
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered its tenth day and the exchange of fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant attracted attention

The war reports of both sides were updated again

On March 4, the Russian Ministry of Defense continued to issue a briefing, which stated that as of the time of the briefing, the Russian armed forces had destroyed 1,812 military targets in Ukraine, of which 65 command posts and communication centers, including S-300, beech M1 and Wasp, including 56 anti-aircraft missile systems and 59 radar stations; 49 and 13 aircraft, 635 tanks and armored vehicles, 67 multiple rocket launchers, 52 artillery and mortars and 53 drones, etc.

According to Russian media reports, Russian President Putin signed a decree on the 3rd to posthumously award the "Hero of the Russian Federation" medal to The Airborne Captain Gaji Magomeidov, and Gajmagomydov, who was born in Dagestan, "continued to fight after being wounded, and when he was surrounded, he pulled a grenade and died with the enemy."

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered its tenth day and the exchange of fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant attracted attention

Gajmagomydov Source: Russian Ministry of Defense

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine also updated its war report of the day accordingly, claiming to eliminate 9166 Russian troops, 33 aircraft, 37 helicopters, 251 tanks, 939 armored vehicles, 18 sets of air defense systems, 50 sets of rocket artillery systems, 404 other vehicles and 60 sets of fuel tankers, 105 artillery pieces, and so on.

An exchange of fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant caused no critical damage

In the early morning of the 4th, some media reported that there was an exchange of fire and a fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which turned out to be a training building close to the nuclear power plant. The Russian Defense Ministry said that in the early morning of March 4, a patrol team was attacked by Ukrainian forces while patrolling a protected area near the nuclear power plant, and the Russian patrol used light weapons to suppress the attackers in the building, and the attackers set fire to the building as they left, while the Ukrainian side blamed the Fire caused by Russian artillery shelling. After the fire was extinguished, the Ukrainian side informed the International Atomic Energy Organization that there was no change in the radiation data near the power station.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered its tenth day and the exchange of fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant attracted attention

The location of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is indicated

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered its tenth day and the exchange of fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant attracted attention

Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (infographic)

The battle situation is still glued

The Russian Defense Ministry said that with the support of the Russian army, the armed forces of the "Donetsk People's Republic" continued to compress the encirclement around Mariupol, and the Russian troops adjacent to them also controlled several settlements. According to Russia Today, the armed forces of the "Luhansk People's Republic" met with the Russian army at Novo Aydar.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense claimed that the Ukrainian army recaptured the Kurbakino airport in Nikolaev.

Key urban areas such as Kharkiv and Mariupol are still not changing hands. Although the Russian convoy is still on the outskirts of Kiev, the Russian troops have not carried out large-scale operations on the kiev urban area, and the overall situation has not changed much.

Tension from outside the battlefield

Reactions from the outside continued, according to Reuters, at a video conference of G7 foreign ministers on Friday, the parties initially agreed that if Russia did not stop its military operations in Ukraine, the Group of Seven would impose "further severe sanctions" on Russia. Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshihide Hayashi said, "The attack on the [Zaporozhye] nuclear power plant is absolutely unacceptable to Japan, which has experienced the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident." ”

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered its tenth day and the exchange of fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant attracted attention

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi Image source: Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Russian Space Agency canceled the "Soyuz" -2.1B rocket launch mission originally scheduled for Baikonur on the 4th, which was originally scheduled to carry 36 satellites of the British company Oneweb, because the British side could not promise the Russian side that the satellite "will not be used for military purposes against Russia", and the rocket has been withdrawn from the launch station and returned to the assembly plant. Rogozin, general manager of the Russian State Space Corporation, posted several pictures on Twitter on the same day, showing that the staff of the Baikonur launch site also painted a "V" pattern similar to the Russian military in Ukraine on the relevant transfer vehicle of the "Soyuz" rocket in order to express support for the Russian military operation.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered its tenth day and the exchange of fire near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant attracted attention

Baikonur launch site crews painted a "V" logo on the rocket's operating vehicle

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