soft rice behavior is somewhat disgraceful, Yang Yajun has no other way. After all, he had an average family background, and when he first talked about marriage with his wife, he really couldn't afford to give his wife the dignity and confidence she should give.

Yang Yajun is just a poor boy who relies on his own efforts and is admitted from the countryside to a foreign university. His parents did not have a big career in their lives, even if Yang Yajun went to college, his parents could not pay his tuition and living expenses for the past four years.

If it were not for Yang Yajun's good academic performance, he could earn living expenses to support himself with student loans and work-study, perhaps he would have been forced to drop out of school long ago, there was no way to successfully finish college, and he was also favored by the wife of the only daughter in the city during college.

When Yang Yajun and his wife talked about marriage, the parents-in-law were very reasonable and said that they would prepare the wedding room, but the bride price was indispensable, the number was not limited, and how much was Yang Yajun and his parents' intention to marry their daughter.

The parents-in-law were so reasonable, and Yang Yajun couldn't lift his head in shame. He went back to discuss with his parents, hoping that his parents could help him make up 50,000 yuan, plus his own thrift and 50,000 borrowed from the east and west, and the 100,000 bride price was enough to make Yang Yajun look up in front of his parents-in-law.

But the parents said that all the family's savings had long been given to the eldest son to get married and buy a house. Now that they are old and have no savings, there is nothing they can do about the marriage of their youngest son. The eccentricity of his parents disappointed Yang Yajun. In the end, he opened his face and finally gathered a dowry of 100,000 yuan, which successfully married his wife.

The 50-year-old parents wanted their son to honor 5,000 a month, and the son collapsed in tears: I earn 10,000 a month and rely on my parents-in-law to raise me

02, 50-year-old parents require their son to honor 5,000 per month

After getting married, with the help and subsidies of their in-laws, Yang Yajun and his wife finally slowly lived a stable life and had their own children. But when his wife gave birth, his parents-in-law had not yet retired, and Yang Yajun hoped that his parents, who had not worked in his hometown, could come to help serve his wife's confinement.

But the parents refused, saying that they were not in good health, and they still needed to help their brother-in-law with the children, and the daughter-in-law's confinement, let her mother-in-law's parents come to serve. Yang Yajun called many times to plead, his parents did not come, and finally, Yang Yajun had to invite his sister-in-law to come to the house to take care of it, which slowly survived.

Since then, the wife has had more opinions about Yang Yajun's parents. Yang Yajun naturally did not dare to defend his parents, and even he was very cold. Because from childhood to adulthood, although he was filial and filial, but his mouth was wooden, his parents naturally ignored all his needs, and only gave all the best to his brother who would please his parents.

Yang Yajun thought that his parents did not care about themselves, and single-mindedly helped their brother-in-law with their children, so the parents' pension naturally did not need him to bother. But who knows, after learning that Yang Yajun bought a house and a car, the 50-year-old parents opened their mouths and asked the capable young son to honor his parents for 5,000 yuan per month.

As children, we should indeed honor our parents. But parents should also understand the hardships and difficulties of their children, 5,000 yuan, not much. But for Yang Yajun, who has a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan is not a lot. Because the parents were reluctant to come with the children, the wife had to resign to take the children at home, and there was no income for a long time.

The 50-year-old parents wanted their son to honor 5,000 a month, and the son collapsed in tears: I earn 10,000 a month and rely on my parents-in-law to raise me

03, son: I earn 10,000 a month, and I still rely on my parents-in-law to raise me

When Yang Yajun bought the car, he borrowed 50,000 yuan from his parents-in-law. Even if the parents-in-law do not urge, Yang Yajun has to take the initiative to repay 3,000 yuan per month. There are also 40 million mortgages and the cost of raising children, and he has ten thousand yuan, which is not enough to spend.

If it were not for the fact that his parents-in-law had paid for them to help them over the years, perhaps Yang Yajun and his wife's life would have been even more stretched. Now the parents only ask him if he needs help with the children, but also ask him if the economic pressure is not great, as soon as he opens his mouth, he will walk 5,000 yuan, which makes Yang Yajun feel bad.

Yang Yajun told his parents about his difficulties, hoping that his parents could understand it, and when his life was better in the future, he would honor his parents well. But the parents did not forgive, insisting that Yang Yajun had married his daughter-in-law and forgotten his mother, and did not care about the death or death of his parents. He also said that if they had not lived with their eldest son, they might have grown old and had no one to support.

The cries of his parents seemed so ridiculous and pale to Yang Yajun. It is not so much that parents rely on brothers and sisters-in-law to support them, but rather that brothers and sisters-in-law rely on parents to support their children. Because, every time Yang Yajun's money to honor his parents, his parents secretly pasted it to his brother-in-law, to a large extent, it was Yang Yajun who helped his parents raise their son's family.

Yang Yajun disagreed, saying that I earn 10,000 yuan a month, and I still rely on my parents-in-law to raise you, what do I take to support you? Since you have already given all your family property to your brothers and sisters-in-law, then you should find them for the elderly.

Yang Yajun ruthlessly refused his parents' request, but his heart has always been uncomfortable. Moreover, his parents also called every three to five to ask for money, and if they did not want money, they scolded him for being a white-eyed wolf and ungrateful, and Bai gave his in-laws to raise their son.

Hearing these words from his parents, Yang Yajun was very cold and hurt. But he didn't want to compromise again, because if he compromised once, his parents would have to ask for a second time. The ambition and greed of parents are also habitual to a certain extent by their children.

Today's Topic:

Do you think that when a son marries a daughter-in-law, he will really forget his parents?

Half-summer commentary: Dissect the emotions of marriage, teach you to read the human nature of the human heart!